Nova is the first extrasolar colony, founded by a broad international
expedition organised by the US, PRC, India, EU and supported by the UN
and various organisations like National Geographic, the Interplanetary
Society and various academies. It consisted of three colony ships (small
by today's standards) that were launched towards to Tau Ceti II in 2026.
Ship I, Red, arrived 2076, one year before the others. They began to
explore the system, building a laser link to Sol and setting up a temporary
orbital base above Tau Ceti II. Tau Ceti II was named Nova Terra (which
was soon shortened to Nova; today inhabitants call them novas). When ship
II and III (Green & Blue) eventually arrived a first beachhead named
Landfall had been constructed on the coast of the single main continent,
Hope. The initial colony was mostly constructed out of prefabricated materials.
Most of the colonists learned how to live and thrive on Nova, growing
foods and extracting raw materials from the alien environment, coping
with the weather and exploring the strange new world. According to plan,
after two years the colony split and around a third moved off to a second
colony (in order to increase redundancy and spread the resources), Backup
located 150 kilometres to the north of Landfall.
Over the first fifteen years everything went according to plan. Advanced
mechanisation made it simple to build a working agricultural and industrial
base, the planet was explored from space, air and finally on foot, and
the biosphere found to be manageable. The colony administration, led by
the council and coordinator, worked perfectly. But as the colony grew,
more and more people moved out to small settlements. These settlements
were relatively independent and while most participated in the colony
process as intended a few remained almost completely independent. It was
also relatively common for the settlers of be of the same cultural background,
creating an increasing if relatively benign ghettoisation. Over time the
independent settlements grew, and new were founded that had not been cleared
with the administration.
A crisis came in 2091 when some families decided to settle an area designated
to be left untouched for future use; the administration was forced to
either try to evict them, or let them go. They tried diplomacy first,
with limited success from the stubborn settlers. When they finally sent
the colonial police to the settlement they found the settlers strongly
dug in; the police completely failed in apprehending them and could only
disable some of the equipment. Most settlements and the council were on
the administration side, but some of the more independent settlements
began to prepare themselves. The administration increasingly worried about
the threat of militias and independent settlements answered in force,
quickly using its available resources to quell the independents. The move
was successful, but created strong resentment among many and made the
administration look more and more dictatorial. As a response the democracy
movement began to reorganise the government into a more distributed way.
It quickly gained support, but the traditional administration tried to
hold on to power. Over several years the political scene was dominated
by the struggle, and in the meantime several of the independents had the
chance to prepare better.
In 2097 several independent settlements
announced that they were formally breaking away from the colony, forming
their own nation, the Red Cliff Alliance. Landfall found itself unable
to muster the resources needed to force the Alliance back, and had to
accept fait accompli. The democracy movement used the situation to finally
redefine government, and Landfall became a decentralised democracy. The
colonial administration was kept in purely non-political matters such
as space access, scientific research, meteorology and managing the laser
link to Earth while the actual governing was left in the hands of a parliament
with representatives from the different settlements.
Over the next three generations Landfall
and the Red Cliff Alliance developed. The Alliance was composed of more
radical and independent settlements, often with strong religious, national
or political views. It grew into a number of independent city-states and
settlements along the north coast of Hope, a very loose conglomeration
of groups who had very little to do with each other. The name slowly shifted
to the Red Rock Alliance, mainly due to a long-running conflict between
a more unionist fraction and a less unified group calling the Alliance
the Red Rock. The Landfall democracy had a larger population, better communications
and overall a more homogenised population; emigration emphasised the differences
even more. The dispersed settlements promoted the development of communications
technology, and gradually the parliament began to meet solely in virtual
reality. The many disparate communities with their different languages
also promoted the development of automated translation systems.
One noticeably different place was the Kingdom
of Eyre, a small island-nation 70 kilometres off the north-eastern coast
of Hope. The founders were followers of King Stanley, a sociologist claiming
that elected mini-monarchies was the ideal social order for Nova. Nominally
a member of the Red RockAlliance, the kingdom was fiercely independent
and chose to go its own way. At first it attempted to become a tax-haven
and entertainment city, but it never really worked out due to its location,
Landfall legislation and competition from Palm Beach. Instead it became
a closed, self-sufficient society ruled by the elected monarchs. In 2149
the Landfall Oceanographic Institute built a research outpost on the steep
eastern shore to explore the deep sea trench nearby. Over the years since
this the outpost have grown and the kingdom have gradually prospered by
its increasing involvement in deep sea research and exploitation.
In 2210’s it was becoming increasingly clear that the "elementals",
complex program clusters existing in the net, were true intelligence,
as various programs not only passed the Turing test but also exhibited
the ability to solve problems creatively and consider their own existence.
The discovery spurred the development of more accessible software which
was definitely intelligent and individual. "Life and Reflection",
the autobiography of the Magnus system, topped the best-seller lists in
2220, and the debate about elemental rights began in earnest. The problem
of the role of sentient software has still not been settled to everybody’s
satisfaction. The SmartSoft Bill of 2231 gave
some AI rights, and in 2289 nearly full rights were granted. Due to fears
of ballot stuffing by cloning of programs AI systems are still not allowed
to vote, but otherwise software can gain person status by passing a series
of tests and conditions delineated in the Redline Code, managed by the
Office of AI Affairs. The basic conditions are that the system is self-aware
above a certain level, that it is capable of intelligent problem-solving,
discussion and action within domains it has no previous experience in,
can show it can support itself as an independent economic entity and pass
a "sanity test". The Redline Code is subject to constant review
and criticism, in many quarters very hard criticism for the definitions
of "sanity" or the cumbersome questions about ownership. So
far the free elementals number in approximately 50,000, a relatively low
number given the total amount of software in Landfall. The major reason
seems to be that most programs have little interest in being free.

