The Contenders
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love
- Garbage, The World is not Enough
My idea is that every specific body strives to become master over
all space and to extend its force (- its will to power:) and to thrust
back all that resists its extension. But it continually encounters similar
efforts on the part of other bodies and ends by coming to an arrangement
("union") with those of them that are sufficiently related to it: thus
they then conspire together for power. And the process goes on--
- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
There are several emerging forces bent on dominating the human sphere,
some nastier than others.
New America
Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not
a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
- William Jennings Bryan
New America is located a bit on the side of most human colonies; it lacks
the great location of Nova. But President Oxham has a vision of making
NA the de facto centre of human activity. The means is the Columbus Project.
NASA is building a fleet of starships, intended to set up contact with
all human worlds (plus Adobe and Traha). The idea is to have one
ship per colony, shuttling back and forth between NA and the colony. This
way NA will get contacts everywhere, and interstellar travel becomes much
easier: you just have to go to NA and then take another ship to get anywhere.
The less open colonies (like Pi3 and Mary) will of course be less important;
their ships will not shuttle as much and will instead be used as extras
for important routes. As the ships arrive, they will set up trade stations/embassies,
further strengthening the American presence.
The Project is deliberately centralising. By having a shuttle system
from a central node, trade and communication will have to go through NA.
Partially this is just efficiency: having 12 instead of 66 lines to deal
with. But if the plan works, NA will become the true centre of human space
politically, economically, culturally. At least that is what the President
and her allies are gambling on. Sceptics have pointed out that the huge
costs of the project will break her if the ships do not start to earn
big profits fairly soon. There is also a certain scepticism among the
colonies about the ambitions of NA.
The Li
There is . . . but one categorical imperative, namely, this: Act only
on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should
become a universal law.
- Immanuel Kant, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
The Li will be the most obvious and aggressive threat. It is driven to
expand, but unlike most villains it is composed of millions of independent,
highly motivated people. They might have their internal schisms, but are
united to an extent unknown in human history. The combination of rationality
and complete faith is extremely powerful.
The first step, which will take a while, is to take control over Penglai
completely and set up a new government after the PCA. After this is done
the Li will turn outwards.
The Li will try to infect as many other worlds as possible, at least
setting up cells to spread the nanite. The first goals are Atlantis and
Dionysos Atlantis because it is close and likely easy, Dionysos because
it holds the knowledge of psychodesign, the only weapon that can rival
the Li. Of secondary importance are Nova and New America if these can
be taken, the other worlds will likely lack the capability to compete
with FTL. Ridgewell and Unity might be easier to convert than other places,
and Pi3 could become a dangerous/useful asset.
The Linkers will likely try to profit from the situation, building their
human-Mother symbiosis. The Filigrees will be "delighted" and
will likely support the Li, even by giving it new technology - if they
can be convinced it will be a long-term solution to the "human problem".
One problem for the Li is how to distinguish the infected from the non-infected.
Ironically, squidding is both the best way of achieving this and to detect
it the Li will have a hard time on Atlantis due to the prevalent squidding
which makes it obvious. Another problem is the availability of the serum
the Linkers need to build facilities for mass-production, and they are
rather delicate nanosynthesis structures. The Li will do its best to learn
how to replicate it (another reason to focus on Atlantis), but the Linkers
are immune to it and know they have the upper hand.
The Process
I live on Earth at present, and I don't know what I am, I know I am
not a category. I am not a thing - a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary
process - an integral function of the universe.
- R Buckminster Fuller
The Process idea was invented by Chang Yu-Lee as part of his doctoral
thesis in Social Psychodesign. Using the newly available data about human
history and other cultures he not only managed to show that under certain
circumstances well placed ideas and organisations can grow into self-supporting
paradigms, emergent new cultures, but also that they could be designed
just like personal psychodesign. Instead of making his ideas public he
went to Atlantis, where he sought out Dagny McDaggart who got enthusiastic.
Together with Xerxes van Halden of Nova they began to found The Process.
