Dionysos (Psi 5 Aurigae II)
I've been searching for the truth behind
What the prophets have sealed
So exotic every faith I found
And beyond my ordeal
There's a very attractive appeal
I've been deep inside the human mind
- Vacuum, Pride in My Religion
We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment
properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever
gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and
possess through your own judgement and decision. The nature of all other
creatures is defined and restricted within laws which We have laid down;
you, by contrast, impeded by no such restrictions, may, by your own free
will, to whose custody We have assigned you, trace for yourself the lineaments
of your own nature. I have placed you at the very centre of the world,
so that from that vantage point you may with greater ease glance round
about you on all that the world contains. We have made you a creature
neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal, in order
that you may, as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion
yourself in the form you may prefer. It will be in your power to descend
to the lower, brutish forms of life; you will be able, through your own
decision, to rise again to the superior orders whose life is divine.
- Oration on the Dignity of Man, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
The Temple of Dionysos is the most famous example of
the renaissance architecture. Soaring, stepped walls covered with hanging
gardens; graceful pillars of ultracomposites refracting the light from
the water flowing through the temple, frescoes and mosaics depicting the
beauty and pleasure of nature and the central pleasuredome built by Jeremiah
Donaldson, at the same time light, huge and intimate. The fame is well
deserved. Still, the old videos of the celebrations here in the 2220’s
clearly show that these days the temple has become more of a tourist attraction
rather than a Dionysian temple. The orthodox Dionysians have moved back
to nature, celebrating their orgies in the traditional clearings while
leaving the Temple in the hands of the more Epicurean edenists.
- Jonathan Ellis-Khayama, Interstellar Diary
Jerusalem was colonised by the United Christian Association, an alliance
of several American Christian fundamentalist churches. During the 2040’s
the backlash after the failed Second Coming 2035 was making them proclaim
that the Earth was corrupt and doomed to have Satan run the place freely,
but the faithful could be saved by travelling to the new Jerusalem. The
UCA organised the mission, and launched Ave Deo in 2047. It arrived to
Psi 5 Aurigae in 2165, and they christened the second planet Jerusalem.
The Jerusalem colony quickly ran into trouble as different churches began
to quarrel. Dividing the main colony into several villages was not enough,
and in 2167 open violence resulted. The Ecumenical Council seized power,
persuading, cajoling or forcing everybody to accept their authority. The
Council instituted proctors to guard the colony and keep the faithful
safe. Gradually a theocratic society developed, where the Council ironed
out doctrinal differences. Strict punishments and group pressure were
used to keep everybody in line, and most people not just accepted this
but found it necessary.
It was the second generation that began the revolution. Various psychoactive
substances could be found in the crown ecologies of the Jacob trees, and
illicit use had been spreading despite strict punishments for discovery.
A few of the users began to celebrate what they regarded as Dionysian
rites in the secret clearings, and the practice spread. The Dionysian
movement worshipped life, the enjoyment of the world and throwing off
all restrictions of Jerusalem. As the proctors found out, they cracked
down on the pagans. But resistance grew, and more people joined the movement
(including many Christians, the edenists, who embraced the view that this
was Eden and intended to be enjoyed). As the situation developed, the
Dionysians armed themselves, began to sabotage Council operations, free
imprisoned members and generally act as a guerrilla. In 2199 push came
to shove, and after a violent attack against a demonstration for religious
freedom the Dionysians attacked the proctors and Council. After a fairly
bloodless coup they were in power, although the situation in the colony
was chaotic. They proclaimed religious and political freedom, and began
to dismantle the technological control apparatus of the Council. Many
of the hardcore fundamentalists retreated to the Sinai valley, where they
formed new communities that persist to this day. The central colony, now
renamed Dionysos became a stronghold for the hedonist movement.
The decades after the coup were the Dionysian renaissance. Art, pleasure,
technology and society advanced with leaps and bounds, optimism and creativity
flourished. The colony grew and changed, despite occasional conflicts
with the Sinai communities.
the original Dionysian movement began to loose its lustre. It became bogged
down in routine, addiction problems and forced enthusiasm. The young began
to strive for greater authenticity, and many took inspiration from the
various orthodox communities around them. An interest in mysticism and
psychology spread, and in the 2250s the basics of psychodesign were developed:
mental techniques combined with drugs and therapy allowing people to modify
their personalities, values and views at will. Not only that, the neuropsychology
of religious conversion and mystical insight was understood.
