The Mothers
The expansion of life over the universe is a beginning, not an
end. At the same time as life is extending its habitat quantitatively,
it will also be changing and evolving qualitatively into new dimensions
of mind and spirit that we cannot imagine. The acquisition of new territory
is important, not as an end in itself, but as a means to enable
life to experiment with intelligence in a million forms.
- Freeman Dyson
The Mothers evolved on a terrestrial planet approximately 1540 light-years
away from Sol in the direction of the Swan constellation. The planet was
slightly heavier than Earth and significantly warmer, covered with large
shallow seas and lowland continents. Their ancestors were tortoise-like
creatures living on beaches and tidal zones. The females were large and
reasonably intelligent, the males were quick fishlike swimmers of animal
intelligence. The species protected their young under their dorsal shells,
and formed small colonies where the adolescent young brought with them
food and nesting materials to the larger and less mobile mother in exchange
for protection and some teaching.
Approximately three million years ago a spacefaring species, the Ur-Mothers,
arrived to the planet. They discovered the early Mothers and began a program
of genetic enhancement. Their motivations are unknown, but it appears
that they were interested in creating new and unusual intelligent species
for some reason. They made the mother-daughter interface, originally just
a nerve bundle providing homeostatic control, able to transmit information
directly into the daughter’s brain, and after birth it remained as a means
of communication. The result was that daughters learned directly from
their mothers, enabling a kind of family knowledge to accumulate.
The mothers look vaguely like big tortoises or beetles: their backs are
covered with a large protective shell (usually a sandy grey, but often
overgrown with algae gathered in complex patterns or other decorations).
Around the circumference they have five extremities covered with a slick
black skin, which end in soft muscle pads able to deform themselves to
work as fingers, grip objects or manipulate. One of the extremities is
covered by sensory organs and would correspond to an earthly head. Food
is placed in "mouth-pockets" on the underside, where it is dissolved.
In a similar manner they breathe into sacks of gills, which can function
both on land and in water (although they are less effective in dry air,
and the mothers have to return to water after a while on land).
Their sizes vary much more than among humans, young mothers have a diameter
of around one meter and equally long limbs, while in modern times some
old mothers can become over twenty meters in diameter. Such large mothers
cannot even move themselves underwater, they have to rely on their daughters
for protection and feeding and often need bionic enhancements just to
keep their bodies working.
The mothers are actually the female form of the species. The male form
is much smaller and lacks the shell, and instead has a smooth membrane
between the limbs which he uses to swim with like a ray. They are not
intelligent at all, and spend most of their time hunting small animals
and seeking mothers to mate with. When they find an accepting mother,
the male climbs in under the shell and attaches itself to an organ where
he gradually is absorbed by the mother. Under the shell there are several
spaces where the young gestate. If the mating is leads to male offspring,
the result will be a sack filled with males, which eventually bursts when
the mother is underwater and releases the males into the ocean.
On the other hand, if the result is female, only one embryo develops.
As it grows, its fifth limb functions as an umbilical cord, but also links
the developing nervous system directly to the nervous system of the mother.
During gestation the young are shaped by the memories and behaviours of
the mother, and often are able to recall events in their mothers previous
lives. Eventually the young has developed enough and leaves the shell
of the mother. However, the daughter can still reach in with her limb
and connect herself to the nerves and hormones of the mother, albeit less
The young remain close to the mother as long as she lives, protecting
her and bringing her food. When a mother has birthed some daughters, she
usually becomes more stationary and spends most of her time birthing more
daughters. The grown up daughters often relink to their mothers from time
to time to keep her up to date with what is happening and receiving orders
and coordination. The older mothers function somewhat like earthly queen
The fifth limb is specialised in many ways. Its pad is usually enlarged,
and quite sensitive both to touch and taste. Its main use was to pick
up food and place it in the "mouth-pockets" and to link with
the mother through a slit on the underside. Along the limb there are iridescent
stripes functioning as visual organs and small loosely hanging bulbs which
have both auditory and olfactory functions underwater (the mothers are
almost deaf in air). The Mothers lack colour vision, but are sensitive
to the polarisation of light instead. The other limbs have also sensory
organs, but they are less developed. The fifth limb is on the other hand
much more dextrous and has a thick bundle of nerves running directly to
the tube-shaped brain of the mother.
Mother biochemistry is different from terrestrial biochemistry, so different
that they are slightly poisonous to each other. The amino acids tend to
interfere with the other kind’s life processes, and oils in the mothers’
bodies are cancerogenic to humans; diplomats often take medications to
counteract the effects. The mothers also prefer higher temperatures, in
the range 30-40 degrees Celsius, than is comfortable to humans.
