Gaia (Lambda Aurigae IV)
Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.
- Francis Bacon, Novum Organum
Do no dishonor to the earth lest you dishonor the spirit of man.
- Henry Beston, The Outermost House
"And the Pioneers left the dying world, bringing
their wisdom the technicals had scorned to Gaia. And Gaia accepted them,
for She saw that their hearts were ec. They cleansed themselves and locked
away the remnants of tox they had brought with them into the Vault, and
settled down to live a truly ec life. To preserve their wisdom they built
the libraries, describing everything they knew about the world and life
for coming generations. And so they joined the great cycle, having overcome
tox with ec". The Mother is a compelling storyteller, despite the
occasional sharp looks she sends me. Each time parts of the audience also
looks at me, seeing the weird technical from the worlds that somehow avoided
the ecocalypse. But she doesn’t address me directly, just uses me as a
warning example.
- Jonathan Ellis-Khayama, Interstellar Diary
Gaia was colonised by the Green Alliance, an environmentalist movement
seeking to escape the rape of nature that occurred on Earth (and in their
opinion, in the space habitats). Just like the UCA they believed the solar
system and colonies were doomed – by removing themselves from true nature
they were cutting off their roots and would eventually perish. The Alliance
instead wanted to create a more natural society, to live in harmony with
nature so that a healthy mankind could evolve and survive.
The colony ships Root and Seed were launched in 2045, arriving at Lambda
Aurigae IV in 2165. The colonisation plan had been meticulously designed.
While most of the colonists remained frozen, a number of pioneers explored
the planet and set up three experimental farms. The purpose was to find
out just how much necessities indigenous life could provide, and what
absolutely had to be supplemented by the bioarchives onboard the ships.
After two local years enough had been learned, and the colonisation began
in the earnest. At first all available high technology was used – shuttles,
robotic building, expert systems and biotech. Then as the colony (divided
into three regions around the original farms) began to produce its own
necessities the technology was largely abandoned. Instead of scrapping
it was sealed into the Vault – a large concrete structure that was finally
sealed permanently in 2175. It could only be opened by a code sequence
distributed between the three sub-colony councils. Some advanced technology
such as radios and medical equipment was left, it was appropriate but
must in the end be replaced by local products.
Everything went well until 2180, when an epidemic attacked the Swan colony.
The local council demanded help and opening of the Vault, but the other
colonies were reluctant. Eventually the crisis subsided, but it was clear
that a problem had to involve all colonies before the Vault would be opened.
There was also lingering resentment from the decimated Swans against the
others; from now on they would not cooperate overly with them.
The young generation tended to react differently to their society. While
some questioned the self-imposed limitations, many became more radical
than their parents did. Some demanded (together with the hard-liners among
the colonists) that the Vault should be destroyed – it was a temptation
they could do well without. In 2187 a small team almost managed to blow
up the entrance to the Vault with explosives, but were hindered by locals.
However, the hardships of agricultural life made politics less and less
interesting. The slowly failing remaining technology was never replaced,
as the infrastructure to make replacements was never constructed. Old
knowledge was meticulously passed on (libraries were built at many places
to retain a selected heritage of mankind) but lacking important details,
and the plans for the infrastructure remained politically hard to implement.
In Swan hard-liners even destroyed the plans to ensure that society would
remain pristine.
Gaia became an agricultural society just as planned, but at a much lower
technological level than the original program had intended. The old ecological
ideas also drifted. The ideas of living in harmony with nature became
a kind of religion, where certain things were seen as "ec" and
others as "tox". The libraries were carefully tended, but the
contents not well understood – they were the wise words of the pioneers.
At the same time they never lost their knowledge of how the world worked,
it just became inhabited with spiritual meaning. Complex living systems
became forces of ec, while entropy, negative emotions and the mysterious
worlds of the un-gaians were tox. Certain animals, such as the parasite
block that attacked humans, livestock and many other species, were also
seen as tox – Gaia had actually not intended them, and removing them was
actually an ec act. The Vault was the Pandora’s box of ec and tox, not
to be touched by the unworthy. Today the founders would likely disagree
with much of the ecology taught on Gaia; especially the farming which
was originally intended to be optimally low-impact has, due to the lower
technological level, a significant ecological impact.
The different colonies developed in different ways. Swan, always the
most radical, promoted a strict agricultural society run by the Mothers,
the priestess/librarians interpreting the word of the pioneers and Gaia.
Dolphin remained more open, a loose democracy centred on the densely inhabited
Watson valley. In the eastern part of the Purple Sea the Pine colony retreated
from the coast, which was plagued by regular floods and storms. It became
isolated from the others, and slowly dwindled over the span of a century.
Eventually the last colonists left for the west and disappeared into the
other colonies.