This discovery turned out to be surprisingly disruptive to the colony.
When values and personalities can be changed, what is certain? What to
base society on? While most of the Sinai communities ignored the situation,
among the young doubt crept in. Some Dionysians revelled in it, regarding
this as the total freedom. Others wanted to keep psychodesign within reasonable
limits; a society cannot work if people change personality too freely.
The early 2300’s were a time of confusion, conflicts and warring ambitions,
often called the "Big Mess". In the end things settled down.
The "tixotrophs", radicals who espoused free personality and
value modification remained, but as a small minority. The rest, including
many former orthodox, regarded psychodesign as useful and healthy, but
only when rationally considered. Social norms of how to handle self-transformation
evolved, and it became a natural part of life for most.
When contact with other colonies was achieved in 2345 Dionysos was revolutionised.
New technology, new ideas flooded in. The fundamentalist-censored archives
had forced researchers to make plausible deductions, but now they could
finally be checked against the real thing. In a flash millennia of terrestrial
culture, history and science became available. The Dionysians have overall
become enamoured with outsider cultures, and many speak of a second renaissance.
Since values, personality and even the body can be changed, the only
truly unique thing about a person is his experiences. Hence experiencing
new things is the key to true personal growth, the rest is just tools
for this experience. If somebody intrudes on somebody else’s experiences,
he limits or forces the other person – each person must be allowed freedom
to change his consciousness, but not to change other’s without their permission.
However, it is possible to trap oneself in a static state (e.g. by becoming
rigidly religious, trapped in bliss or psychosis) and for this the rule
must be changed. The "psych police" (an organisation directly
overseen by the colony council and independent from the ordinary police)
is allowed to modify other’s mental states without their consent, in order
to bring a trapped person to a state where he can think about his situation
in a flexible, rational way. While this works well in practice (the psych
police mainly help addictions, cases of erroneous psychodesign or self-reinforcing
memes), it leads to some problems when dealing with the fundamentalists:
are they to be modified so that they can come to understand the full image
of their religious views and lives, or should they be left alone? There
have been many debates over this, but the general consensus is that the
psych police should only deal with the citizens of Dionysos proper, trying
to convert everybody would become a never-ending crusade.

Modern Dionysian society is dominated by a mainstream with strong Dionysian-edenist
leanings; they are not actual believers but have a semi-religious appreciation
of life. Most people undergo gradual psychodesign to become "fully
themselves", generally rational, pleasant, social, stable people,
and quick changes to suit the situation. There are minorities of fundamentalist
Christians, orthodox naturalist Dionysians who dislike psychodesign and
the tixotrophs, most of which live in isolated communities. Mental techniques
are common, ranging from selfhypnotic modifications to building daimons,
semi-independent subpersonalities that can act in parallel with the main
person. People often change names to better suit their present selves,
and have nicknames others use when referring to them.
The Edenist Church is the largest Christian group on Dionysos. They have
combined the hedonistic/neopagan ideas of the early revolutionaries with
Christianity. The church is fairly informal, with congregations led by
local preachers and a bishop representing the church elected by the preachers
at an annual meeting.
The Orphic Society is the academic/professional
society for psychodesigners and related groups has a significant power.
It is among other things responsible for setting ethical standards for
psychodesign (a highly nontrivial process in a fluid society like Dionysos)
and educating new psychodesigners (most undergo first medical school or
basic psychology studies, followed by some years of psychodesign education
and practice). Over time it has accumulated many odd ceremonies, like
any other academic association.
Pan Interstellar is a newly formed interstellar trade and travel company,
owned by several other Dionysian organisations and companies as a joint
venture. It is trying to establish regular communications with Babylon,
passenger services and trade (especially for new drugs and experiences).

The Psych Police is an independent force not
dealing with crimes but with mental states. Their purpose is to prevent
people getting stuck in bad mental states, insanity and addiction. For
this reason they regularly audition all Dionysians, checking their state
and often placing them in a rational, objective mode of thinking where
they can evaluate their lives. The Psych Police consists of psychodesigners
and counsellors, but is strictly independent of the Orphic society.
The Desert Dancers is a movement of nature-mystics who have moved into
the remote northern deserts to commune with "God-nature". They
employ many traditional means of altering consciousness such as fasting,
meditation, prayer and exhausting dancing, eschewing all forms of psychodesign
except an "initiation" into the movement. This initiation has
made all memebers psychologically very similar, nearly mental clones of
each other.