The peculiar link mother-daughter is fundamental to mother psychology.
Unlike most other races they learn much while still under development,
and never have any real childhood. The views, skills and ideas of the
mother is at least partially transferred to the daughters, who usually
are quite mentally similar to their mothers. Reconnections reinforce this
link, although not as intensely as the initial total contact.
The families of mothers are extremely tightly knit, almost group intelligences,
but the individual members are quite able to survive on their own. However,
most feel an intense desire to link with their own mothers from time to
time, and without the contact they grow restless and depressed. Linking
itself is a slow and apparently fulfilling experience, which usually takes
at least a few hours. The daughters partially climb under the shell of
their mother, and attach their fifth limb to the patch they were originally
linked to (other places are much less efficient). Gradually their nervous
system link up with the mother, and their minds begin to exchange knowledge.
The communication is not ordered in time, memories, thoughts and emotions
gradually diffuse between the two. In fact, the mothers have no concept
of a temporally ordered language; their writing and gestures are all intended
to be read and understood as a whole process, not as a series of events.
To simplify this, various modes of thought and remembrance has been developed,
where concepts are unified into blocks which are easier to transmit.
Linking between two unrelated mothers is possible, but very hard and
seldom used. Many mothers regard this as directly unhealthy or immoral,
a danger to the mental and ideological stability of the participants.
However, this taboo has gradually been loosened in the more progressive
clans, especially since the advent of cybernetic linking, which simplifies
the process. One special use is adoptions; sometimes an individual is
adopted into a family, and gradually learn to communicate with the central
mother. This is rare, but usually regarded as an extreme honour for the
adopted mother.
The mothers see the world in terms of connections and patterns, not as
objects like the humans. Things are naturally ordered into hierarchies
and systems, and the mothers are very conscious about recursion.
Ideologies are serious things for the mothers. The convictions, worldview
and vision of the mother is usually transferred directly to the daughter,
which means that they will hold them too. A family usually share the same
basic personality, and it is at least partially preserved over many generations.
This has led to the creation of very strong and stable ideologies/group
identities, which continue for generations (in fact, they were the force
behind the old clan system). Conversion is much less common than in humans,
but it can still happen and is usually quite wrenching for both the individual
and her family, which she usually have to leave. Most of these ideologies
are quite diffuse, more like sets of values or personal preferences, but
there are also clearly defined philosophies (like unificationalism) which
from time to time manage to sweep across society, causing total chaos
until things become stable again.
While mothers have intense empathy for family members, they feel very
little empathy for mothers outside the clan (unlike humans, whose empathy
merely decreases with relational distance). This has been a central factor
in the fragmenting of Mother society.
Another downside of the linking is the risks of contagious insanity.
Certain mental disorders can spread from mother to mother by linking,
until they affect the entire family. In some families mentally disturbed
members were ostracised or even killed, but today advanced psychiatry
is used instead. This fear of insanity has both encouraged the search
for perfect mental health, and a feeling of unease when confronted with
irrational behaviour. Anyone behaving in a erratic manner is suspicious,
and at least subconsciously feared as a potential source of infection.
Some mothers actually avoid contact with animals or aliens, regarding
them as dangerously odd. More reasonable mothers point out that the males
are quite mindless, yet they are accepted.
Mother psychology is quite diverse, but a highly respected profession
in most societies. The different psychologist families all have different
views and methods, but most are quite efficient within their specialised
area. Some train mothers various mental techniques to increase their stability
and flexibility (this is especially common among the orthodox unificationalists),
while others employ consciousness-altering drugs and therapy, discussions,
surgery, cybernetic interfacing or groups of psychiatrists who link up
to the patient together, letting her temporarily experience being a grandmother
with a group of highly competent children supporting her.
The Mothers evolved as scavengers along the coasts of the tropical oceans
of their homeworld. They emerged from the sea to gather food which had
been washed ashore, using their shells as protection and camouflage against
predators. The crucial step in their evolution seems to have been the
development of the mental link between mother and daughter. In the beginning
it was just a simple neural link, but the evolutionary value of transmitting
some learned behaviours was so great it quickly became more and more powerful.
As the experience of the mothers were partially transmitted to the daughters
and not forgotten, cultural evolution began to speed up.