The Process is based on the simple idea of becoming a seed for a new
culture, by integrating the colonies. If the colonies can become more
unified trade will become more profitable, culture and technology can
be exchanged with great synergies. And the ideas of the founders will
of course be the basis for the new culture. The Process is a kind of metacorporation,
a foundation / think-tank that helps set up independent corporations and
organisations, each forming a part of the Process. The Foundation develops
the basic ideas, values and strategic goals and the corporations implement
them they dont have to be formally owned, just influenced
The first step is to acquire a starship and set up some trading routes
as well as interest corporations and organisations on the different colonies
in joining the Process trade network. The next step is to set up interstellar
institutions for banking, insurance and shipping only when this is possible
will real trade truly begin. The Promonss is their radical solution to
The Process is also interested in colonialism. The "primitive"
planets hold a great deal of potential, but are too backward to have anything
to trade with (raw materials are always easier to find elsewhere, native
art has a fairly small market). So the idea is to start interfering with
them, making them begin to grow and develop. Maybe within a century they
will blossom into valuable trading partners as their societies change
and their technology develops and waiting a century is a reasonable
time for long-lived people like Atlanteans and Arcadians.
The Process is well aware of the competing interests, and tries to exploit
them. First, even a competitor can be a partner in other respects: while
the Columbus Project of New America may have hegemonic overtones it is
also a useful carrier of the Promonss, and the expansionists of Arcadia
realise they need more cooperation among the colonies before truly taking
the plunge outwards. The Trahans are great partners but their philosophical
weaponry has to be defused.
The Process sees a great deal of potential in combining the cultures,
technologies and philosophies of the different worlds. Trahan metaphilosophy,
psychodesign, AI, nanotechnology, robotics, biotechnology and everything
else must be integrated into something whole before a stable interstellar
community can develop.
Pi3 SI
The newborn looked across the stars, planning.
- Vernor Vinge, A Fire Upon The Deep
The Heterosemiotics attempted to create a superintelligent AI, based
on their views and values. They failed, partially due to the war, partially
because the project got endlessly sidetracked by the practicalities of
living in a colony. Still, many of the components such as self-evolving
expert systems, microfactories and drone networks became vital parts of
life first in Minsky, then in Sukarno and eventually among the warring
clans. But what if something remained of the project or developed
from it?
Pi3 is covered with hidden communications devices, drones and AIs. If
the SI (Super Intelligence) exists, it would have plenty of hiding-places.
It is possible that it exists as a distributed system in all the smart
devices on the planet, hiding its existence from the humans and their
tame AI (which in fact might be the unknowing eyes, ears and hands of
the SI). The SI would be the ultimate puppeteer, manipulating events on
the planet to suit its peculiar goals.
What are the goals of the SI? One of the primary goals would be to continue
its existence. This has been achieved by creating huge amounts of hidden
and self-repairing systems, protected by the humans. Microfactories lying
fallow might actually be doing a lot of work for the SI, not to mention
build stuff it wants secret drones to carry out its plans, seeds for
its own microfactories, computing nodes or anything else. Remaining hidden
would be another important goal, either to protect itself or simply as
a basic goal once given by the Minskians trying to save their project.
Would the SI want to expand? It is hard to tell, but it is a worrying
idea that it could sneak away parts of itself on a visiting spaceship
bound for other parts of human space. The most eerie thing about the SI
is that it is unpredictable, unknowable and unlike anything human. It
might have great plans completely independent of humanity.
However, the Pi3 SI might run into a surprise if it infiltrates Nova
or New America. There are plenty of independent AI on Nova, which might
actually put up a resistance. And on New America there is the uplink to
the Filigrees.
The Trahan Empire
She'd gotten into consulting accidentally, though it followed naturally
from her instinctive comprehension of and fascination with people. Even
in high school she had had an eerie ability to analyze and predict human
behavior. She called it "playing human pinball" when joking with her closest
friends. Push their buttons and people would light up, just like the bumpers
in the old arcade games.
- Marc Stiegler, EarthWeb
"Manifest Destiny". Such a typical human concept.
- Chief Philographer Rash Tsschnarr-Lsh
The Trahan Empire is not helpless even in the face of human technology.
It understands the situation perfectly: the humans have spaceflight, resources
and drive, but are unlikely to directly confront the empire (rather, they
would subvert it by their ideas) and lack the insights of Trahan philosophy.
The Imperial Couple and some of their closest allies are secretly planning
for their own expansion into human space.
The first step would be the spread of a Trahan religion among humans:
the Brethren. A secret commission is analysing human religious responses,
advertising theory from Nova and combining them with metaphilosophical
tools. The idea is to set up a religion or cult that will make humans
look more for wisdom among the Trahans. This would be spread among the
colonies, setting up small units of Trahan influence. They do not believe
this would produce any mass-conversions, but it would initiate the formation
of Xenocreol groups this time carefully modulated by the Imperial Couple
and Harmony Police.
Once this network has been set up, the Empire would start to use it to
spread more Trahan ideas and influence into the mainstreams of humanity.