The Tixotroph Fluid is the "organisation"
of the tixotrophs. They live in their own enclaves and settlements, where
they indulge in unrestricted psychodesign. Tixotrophs change so much and
so often that it is hard to speak of individuality among them; they are
somewhat isolated from the rest of society and not very trusted. The Fluid
is however an important source of uncontrolled psychodesign services (to
the irritation of the Orphic Society and Psych Police), as well as various
more bizarre entertainment.
The Jesurun are the remaining orthodox Christians
in the Sinai Valley. They are clannish, hostile to outsiders and generally
want to be left alone. The valley is a plain farming community, with a
few small factories and robot hives to sustain it; most of the time nothing
ever happens. Despite (or maybe due to) this, occasionally zealous young
men commit acts of sabotage or terrorism against the devil-worshipping
sinners outside their valley. In the community the preachers and Elders
are the power; preachers spread the holy word and act as supervisors,
while the Elders oversee the health of the entire community.
The Grail Keepers guard Grail Lake, a crater lake in the equatorial drylands
where iron oxide turns the water blood red. The lake is an oasis in the
desert, a perfect circle of crimson surrounded by lush vegetation. The
UCA colonists saw it as a sign, a symbol of Christ's blood, and built
a major chapel on the shore. Today the lake is still viewed as sacred
by the Dionysian religions, both Edenists, Dionysians (who see it as a
symbol of the lifegiving blood/wine of Dionysos) and even the Tixotrophs
(who see it as a symbol for the "human liquid" of changing identities).
This has led to several conflicts, as especially the Jesurun see it as
blasphemy to allow other groups access to the sacred water. Formed after
the Easter Attack in 2259, the Grail Keepers are an ecumenical order instituted
to guard and protect the lake, trying to negotiate access for everyone.
Some of the Edenists prefer total nudity, but
most Dionysians are clothed. Light, practical but ideally extravagant or
personal in some way, be it an expensive cut, feathers or producing some
fragrance. While drugged clothing was popular some years ago (and still
given to visitors for the fun effects) it is rather uncommon these days.
A skilled and sexual man. Positive term, the counterpart of Lilith.
("Adams and Lilithi" is the Dionysian version of "Ladies
and gentlemen")
Somebody with a haughty, arrogant or otherwise unpleasant personality.
Either very bad form, a Belial or a strong style statement.
The rest of the universe. Originally a negative term, today a positive
term among Dionysians.
Being horned
Being active, in control of oneself.
A daemon that has destructive effects on the owner.
Book of Life
One’s experiences.
To place somebody in the here-and-now, usually by drugs, sex or
pain, to remove abstract thinking.
Pleasantly smelling (but not narcotic) herbs and substances.
Death Forward
Changing so much that one becomes essentially a new person, loosing
whatever made the original person unique. Common among the Tixotrophs.
Demon, Daimon
Independent subpersonality
Intoxicated with drugs (not necessarily just alcohol)
When the landscape blooms. Widely celebrated (a bit like the Japanese
cherry blossom festival). Also used to denote when psychodesign,
the environment and a person "latches together" to create
fantastic performance.
The traditional linen clothing worn by psychodesigners and the
psych police. Used to denote signs of authority.
Eternal Joy
Traditional greeting among orthodox Dionysians and edenists, regarded
as old-fashioned by most people, who shorten it to enjoy ("Enjoy!
Great to see you – how is the fishing these days?").
A synthetic drug which induces an undirected feeling of gratitude
in the recipient; used in some Edenist eucharists.
Happy Harry
Somebody with a permanently cheerful and positive mood.
High Priest/Priestess
The leaders of Dionysian rites.
Common greeting
The Jesurun
The Sinaites’ formal name of themselves. Means the righteous people.
Stimulant extracted from certain saprophytes in the highest trees.
Aphrodisiac prepared from a variety of psychoactive substances.
Common gift in the form of small "apples" with sexual
A skilled and sexual woman. Positive term, the counterpart of Adam.
Milk and honey
Food and drugs, things that are not necessary for survival but
for a pleasant life.
Ones style of mind, like preferred personalities and values.
Local drug, extracted from the sap of some tree species. Used in
salves or smoked; the effects are not unlike terrestrial marijuana
or opium depending on the species.
Somebody who has devoted oneself completely to something. Originally
religious zealots, but also used for people who due to psychodesign
develop obsessive personalities. Slightly derogatory.
Formal term for psychodesigners, often shorted to Orf ("What’s
up, orf?")