At first, the mothers began to manipulate the coastal areas to simplify
the gathering of food. They invented the net, various traps and piercing
weapons. When they could gather more food, the older mothers could grow
bigger and survive longer, and in some families there were even grandmothers
or very rare great-grandmothers. This created the pyramidal system which
persists today; the central mother, usually too large to move, is the
coordinator and planner of all activity. Her daughters link up to her
from time to time, and function as her subordinate coordinators. They
lead their daughters in turn, and so on. The oldest mothers are rather
passive, and spend much time linked together or doing tasks such as weaving
nets or crafting tools which do not require moving around. The younger
mothers help them, gather and prepare the food according to directions
and protect the family. When the oldest mother died her daughters moved
away from each other and formed their own families.
This system had many positive aspects, but also caused many problems.
Each family was almost completely independent from every other, so new
discoveries and inventions spread very slowly from family to family through
imitation or bartering. Each family had to be able to hunt, build protection,
gather food and build tools well enough to survive, which led to the development
of elaborate mnemonic techniques so that vital knowledge could be passed
down the generations.
Cooperation between different families was also very variable; often
the families which resulted from a split worked together in the beginning
but then gradually drifted apart. Warfare between different families was
not uncommon. Hunters tried to get as close as possible to the central
mothers and kill them, forcing the defeated and split family to leave
its old territory.
The mothers lacked any real language to communicate with each other,
but gradually methods of communicating with gestures or objects placed
in patterns on the ground became common. This eventually evolved into
various systems of sign language (mainly used inside the family) and writing.
Some families began to work together, especially closely related families
which formed clans. Inside the clans the families could specialise themselves;
a family had no longer to know all vital skills, they could rely on another
family that knew the needed skill. A division of labour developed, where
the families of a split usually divided their old trade into specializations.
The clans also sometimes defeated outside families and forced them to
become low-status members. The clan system quickly grew in complexity
as some clans began to hold members which were not closely related with
the leading families. Their range of skills grew, and specialisation became
more and more profitable. Many different forms of society was invented
and tried, some familiar from Earth, others completely alien. One common
form was to try to mimic the family structure within the clan, with the
central mothers linking up to largely immobile leading families.
Civilisation developed quickly in some areas, while other areas remained
backward for millennia. The mothers spread along all habitable coastlines
and shallow parts of the oceans, and gradually colonised inland areas
around lakes and rivers. When the digging of channels was invented, they
began to create artificial rivers and shores. Boats of various kinds travelled
along them, and the old primitive huts were replaced with sprawling cities
of domes along the coasts. When fire was tamed the mothers began to use
metals and waterproof ceramics. Great civilisations developed from the
most powerful clan-states.
Being naturally curious and inventive, the science and technology of
the mothers developed fast in many directions. One unusual thing is that
it was never the unified endeavour most other races see it like. The mothers
developed it into thousands of specialised disciplines, only rarely combining
them. This limited the developments, encouraging elaboration rather than
fruitful synthesis, which was the domain of lone geniuses and happenstance.
Eventually this resulted in a counter-movement, the unificationalists.
Unificationalism was developed by a single family, and their simple but
powerful writings got an immense recognition among many other mothers.
They strove to unite the various branches and sciences. As the movement
gained momentum, it acquired a deeper meaning and its stated goal became
to not only unify all the sciences, but also to unify other aspects of
life. The ideal mother was (according to the unificationalists) equally
skilled in most areas, or at least less specialised than in the current
system. The more specialised clans generally regarded the movement as
irrational and dangerous, and for several decades fierce political, social
and military struggles wracked the planet.
The conflict was never truly resolved, but gradually petered out. The
unificationalists were able to sometimes make great technological leaps,
but were not quite as efficient as the more conservative specialists.
Gradually the ideologies divided and mutated, as specialists began to
acknowledge the need for some generalism, and the unificationalists realised
the complexities of handling all the skills and knowledge needed to become
complete. The orthodox unificationalists gradually became more mystical,
and spent much time pondering the mysteries of time, balance and knowledge.
The more radical parts of the movement divided into two main groups; one
which supported the development of computers and cybernetic enhancements
to help this process, and another which claimed that modern civilisation
was too complex to be healthy, and longed for a return to the old days
when a skilled family could survive on its own, without allegiance to
any clan or ideology.
The cybernetic movement soon attracted much attention as it began to
show some success. They developed the specialist computers further, uniting
previously unrelated disciplines with great success. When they managed
to crudely imitate the neural interfaces between mother and daughter,
this was proclaimed as the beginning of a new era by many radicals while
the revivalists and many conservative families regarded it as a perversion
of something holy. The new conflict was resolved rather peacefully, as
the cyberneticists and the clans which supported them already were expanding
into space. Gradually a new order dawned, where the conservatives remained
on-planet while the radicals moved outwards.