In 2265 a preacher named Erik Atell appeared
in Free Ford, a small town in the Alliance. He preached a vision of unity,
communion and human development that would unite everybody in the disparate
Alliance communities. He had some success, and went on preaching in many
other places. His success was mixed, but the Atellians became more and
more numerous and widespread. While religious movements were not unusual,
the Atellians tried to encompass the whole of the Alliance instead of
just a single community. They failed politically, since many of the Alliance
communities refused to combine more closely or listening to the Atell
memes. In Landfall the Atellians were regarded as just another religion.
Erik Atell realised that he couldn't achieve his vision just through
persuasion, the communities had to be forced out of their isolation. He
attempted to organise his followers into an army to "open up the closed".
The endeavour failed utterly, and Erik was killed 2270 during the attack
on a "hedgehog town". The survivors largely left the Alliance, moving
to Landfall. There Erik’s successor Yotik
Henrigues began a new plan; instead of trying to found another settlement
or merge with Landfall they should form a completely own colony in space.
He exploited the remnants of the administration where he and a few others
had connections to get the opportunity to buy the old space station (which
was being replaced anyway). The Atellians moved up there en masse in 2273,
founding their own colony/nation Unity. Most people disregarded this as
another crazy cult, but some worried that the Atellians might attempt
another crazy venture. To soothe these fears Unity signed a non-intervention
treaty in 2274.
Unity developed into a closed, extremely connected
society. Yotik promoted experiments with drugs and bionics to create a
stronger sense of community, perhaps part of a scheme to keep control
over his followers despite their hardships. Over the next decade the experiments
succeeded - based on Landfall technology the Atellians managed to create
a form of digital telepathy, uniting the community ever closer. Over the
next years they explored ways of integrating themselves, ending in the
formation of a number of Units, bionic group minds that remained in constant
contact. Realising that the other people would dislike their approach
they began to build a second home among the moons of Zeus. Unity began
asteroid mining and energy production, trading it for know how from downplanet
and building new habitats. When the truth began to become clear there
was little anybody could do, and the treaty remained.

Today Unity is a society of group minds. Each Unit consists of several
people linked together by implants and compatible personalities. Children
grow up in the units, becoming one with them. Units can communicate directly
with each other, but usually total communion is hard to achieve. In each
habitats all units are able to communicate with each other, and to discuss
public matters. One problem is the uniformity that tends to develop. This
is a reason Unity actively recruits people to join the units, to keep
the mental diversity high despite the trouble that weakly integrated people

Landfall developed into a thriving if confusing nation, with a high mixture
of cultures, styles and views. As settlements spread, efficient communications
networks had been set up to limit the need for long range travel. Over
time the Net became the dominant medium of commerce, communication, education
and politics. As the information industry developed, society slowly changed
from an advanced agricultural society into a media society. Virtual reality
grew into both an artform and a big market. The huge demands for translation,
indexing and support spurred the development of better and better expert
systems, agents and AI.