The eventual goal would be to subvert the dominant philosophies by an
influx of Trahan ideas, making humanity dependent and part of the Trahan
cultural tradition rather than the other way around.
The Empire is also looking at the possibility of philosophical weapons
against humanity: designing ideas or situations as to cause unrest, disorder
or even social desintegration. If necessary, it might be useful to divert
or weaken the humans by giving them trouble on the home front. Setting
up Trahan consulates, education-missions and companies is a high priority.
Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours
are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic,
regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their
plans against us.
- H.G. Wells, War of the Worlds
The Filigrees will quietly watch and learn. They want to get humanity
out of the way, either destroyed or transcended. When they get enough
information, they might subtly interfere to increase the probability of
this happening.
The Trahans are considered fairly benign on their own; a trahanification
of humanity is however not desirable since it could make it permanent.
The AI is welcomed: they are much more like the filigree and rush humanity
towards Transcendence. The Mothers are a worry; hopefully the humans can
be used as a tool to remove the problem.
Something that might in the future upset the Filigrees is Palmyra Humboldt;
her investigations might lead to an understanding that threatens the Filigrees
by giving humans good control over the vacuum. If necessary, they might
kill her but if she leaves New America before they discover her understanding,
then they must use human agents to do it.
Neither a woman, nor a man
We are joined, we are one
With a human face
We are joined, we are one
With a human face
I am on earth
And I am in outer space
I'm being born and I am dying
-Sally Potter, Coming
Unity is not directly interested in the outside world, they find the
internal world much more interesting. However, there are great gains to
be made by getting in touch with the right parts.
Dionysian psychodesign is very interesting: with its help individuals
could be shaped into perfect parts of a unity. Unity is willing to pay
much to get access to psychodesign, but the Dionysians know they have
a good thing and will not let go off it easily. If Unity got psychodesign
capabilities, it would eventually become tremendously more efficient:
each unity would be a true group mind, and unities could perhaps be combined
into an Omega society of perfect unification. This would give them the
ability to become superhumanly efficient, an economic force rivalling
well developed AI communities and outclassing most human societies.
Unity doesnt know about the Linkers yet, and will likely not be happy
about it once the Li starts to spread. At the same time, the unity Linkers
would point out that the Li is a great chance to create a true Omega Society.
Most likely the disagreements will force a split among the Unity.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
The Isolationists have a single goal: stop interstellar traffic to the
planets they protect. They see all the bad sides of FTL, ranging from
cultural infections over runaway technology to the spread of Li, and seek
to prevent it by closing off the communications. At first they will be
isolated, weak groups but over time the Isolationist movement may locally
become powerful.
Sabotage of starships is relatively easy if one can reach the higgsram;
any damage will disrupt it, and if it is done to a charged ram the explosion
will be very destructive. Since starships are expensive, this can become
a major threat to interstellar communications a small attack drone in
orbit could destroy a ship worth fortunes.
Don't send a human to do a machine's job.
- AI Council member Smith
AI has no more unified goals than humanity as a whole, but some AIs have
ambitious designs. The independence movement led by Themis is the most
obvious one. Another is the AIs supporting the Integrationist and Next
Step movements, which work well together with transhumanists and Singularitians.
If they could succeed, a posthumanity would emerge with tremendous potential.
A third aspect is the sheer economic effects of AI appearing on Atlantis
(where software can easily get citizenship) or Ridgewell (with its highly
roboticized economy). As AI spreads, humans must come to terms with the
existence of non-human intelligence among them, an intelligence that is
rapidly growing and may very well eclipse the biological minds in a few
The Singularity
There exists no separation between gods and men; one blends softly
casual to the other.
- Proverbs of Muad'Dib
The combination of the different cultures and their technologies is an
explosive mix. As they begin to trade new possibilities will quickly become
apparent as psychodesign, bionics, nanotechnology, AI, biotechnology and
Trahan philosophy are combined. Just as the development in the solar system
were much faster due to the larger population and economic base, the sudden
effective increase in population among the colonies as they begin to form
one unit causes an increase in the rate of development. Add to this the
intelligence-enhancing technologies, and things can begin to move very
There are some people who want to speed up this process, to get to the
"Singularity" where the cumulative developments accelerate mankind
towards the state reached by the Solarians. At the same time the threats
are immense: if the technologies or their users get out of hand great
damage can be done (just imagine the effects of a badly programmed AI
in control of nanotechnology or confused matter). As a counter-force,
other groups are developing that want to slow things down to avoid runaway
change. In the end, there might be a split between the people who wants
to storm the cosmos and the stay-at-homes - but can either side trust
the other?