The first epoch of colonisation was filled with competition between the
various groups, as they industrialised their solar system. Some fractions
left their solar system using generation ships, while others isolated
themselves in artificial habitats in remote corners. However, gradually
a new order developed as a coalition of clans (led by the Balanced Moderators)
began to tie everyone together in a network of trade, communications and
philosophy. The basis for their ascension was the discovery of the Ur-Mother
artefacts in space. The mothers realised the importance of them, especially
when they found the remains of a mother habitat buried beneath the surface
of an airless moon; all the evidence pointed towards the fact that somebody
had "helped" the race. Studies of ancient myths, archaeological
digs and studies of the remaining ruins in space fuelled an obsession
with finding the Ur-Mothers. The stated goal of the Balanced Moderators
was to re-link with them, and the other clans came to agree with their
When FTL technology was invented the coalition immediately began to explore
space, seeking the traces of the Ur-Mothers. It also allowed many incompatible
clans to get away from each other, starting a second wave of colonisation
and diversification. The explorers traversed huge distances in search
for the Ur-Mothers, gradually tracking them down through their ancient
ruins. Approximately a thousand years ago they finally reached their goal.
The experience proved disappointing, as the Ur-Mothers had apparently
abandoned the real world to live in a digital Shagri-La. While several
clans remained in the vicinity of the Ur-Mothers, trying to understand
or link with them, the rest of the mothers suffered from a profound shock,
not unlike realising that a grandmother had died. This caused the dissolution
of the coalition – the Balanced Moderators no longer had the ideological
or cultural strength to hold it together, and many saw the discovery as
a signal to a racial diaspora in analogy with daughters moving out after
their mother had died.
The great diaspora threw the clans across the galaxy, many travelled
hundreds of light-years away from the others to set up their colonies.
The concept of a single mother race vanished, to be replaced by the idea
of clans of clans. During the time after the diaspora several "empires"
and civilisations emerged in various parts, but none lasted more than
a few centuries. The Balanced Moderators and some of the other clans from
the coalition period slowly regained strength, and attempted to seek out
the scattered colonies to set up trade, communication and cooperation.
Their results were mixed, but a diffuse network of inter-clan contact
has slowly emerged.
the mothers are divided in numerous clans and fractions. Generally, the
more traditional groups are found on the homeworld and old colonies near
it, while the radicals have moved outwards into space.
The clans are still strong, but very fragmented. They are essentially
families of families, held together by tradition, family ideology and
sometimes the threat of violence, although many are more similar to immense
family businesses. Most surviving clans are specialised in some areas,
like the Wild Soarers who deal with space transports and the aerospace
industry, the Concentrated Assemblers of Things who are largely artisans,
and the Pleasant Uniters who deal with mental and social matters (they
are closely linked to the unificationalists). Hard-Crushing-Waves originally
was a very militant clan, but has gradually developed into a kind of racial
police/military for hire, while Pure Circularly Polarised Light is specialised
in the creation of a special kind of mystical experience as well as quantum
computing. It is not uncommon for families from different clans to work
together in teams, forming another level of organisation.
Some important groups are:
The Returnists are rare outside the homeworld. They want to return
to the old scavenging lifestyle of the old, using only the classic tools
and skills and avoiding the traps of technology and complexity. Several
colonies of them exist in remote areas, where they tend their shorelines.
They don’t want any contact with the other mothers, although they sometimes
trade simple products like carved shells and a resinous substance produced
by a rare aquatic animal for simple tools.
The orthodox unificationalists are a small but influential group
in some areas. They seek to become equally proficient in all skills, using
complex mystical/psychological methods. Unlike the returnists they do
not deny modern civilisation, since its complexities will be mastered
when they find the secret of becoming totally general. They place great
importance in experiencing and doing all things, and are very interested
in contacting aliens.
The Balanced Moderators and Balanced Mediators are a group
of families which studies ideologies and how they work; they have specialised
themselves as diplomats and middle-men. They are convinced that the mothers
have to learn to rid themselves of ideologies and other preconceptions
in order to become truly free. However, in practice they are quite occupied
exploiting the differences between the groups. The Moderator and Mediator
fractions exist in a complicated familial-administrative-economic competition
based on their philosophical differences.