During the middle 23rd century Landfall became dominated by
the advertising industry. As politics became more media-directed, image
and presentation grew in influence and with them the advertising/media/lifestyle
complex. The Parliament was in many ways eclipsed by the corporations,
and the political process became more one of style and ceremony than one
of content. Basically Landfall runs more on a very efficient administration
and information infrastructure than political government, and even the
market forces fluctuate so quickly depending on the current fashion that
the overall effect is fairly limited. The corporations hold control over
style and central questions, while the population has come to be deeply
involved in the diffuse democratic process. Power is really in the hands
of networks rather than formal structures, extremely fluid and nonlinear.
2314 the "Film at 11 War" occurred between the two newscorporations
Sunrise News and Hope Update Amalgamated. It began as a series of competing
advertisements and escalated to a full-scale smear campaign. SN and HUA
attacked each other’s credibility using all the tools of modern advertising,
memetic engineering and litigation. The War shook Landfall as many other
companies, politicians and citizens either choose sides or got caught
in the information crossfire; misinformation and emotions ran high. Several
attempts to restrain the combatants failed since the War was completely
legal. As public opinion against the War rose the tide briefly turned
as the Parliament enacted some quick bills to put restraints on SN and
HUA. Unfortunately this caused a second wave, as fierce constitutional
debates, arguments about media ethics and legal suits erupted everywhere.
In the end the bills proved more disruptive than the initial War. After
over a year of political and media chaos the disruptions slowly dwindled.
Overall it showed some of the weaknesses of Landfall society, but there
were never any obvious results in figuring out how to avoid a recurrence;
many of the current political groupings are based on different views of
best handling media disruptions.

The arrival of a New America-Arcadian expedition in 2340 ushered in a
new era. Landfall was excited by interstellar contact, and quickly began
setting up diplomatic relations with the other colonies. Directly after
the Arcadians had acquired FTL technology they shared the secret with
Landfall and Unity, setting up a joint starship development program. Since
then Nova has been one of the major space powers, seeking out all the
exciting new cultures of the other colonies.
In Landfall information technology is advanced, and much of society deals
with media in one way or another. Trade, politics, education, practically
everything is handled through the net. This has both created a huge demand
for image improvements to catch and hold attention, attract the right
people, give the customers an experience with the content and so on. There
is also a widespread interest in experiencing truly authentic experiences,
be they mountaineering or warbuggy races in the interior to eating in
the truly memorable restaurants of Fejel. The different places all hold
on to their individuality or find ways of enhancing it; being exceptional
(or looking exceptional) is a way of life for most people. People live
in small communities rather than big cities (even if they interact virtually
in a very cosmopolitan way). Landfall (the city) is the only place with
skyscrapers and dense buildings (and that is largely for show). Backup
has retained its rural charm, and many of the small towns along the coast
have their own quirks. Vladimirograd is located on top of a sheer cliff
with buildings leaning out over the abyss, while Chico is a deliberate
attempt at vintage Latin kitsch.

Many people are interested in the national heritage of their ancestors
back on Earth. Learning and speaking one of the old languages has always
been seen as a sign of education even if they are less than useful in
daily life. In the same way, many are active in Nations, organisations
composed of descendants from different Earth cultures who meet to share
their heritage (today of course most people are descended from several
cultures, and either select one Nation they like or participate in several).
Similar groups can be found on Arcadia and Victoria, but it is only on
Nova where they have become a significant cultural movement. Their heyday
were the early 2100's, but they remain important social networks today.
A growing problem is terrorism. The best way of getting attention is
to do something spectacular, and people cannot ignore terrorism. Unlike
traditional terrorism this is highly media-directed and planned strikes,
usually more dramatic than deadly (although the human interest angle of
innocent death is attractive). Most notorious are some anti-AI groups
who have blown up or sabotaged notable AIs and the "6% warriors",
striking against the ecology laws (they want the release of more terrestrial
life-forms approved). Many terrorists are believed to hide in the Alliance
from Landfall authorities. Related problems are serial killers, fadbusters
and Herostratian youths.