When a demon becomes a dominant personality.
To either start with a new personality, or a very through and deep
Somebody changing personality and traits so often that they are
nearly fluid. Generally regarded as overwriting their Book of Life.
Population: 779,941. Life expectancy at birth:
112.1 Earth-years.
Shekels (3000 shekels is one talent, ½ shekel
is one beka and 1/20 shekel one Gear).
The day is 28 earth hours long, divided into
12 daylight and 12 night hours of variable length. The year is measured
in the Earth way. The year is 349.65 days long (1.12 Earth years), divided
into 12 29 day months and an extra "holy weekend".
A wine branch. The Edenists sometimes use a cross surrounded by a circle
of wines and grapes.
Dionysos orbits 1.09 AU from the star, with a year of 1.12 earth-years
or 349 Dionysos-day.
Dionysos has a 4473 kilometres satellite (named John the Baptist / Pan)
in a 700,000 kilometres orbit. There are 12 other planets in the system,
named after the evangelists / astrological signs. The sun is alternatively
called Christ or Eros.
Dionysos has a diameter of 11,291 kilometres and a density 1.1 times
earth. The gravity is 0.955 g, the day 28 hours long (generally handled
by a long siesta). The axial tilt is 31 degrees, making seasonal shifts
30% of the surface are water, major deserts, mountainous plateaus and
savannahs dominate the rest. In the northern deserts there are several
major craters and crater lakes from meteor impacts. There is significant
geological activity in some areas, such as the dramatic Backbone Range
separating the Orpheus and Silenius seas and the earthquake-prone Tigris
rift valley. Near the north pole the Northern Labyrinth spreads out, a
huge canyon field several thousand kilometres across. Most ocean lies
on the southern hemisphere in a series of linked seas surrounding the
continent Eden where most of the colony is located. The colony is located
on the eastern shores of Eden, where it meets the Bacchus sea (formerly
known as Genesaret), around 30 degrees south of the equator.
The temperature varies much between summer and winter due to the uneven
distribution of land and high axial tilt. During summers the colony experiences
persistent hot dry winds from the northern deserts; many go to sea islands
to escape the heat. In the winter moist southerlies bring rain to the
northern deserts and the blooms become even greater. Along canyons and
in other places where mountains or hills block them, the winds can become
tremendously fierce and form small storms remaining in place for weeks.
Especially famous are the Valley of the Jinn, a monumental valley where
a cliff produces a long series of dramatic dustdevils that dance along
the length of the valley for most of the late summer.
The linked southern seas stretch out to the north along the Tigris onto
the great northern plains. During the northern winter the Iceswamps freeze
and the Dry Sea dries out, becoming an immense salt desert. As the northern
summer arrives, the Iceswamps remain frozen and block the water from the
south seas from reaching the Dry Sea - until they break up and in a matter
of weeks the basin is flooded. This causes noticeable and irregular shifts
in sea level across Dionysos, as well as making the Tigris even more risky
to sail - in addition to earthquakes and persistent storms there are huge
bore waves during the icebreak season. The Tigris opens into the Uriel
Sea at Heaven's Gate, a place famous for the dramatic storms and tidal
waves than fight each other.
Life in the desert and mountain areas has evolved to be hardy, conserve
water and protect them against the sunlight. Most plants are spear-like
or bulbous, often covered with a resilient shell and glassy thorns. In
the fertile lowlands a profusion of plants grow, everything from a mossy-grass
analogue to the Jacob’s tree which can reach a hundred meters of height
and forms banyan-like complexes with each other. At regular intervals
the whole landscape blooms, commonly regarded as holidays for the Dionysians.
The forest ecosystems are very rich, although most of the life exists
in the treetops. Here saprophytes grow, many of which are psychoactive
in humans.
Most animals are four-limbed with tiny central bodies covered with featherlike
hair. They range from the microscopic to sizes up to the 30-meter behemoths
of the northern canyons. Flyers exist with flaps between the limbs, and
tree-dwelling social species ("angel monkeys") dominate the
lowland forests. Angel monkeys are social animals; blue, furry and very
curious, if territorial - if somebody approaches their nest they will
climb above the intruder in the trees and begin a bombardment of their
excretions or hurl various branches at them. Their intelligence is not
far from small terrestrial monkeys, but there are many stories that they
have behaved much smarter. Another famous but interesting animal is the
Tigris erupter, an unusual predator that hides beneath the water and jumps
into the air with long tentacles to catch flying prey.