The cyberneticists are one of the dominant ideologies/clans among
the mothers, although it has numerous internal schisms and differences.
Their goal is to use bionics and information technology to give every
mother the ability to become as free as possible from the constraints
of overspecialisation and the problems of being a generalist. They have
developed bionic links to computers, which can be used to transfer and
store "bottled memories". They also encourage the use of remote
linking through radio or telecommunications. This has produced families
spread across huge distances, since linking is far from a real-time procedure
anyway. Other cyberneticists have developed interfaces allowing them to
communicate with other races, or cybernetic enhancements of various kinds.
The Unified Linkers are among the most radical of all cyberneticists.
They seek to use interfacing to remain linked all the time with their
families. This is extremely comfortable, giving them an intense sense
of unity, but also increases the risk of mental disturbances severely.
Some of the most extreme linkers are even connecting linked families into
super-families using their computers. There have been some spectacular
successes and failures, but so far their dream of a totally unified race
has been unsuccessful.
On the opposite side there are the Independent Loners, who want
to remove themselves entirely from the family system, regarding it as
a trap. Originally they were a mixed group of malcontents and loners,
but they have gradually grown into a political force of note in some colonies.
The Shining Engineers Vector have studied the remaining megastructures
of the Ur-Mothers, and try to recreate them. Their philosophy is that
the universe is raw material to be shaped into ordered forms by life and
intelligence. In some sense it is up for grabs – whoever transforms it
first will get their will through. The Vector is involved in several terraforming
projects, as well as more explorative studies. Their ultimate goal is
to spread across the universe, re-engineering it to maximise life and
complexity, ultimately modifying the universe into an omega point.
Some "remote" clans are hard to get in touch with. Some remote clans
that are relatively widely known are: The Flash Burn Coelenterates, who
reputedly seed gas giants with black holes to temporarily terraform their
moons. The Floater 132 Group and Tygarite Guides are reported to have
replaced themselves with machines (whether this means they are uploaded
or have been superseded by AI is unknown). The Collectors have a thriving
and very diverse civilisation running somewhere in the vicinity of the
Coalsack Nebula. The Convectionalists hunt supernovae for unknown reasons;
currently they are near the remnants of Eta Carina.
The Mothers seem to enjoy fractals of all kinds; there are very few straight
lines or smooth surfaces in their environment if they can help it. Instead
everything is rough and baroque, not unlike their shells (which they often
cover with decorative colourings and plants), and usually self-similar
in some way. Mother buildings usually consist of a large central dome,
surrounded by smaller domes which in turn have small extensions (the grandmother
lives in the central dome, her daughters in the neighbouring domes and
so on). The inner walls are often covered with branching structures to
hold possessions or plants.
underlying rules of the fractal objects sometimes has hidden meanings,
and it is very common for mother artisans to play games or make riddles
out of the recursion. Real connoisseurs can spend long time deciphering
an object, trying to find new hidden levels of meaning. Alien plants are
popular, especially those with "interesting" shapes.
There have never been a real oral tradition among the mothers, but certain
ancestral memories have survived, usually in a highly symbolic and formalised
form. Every clan and family have its own "unity-memory", a kind
of symbolic memory or identity which by tradition is divided into four
important parts and one unimportant part (a very common storytelling trick
among the mothers, just like human like to repeat something three times).
The mothers have a very rich poetic tradition, dating back to the pre-space
days. Many of the most widespread ideologies are encoded in canons, sets
of poetic works that describe the vision of the ideology, its origins,
tenets and history.
Mother technology varies between the clans, but is in general advanced
compared to human technology.
Higgs field technology turned out to be an early development; to the
mothers it was almost directly clear how the wrecked spaceships of the
Ur-Mothers they found in their solar system had worked. The first higgsrams
were rather crude, but over the great search they became better and better.
They also discovered how to create forcefields and manipulate momentum.
After the diaspora the different clans developed the technology in different
ways. Gravity and momentum control are widely used, and especially the
Shining Engineer Vector like "active architecture" where much
is based on fields holding everything together (beautiful when it works,
potentially disastrous if something can fail).
A few of the clans have pursued nanotechnology, mostly some of the cybernetic
schisms. Others have bought the technology from them, but they still remain
masters. They have nanodevices able to act in the natural world, remodelling
it as hyper-effective lifeforms. A few of the remote clans have instead
opted for large-scale biotechnology, living in or as symbionts of huge
artificial lifeforms.
Unlike humans, mothers have never been interested in AI. There are a
few remote clans pursuing this (the Tygarite Guides might even have replaced
their entire population with robots, if the Balanced Mediators are to
be believed), but most mother computers are merely tools taking orders.
