The doctor is a six member anthropologist/diplomat from Unity station
3. The unity is relatively young, just 4 years old in its current form,
although it is based on a partial around 8 years old.
Eduardo and Miranda were the first members, a husband/wife pair that
immigrated to Unity around 15 years ago. They were originally part of
the Landfall embassy (Eduardo as a diplomat, Miranda as a social scientist),
but became fascinated by Unity society and decided to join. They essentially
switched sides, something that didn’t endear them to the Landfall Foreign
Office. After lengthy training they formed a partial group mind. It was
during this time the first interstellar contacts occurred, and Eduardo/Miranda
joined the other Unity diplomats in making contact with other societies.
During this period they worked closely with some other non-aligned diplomats,
and eventually the four others joined. Jörg was an ex-Landfallian
neurotechnologist, while Li, Ralf and Marie were native Unity-born. The
six member unity turned out to be a skilled diplomat and anthropologist,
even if the internal structure was a bit shaky.
It was at Adobe where the unity proved itself and "popped".
During an intense meeting with the Mothers of the Radical Unificationalists
they achieved group-satori and managed to negotiate a very favourable
information exchange deal right in front of the competition. In fact,
the unity impressed even the Mothers, who over a span of weeks introduced
it to the Linker ideology. The unity didn’t completely buy the idea, being
naturally sceptical, but took the chance for further contact and information
exchange the Linkers offered. Since then the doctor has acted as liaison
between Unity and the Mothers, promoting certain Linker ideas and gathered
useful information.
It was the Li that really convinced the doctor that the Linkers were
on to something. Fascinated, the unity studied the results and immediately
saw the implications for Unity. With the Li, not only could unities be
strengthened, but it might even be a step towards an Omega society.
Structurally, this unity is somewhat shaky, the members usually are not
united other than as a telepathic connection. However, when it is really
needed or the situation is critical, then it is able to unify quite well.
Eduardo and Miranda are usually in dense communion, while Li, Ralf and
Marie tends to be more closely linked with technology. The unity is driven
by a will to discover and understand other cultures, mostly because it
interests the members or because it might help Unity (Jörg and Li’s
motivation). Eduardo and Li contribute with enthusiasm and a certain wry
sense of humor, while Miranda contributes practical optimism. Ralf is
the practical doer. Jörg has a slightly religious bent (he really
believes in the Unity ideals), which while creating some internal friction
also helps the unity to stay on track. Marie is fairly neutral, mainly
acting as a mediator. There is an undercurrent of egoism and unscrupulousness
in the group which it carefully ignores.
The members are
Eduardo: A skilled diplomat, supplementing his own personality skills
with his wife’s.
Miranda: Expert in the social science of group organisms. Wife of Eduardo.
Jörg: Neurotechnologist, responsible for the informational and
neural function of the unity.
Li: Xenobiologist.
Marie: Diplomat, somewhat lacking in personal drive but excellent at
Ralf: Linguist
The unity has plenty of quirks, like most unities (the combination of
individuals tend to amplify certain random characters). In this case there
is both an addiction to complex virtual reality games (both abstract and
hyperreal) which the different individuals play simultaneously, and a
tendency to quote obscure mythological references from a variety of cultures.
The relatively mixed food, clothing and art preferences of the individuals
produce the potential for complex aesthetic games. Overall, like many
other unities, it enjoys multiplexing and looking at things from many
points of views at once.