The overall assumption among the gaians was that the solar system and
other colonies had failed – how could they thrive in a non-natural way?
The appearance of other people was a major blow to their worldview. The
Mothers are extremely critical of outworlders, and have pronounced them
as bringers of tox. Dolphin is wary but interested.
Gaian technology is not very advanced, roughly equivalent to pre-industrial
Earth, around 18th century at most. Energy is provided by windmills,
farming is done manually and using work animals. A wide variety of plants
(both terrestrial and Gaian) are used for making everything from medicine
to glue. Originally the intention had been to exploit the advanced technology
of the 2040’s to set up a sustainable society harmonious with nature,
but as the plans were never fully implemented the technological level
became much lower (and more disruptive to the environment, ironic enough).
In the absence of computers, mental techniques were developed. At first
they were mainly memory techniques used by the Mothers, but later other
mental exercises such as emotion management, daimons and body control
developed. In the fairly leisurely pace of gaian society most techniques
were used just as utilities.
The Mothers are the most powerful group on the
planet, since they control religion, education and the libraries. They
run the libraries and temples, where they also act as teachers. Access
is strictly through their admittance, and they also hold strict reins
on social life. Their most important function is to explain how different
acts are ec and tox, and suggest what the Mother wants. They are also
well trained in psychology, and adept at using hypnosis and suggestions
to treat illnesses and personal problems. Mothers are divided into four
ranks: apprentices, maidens, mothers and crones. The apprentices do menial
tasks and are taught the basics of ecology, reading, writing and gaianism;
when they have reached full understanding they are initiated to become
maidens. At their first childbirth they become mothers, and at 50 they
become crones. The crones usually reside at a temple or library which
they govern. Each Mother is expected to obey those of higher ranks.
There are several guilds, guarding various important skills. Of special
note are the herbalists, who keep the old knowledge of pharmacology and
biochemistry; they not only produce healing drugs, but other practical
and ec substances from the plants and animals Gaia supplies them with.
Another important guild is the engineers, who build windmills, pumps and
othe rsimple technology. They are closely watched by the Mothers, so that
their thoughts are not polluted by tox.
Adonis is a semi-secret group of male rights activists, working against
the Mothers. They claim that men and women are equal, and that Gaia never
intended the women to be her sole spokespeople.
The Pines are descendants from the Pine colony. The
colony failed, and they were forced to move west. They form a somewhat
distinctive group, with shared family ties and a feeling of kinship; towards
others they are a bit clannish and suspicious. They are among the most
liberal gaians, having decided that overzealousness is more damaging than
technology. This has led to several run-ins with the mothers, and at least
in Dolphin the Pines live apart.
The Cybelists were a militant group of first-generation
colonists, seeking to return even closer to nature than the Pioneers.
They centred around the charismatic Cybele Kekkonen, the first human born
on Gaia. She grew up to become a fanatic gaianist, regarding herself (and
regarded by her followers) as an avatar of the planet. Her cult tried
to sabotage plans for low-impact industries, agriculture, the Vault and
agitated fiercely that the only proper life was as a hunter-gatherer.
Since the Cybelists had trained themselves to survive well in the wild
they were hard to restrain, and their surprise attacks was a serious drain
to the early colony. In 2199 Cybele committed suicide with her closest
followers when they were surrounded by the colony militia at Tidegap;
she proclaimed that she would incarnate again and to this day the remaining
Cybelists revere the place. The Cybelist movement has nearly died out,
but some of the memes remain among radical Mothers, who train themselves
to survive only by hunting and gathering and revere Cybele as at least
someone deeply inspired by Gaia.
Gaians dress very colourfully, mostly thanks to the abundant plant dyes
that can be used to dye the felt fibres after they have been treated with
potash and the digestive juices of felthogs (especially the green from
the Garthonberries is popular). A popular custom in both Swan and Dolphin
is to have bright ribbons that flap in the winds; the Swans sometimes
include tiny whistles too.
Gaian buildings tend to be built from stone due to the lack of wood;
parts are often covered by fabric to shield against the winds. Tents are
sometimes used for temporary buildings, but the wind makes them troublesome
to maintain.
Air plankton. The term often used for drifting, lazy people.
When the goddesses line up. Grand conjunctions, where all three
move together, occurs approximately every 41 years. Diaselene occurs
every month, Dianisis around once a year and Selenisis every 4 years.
A militant form of Gaia worship, rare these days.
Something ecological/good.
The end of technical society.
Mother Earth, the personified life-force of everything.
Priesthood in Swan maintaining the tradition and guarding the libraries.
Somebody descended from the Pine refugees.
Purple storm
Storms blowing in water from the purple sea over land.
The quills of felthogs, used for writing, sewing and a variety
of applications. Also used to refer to something useful.