The cybernetic clans have of course developed this to a high level, including
neural virtual reality, knowledge sharing and quantum computing.
spaceships tend to be huge, entire cities moving between the stars. Each
carries an entire fleet of smaller shuttles, transports and other utility
craft. Their shape is usually bizarre by human standards, complex fractal
rocks covered with recursive patterns and weird colouring (which is really
a side effect of the polarisation painting). The different clans use ships
of noticeably different styles, and the shapes seem to be just as much
identification and functionality. The ships make huge wormholes, but seldom
make long jumps.
One the personal level, Mothers are noticeably less interested in gathering
knickknacks and possessions. Instead they accumulate family goods, stuff
that belong to the lineage rather than the individuals. However, many
families are acquisitive and gather all kinds of stuff, ranging from art
to technology. On the other hand, Mothers often take great pains in creating
pleasant and practical environments around them. Landscape design, gardening,
architecture, furniture-making and environment setup are important and
popular activities – every Mother seems to want to create a personal space
that is both totally personal and fits with the surroundings according
to some scheme.
Human-Mother Relations
The humans are interesting to the Mothers. They are unusual, and often
quite amusing: the gestures made by human hands have a certain "bony
irony" the mothers find humorous. More importantly, humans have the
potential for mutually beneficial cooperation. They are one of the most
approachable species they have found.
The three clans in contact with humans are the Shining Engineers Vector,
the Balanced Mediators and the Radical Unificationalists. The Engineers
are the most approachable, having their closest outpost at Adobe. They
act as "artist managers" for humans versus the Mediators, reaping
some profits from it. They want more contact with humanity, seeing humans
as potential partners.
The Balanced Mediators are interested in trade and information, but mostly
among mothers. Human goods and culture are tradable, but they have so
far not yet adapted their mostly mother-specific diplomacy and services
to human needs.
Radical Unificationalists (an offshoot of the Unified Linkers) exist on
the outside of human space, having sent a few ships to visit. They are
mostly interested in developing their own unified minds, but has contacted
some similar-minded human groups such as Unity, psychosocial experts of
Dionysos and Traha and interested people elsewhere; the informal cooperation
is called the Linker Project.
The Mothers have different systems in different
clans. The Shining Engineers trade in terraforming futures, the Balanced
Moderators have a number of "polarized currencies" for different
purposes and the Unificationalists avoid money - everything belongs to the
The Mothers have several forms of communication. The most intimate is
the mother-daughter link, a form of preverbal sharing of knowledge. The
second form is sign language, which is used between Mothers. The third
form is the electronic/text language used for long-range communications;
it is based on the sign language but has developed on its own. Then there
are the traditional form of text too.
Mother sign language consists in movements and shape changes of the pads
of the front limb, sometimes aided by other limds too. It is quick, flexible
and works well over long distances. Since movements have meaning, many
objects or events suggest poetic names (for example, the fall of a pile
of rocks would contain several signs with completely unrelated meaning,
but taken together they form a very poetic description of the fall). The
structure is often a simple basic theme, overlaid with elaborations and
modifiers (the basic theme may be "The orbits will intersect within
a finite amount of time", with overlays of "The exact time is
54 minutes", "The objects in questions are the planet and the
asteroid" and "This will be useful"). Making the higher
themes requires plenty of dexterity, and most Mothers have trouble with
more than two levels. It is regarded as a sign of great intelligence and
eloquence to formulate elegant movements with many levels of themes, even
if the viewer may not understand all the details of the higher levels.
Mother writing has always been ideographic, since it is easy to learn
from their parent. The oldest forms were literal pictures (or gathered
objects) used to communicate with other families, which were gradually
refined into the current writing systems. However, Mothers often introduce
if they can the real thing discussed (as a picture or actual example)
into the text instead of the word. Today the clans have very different
forms of writing, most based on the old pre-Diaspora systems. The Balanced
Mediators use an artificial system of shapes (to a human, they look like
fractal blobs), while the Shining Engineers use a pictorial ideographic
system written in branching sentences.
Electronic communications have developed far from the Morse-like first
attempts. It is currently a stylised form of pictorial representation
of the front pad and its movements, easily viewed on a screen or on a
touch-pad. Since they are largely based on the sign languages they are
hard interpret for outsiders, but some standard pidgins exist. The cybernetic
clans use much higher bandwidth mind-mind signals, mimicking mother-daughter
knowledge transfer.
Mother Pets
Small spider-like scavenging animals that held the same ecological niche
as beach-combing crabs on Earth. They have ten legs, and a head (little
more than a sensor cluster) on top of a long flexible stalk. They have
been used by Mothers since antiquity to help scavenging, guarding homes
or entertainment. In space they mostly are used for aesthetics, being
trained to exhibit pleasing motion-patterns and keep the habitats clean.
Flocks of Dancers move around in elaborate patterns, whirling about and
gesticulating in ways that appear elegant to their owners.
A silvery plant that grows underwater in Mother habitats. It both keeps
the water clean and has been engineered to react to the presence of certain
illness-toxins with changing colours.
Droplet catchers
A relative to the Dancers, that has been bred to catch droplets. In low-gravity
environments water can drift around where it shouldn't, and the catchers
are the solution. They look like spiders with feathered legs, jumping
at droplets in the air and bringing them back to larger bodies of water.
In exchange they receive nutrients based on their performance; many cybernetic
clans have neurally integrated them with the life support system.
Mothers in Alternity
Str 4-20 (15)
Dex 2-12
Con 4-20 (16)
Int 8-16 (14)
Wil 8-18 (15)
Per 4-10
(the upper range is usually only achieved by grandmothers. The exception
is Dex, where grandmothers are much less dextrous than their daughters.
Maximum for daughters is within parenthesises)
Free broad skills: all the different clans have different sets of broad
skills. Among the Shining Engineers Vector the skills are Survival, Vehicle
Operation, Knowledge, Interaction, Technical Science and Physical Science
while the Balanced Mediators have Vehicle Operation, Knowledge, Awareness,
Culture, Interaction and Leadership.
Mothers inherit 30 extra points of skills from their mothers.
Mothers are amphibious and automatically have Swim to rank 3.
Mothers tend to be Slow (especially older mothers, who become immobile).
The Ur-Mothers
The species that uplifted the Mothers still exists in some form, although
very changed from the original. It was originally a biological species,
likely evolved on some terrestrial world somewhere. It began to expand
into space three million years ago, leaving behind colonies, installations
and artefacts over a vast volume in the direction of the Orion arm. At
several places they began uplifting projects. During the early expansion
phase it was a very diverse and progressive civilisation or group of civilisations.
At some point it shifted from a biological form to a technological form,
and many of the old colonies were gradually abandoned. One of the mysteries
is why the archaeological record shows a total lack of evidence for their
existence in certain intervals of time, only to be followed by other periods
of obvious activity. It might be that entire civilisations hibernated
or changed focus for tens of millennia at a time.
Around 2.6 million years ago the Ur-Mothers stopped expanding and instead
began a slow retreat to their core worlds. The reason is unclear, there
is no evidence for any decline, war or other obvious reasons. In the end
they were concentrated to a hundred widely dispersed systems, to this
day showing signs of enormous megastructures and astrophysical engineering.
For over a million year these civilisations persisted, before the Ur-Mothers
began to move again. They retreated to a cluster of red dwarf stars 3000
light-years away, where they built a number of gigantic orbital structures.
Today very little remains of the colonies and artefacts of the Ur-Mothers.
Most planetary colonies have been reduced to rubble, and their heavy use
of active nanotechnology in space has made their space installations decay
beyond recognition. The megastructures from the late epoch remains, but
are apparently guarded by defensive nanoweapons. The orbitals they inhabit
today consist of low density spheres hundreds of thousands of kilometres
in diameter, supplied with energy by orbiting swarms of solar collectors.
It is believed by the Mothers that the interior is highly unusual; exotic
states of matter such as confused matter, neutrino crystals, quark spaghetti
or even textured space-time have been conjectured. The outside is a mixture
of efficient quantum receivers and fractal "spacescrapers" of
unknown purpose.
The Mothers have sought out the Ur-Mothers, following the archaeological
gradient. They found that most of the uplift experiments had failed, and
apparently nobody were at home in the megastructures. In the cluster they
achieved contact with what they believed were the Ur-Mothers, or some
interpreting system handling the outside world. Apparently the Ur-Mothers
had achieved a state they regarded as highly desirable, explaining that
the previous projects were merely "examples". They were politely
interested in the developments of the Mothers, offering large amounts
of nearly incomprehensible "state data" (lists of consistent
and semiconsistent mathematical systems) and somewhat dated starmaps.
The overall result was a widespread disappointment among the Mothers.
It appears that the Ur-Mothers have retreated to some kind of ultra-advanced
virtual world with no connection to reality, tended by AI systems.