To die.
Wandering people, doing odd jobs or stealing. Regarded as a tox
abberation of the social system
People using technology.
The Three Goddesses
The moons.
Something toxic/evil.
A weblike harness used for riding the tritti.
Outsiders. Negative term.
To stay indoors to avoid the weather. "The harvest is in,
now we can wellington".
The Wild
A disease caused by a throat and lung infection of gaian bacteria
that produce an adrenaline-analogue. The victims become stressed,
agitated and in severe cases violent.
Total: 1,217,175. Swan: 748,562. Dolphin: 468,613.
Life expectancy at birth: 68.3 Earth-years.
Barter. Money are regarded as extremely tox.
The gaians divide the day and night into six
hours each – exact time is regarded as very tox. The years are divided into
twelve months, each approximately 90 days long. One year is 2.5 Earth years,
or 1095 days. Time is often counted from the latest conjunction (called
Diaselene, Dianisis, Selenisis and grand).
A simple picture of a leaf-haired woman embracing the planet.
Dolphin and Swan use their namesakes as symbols, despite the fact that
the animals were never introduced on the planet.
Gaia is 11,830 km in diameter, 0.8 times Earth density. Gravity is 0.758
g, the day is just 20 hours. The mean distance to Helios is 1.82 AU, producing
a 1.86 earth-year long year (813 Gaia-days). The orbit is somewhat eccentric,
currently producing a milder climate but over time precession makes the
climate shift periodically towards stronger heat and cold over the span
of thousands of years. The axial tilt is 14 degrees.
The air is relatively thin, and humans often feel the need to rest. The
quick rotation often produces strong winds, but the thinner air makes
them less devastating.
of the surface is sea. There are four main continents, Dolphin, Swan,
Pine and Cloud. Dolphin, Swan and Pine surround the Purple Sea (coloured
by micro-organisms; originally it was called the Demeter Sea). The three
sub-colonies were located on their respective shore a few thousand kilometers
apart. Between Dolphin and northern Swan the Waters of Eos form a Mediterranean-like
The three moons are Diana, Selene and Isis (4408, 320, 3175 km in diameter
respectively); all three are too far away to cause any major tides, but
their conjunctions are used to measure time. When Diana and Selene align,
it is called Diaselene; the other conjunctions are called Dianisis and
There are 16 other planets, all named after important environmentalists
but of little relevance to the Gaians. The innermost world is a barren
rock named Malthus. Outside lies Rosseau and Muir, two hot desert worlds
with intense storm systems. Outside Gaia lies a superterrestrial planet
named Muir, followed by the three gas giants Nader, Leopold and Carson.
Outside lies a series of minor gas planets and iceballs named Wilson,
Hui, Kessler, Chinoba, Janosch, Sabadir, Rifkin, Winter and Rhodin.
Gaian life is quite unlike terran life. The basis for the land ecosystems
is the felt, a thick homogenous undergrowth of fine plant fibres that
covers almost everything in the lowlands. Instead of traditional soil
there are layers of old felt; each year the felt grows a new layer, absorbing
parts of the underlying material. Other plants coexist with the felt or
grow through it. Most are thin fibres or tendrils extending into the air,
some individually, others in bundles or braids. There are very few larger
plants, except for the braid-bushes and braid-trees; this makes winds
and storms much more severe. Wood does not exist, all plants are supple
and easily bent. Instead of wood weaves or plaits are used, sometimes
treated with minerals to become hard.
Many animals live in or beneath the felt, such as the flatbugs or twee.
The most common grazers are the blowers, small round creatures with soft
bodies, not unlike decimetre-sized aphids. They are in turn preyed upon
by the felthogs, spiny starlike creatures that are also used as livestock
by humans (their quills are extremely useful for all sorts of applications,
from knitting to gluing together into beams). Larger animals also exist,
such as the feltshark (hides beneath the felt and pounces; it can be dangerous
to humans), the pyralopes and tritti (jumping, large herbivores named
for their sound, often used as steeds). The air is filled graceful air
plankton and their accompanying flying ecology, including the colourful
bubblekites that are often used as insulation and decoration (their dried
bodies are filled with air cavities).
The biggest problem with a diet of Gaian foods is the high content of
selenium. While an essential trace element for humans, the levels in ordinary
gaian life are so high that they can cause poisoning: pallor, garlicky
breath, irritation of the nose, conjunctivitis, skin problems and drowsiness.
The pioneers solved this - after much searching for a local solution -
by genetically modifying the tea bush so that the leaves would contain
a chelating agent that bound selenium and other metals found in gaian
food. These tea bushes are found at every gaian household. Drinking the
tea (known as Pioneer tea) has become a part of daily ritual, linked to
a short meditation of thankfulness to the wise Pioneers.