The Herders
The Herders are another species uplifted to intelligence by the Ur-Mothers.
The Ur-Mothers were rather eclectic (they seem to have uplifted species
that interested or appealed to their aesthetics rather than the most likely
candidates to succeed) when doing their uplifting, and few of the species
they "helped" survive. The Herders is one of the survivors, and have the
dubious honour of being uplifted twice.
The Herders have a spindle-shaped body between one and two meters long,
ending at both ends in two branched limbs. The limbs split into two sub-arms,
which in turn split into further "fingers". All their senses are located
in the tips; while sight, hearing and touch aren't that advanced individually,
together the branches can produce a high quality input to the central
brain. Gesture or touch are used for communication in a way similar to
how the Mothers communicate. The mouth/anus is a long slit along the body
with sharp teeth, where food is pressed in and dissolved. The skin is
a rubbery brown-grey except for reddish sensitive specks at the tips of
their branches. Overall, they are resilient and able to regenerate the
loss of limbs quite well; the don't react to dismemberment very strongly.
Herders are hermaphroditic, each having a sharp incisor that can be unfolded
from the mouth. Mating consists of attempting to inject sperm into the
other's mouth-slit; in many cases this turns into a fight as both try
to inseminate the other and avoid becoming pregnant themselves. The loser(s)
develop 2-5 young inside their central body cavity, releasing them through
their mouth-slits. The young are usually cared for by the whole tribe.
Herder thinking relies much more on instincts and pre-programmed reactions
than most other intelligent species. Much of their behaviour is actually
run by nerve ganglia in their branches rather than the main brain. When
learning, they often perform strange "dances" or contortions as they train
their branch-minds various useful behaviours. Overall they have worse
impulse control than humans, and sometimes a branch may do something the
main brain doesn't wish - self-discipline is an important skill, something
the Herders call "controlling the inner herd".
The Herders are predators, living of a variety of other animals on their
homeworld. When the Ur-Mothers uplifted them they simply gave them higher
intelligence and waited to see what would happen. The primitive Herders
promptly eradicated competing predators and hunted their preys to extinction,
resulting in a massive ecological disaster on their home continent. The
Ur-Mothers watched with interest. Not all Herders died, and the survivors
spread to other continents or found ways of surviving. Gradually the Herders
learned how to keep "cattle" and farm certain plants to attract some kinds
of prey. They developed cultures based on controlling herds, seeing themselves
as the herders of other species. This view also became their social paradigm:
each tribe was a herd, controlled by a number of dominant individuals
who had total control over the herded ones. The details of how reproduction,
violence and becoming a herder rather than herded varied a lot between
different tribes and cultures. In some tribes ritual combat was used,
in others a promotion system and in some cases by deliberate matings keeping
them in line.
When the Mothers discovered them while searching for the Ur-Mothers,
the Herders were still locked into small tribal communities, not showing
any sign of technological or cultural development. While most Mother tribes
were just curious about alien psychology and how the Ur-Mothers had uplifted
them, some clans were interested in uplifting the Herders further. While
the Herders on the home planet were left in peace (they only retain legends
of huge flying rocks inhabited by moving smaller rocks) some Herders were
removed to orbital habitats where a coalition of clans, the Herder Ascendancy
Stream, began the uplifting process.
As the Ur-Mothers were discovered and the diaspora began, the Herder
Ascendancy Stream remained cohesive for a long time. But splits about
the best way of achieving uplift led to different clans separating their
uplift programs, essentially creating several divergent forms of half-uplifted
Herders. Today there exists at least four uplifted herder forms, although
with one exception they exist far from human space.
Of special relevance to humans is the Unificationalist Herders. The cybernetic
unificationalists were involved in the Herder Ascendancy Stream, and eventually
succeeded in implanting Herders with neural interfaces enabling them to
interface with the family minds. This project has continued among some
of the unificationalist sub-clans, and have been successful in some respects.
The Unificationalist Herders have practically lost their old culture (replacing
it with unificationalist culture), but have instead become a kind of family
mind "robots", contributing manual dexterity and alternative thought patterns.
Their special ability to handle many subproblems at once fits in perfectly
with cohering a group mind, as well as their speed. Symbiotic family-minds
exhibit a division of mental labour, with the Herder parts performing
quick tasks and deductions, while the slower but more flexible Mother
parts explore many different options and come up with creative or unified
strategies. Most of the family minds consider the project successful,
and are interested in repeating it with other species.