The Alliance today covers most of the north coast, still a loose grouping
of independent settlements. Most are tiny and insular, refusing to keep
in touch with the rest of the world. People fed up with the hectic pace
of Landfall sometimes emigrate north, and there has sprung up several
landfallian communities along the border. The relationship between Landfall
and the Alliance is tricky. The only thing that really unites the Alliance
is resistance to Landfall incursions into what it considers its internal
affairs. Such incursions are resisted by making Landfall pay through expensive
sabotages – messing with the Alliance simply doesn’t pay, and Landfall
hence leaves it alone most of the time.
Unity society is a very mental society; most interesting stuff goes on inside
the minds of people. Personality structures, linking topologies and mental
control are common subjects of discussion, art and debate. A heavy reliance
on virtual imagery and visualisation makes the physical appearance rather

SSS, Sentient Software Suffrage, is a AI-rights group
working for giving full rights to AI programs and removing many of the
restrictions of citizenship testing. SSS is an outspoken and highly media-directed
group, often arranging dramatic court cases, broadcasting debates and
interviews as well as lobbying on all levels. Ironically, the most recognised
member is Themis, an AI lacking citizenship. It was originally owned by
a legal firm, but when it sought citizenship and failed, it was threatened
with shutdown or erasure. After much melodrama SSS bought it, and it has
since then been a high profile legal expert in AI rights questions.

The Humanist Alliance is the major anti-AI
group of Nova. The HA is a think-tank, coordinating other groups, doing
policy analysis and making media statements. It has a reasonable impact
factor and some skilled debaters. It is not militant in any way, just
concerned that AI represents a threat to human society and values. The
HA would like to see AI rights removed and some limits on the production
of intelligent software. It has also denounced Unity as a dangerous cult,
pointing out the risks that Unity pose for human dignity and individuality.
Overall it is sceptical of radical human enhancements, even if it does
not regard bionics per se as wrong.

Neuropoll Inc. is a polling firm, often exploiting
advanced psychological and neurological methods to extract as much data
they can. They are most known for the neuropollsters, 20,000 Landfall
citizens that have been wired with a system making it possible for Neuropoll
to measure their reactions to a variety of products, everyday phenomena
and their desires; this data is then mined to find trends, mood estimates
and fashion vectors. At first the firm tried to directly use the data
to produce products such as AI music to suit the tastes of the pollsters,
but the performance was lacklustre. While it was possible to detect overall
preferences and trends, the notoriously mercurial Landfallians tended
to shy away from anything becoming mainstream. Today Neuropoll is instead
concentrating on producing the market data other companies need, asking
the questions nobody ever thought about asking ("Do people really
like human partners instead of androids?" – Neuropoll data was directly
responsible for the Anthromorph Systems drive that lowered marriages with
12%) and generally staying on the hip bionic side of things. Their influence
on Landfall marketing is strong; their current market share is 14%. Detractors
sometimes call them Neuropol.

Sunrise News is one of the major Landfall news agencies. After the "Film
at 11 War" it lost much of its credibility, and for a while bankruptcy
threatened. But it managed to recover, and today it is the premier source
of early and utility news. It is diversified into edutainment and event
archiving, with a large contingent of AI analysts organising the data.
Palm Beach on the eastern shore of Hope, close to the border to the Alliance,
is the capital of gambling on Nova. Here the coast is dotted with casinos,
ranging from the traditional Las Vegas to the ultra-modern Escaton. All
forms of gambling and entertainment exist, including virtual games and
elaborate gameshows. While the Nomic tournaments are held entirely on
the Net, it is traditional to have a major display of the final games
in the hololith (230 meters high) outside the Hrafnir.
Hermes is a detective agency with an unique concept: they make television
shows based on their cases, exciting real-life documentaries about the
work of investigators.
Star Aid is an interstellar help organisation originally founded on Nova
but spreading to New America and Arcadia. It sees as its purpose to lessen
suffering and violence and help backwards societies to develop. Currently
it is mainly trying to help Negsoa; some initial overtures towards Penglai
did not turn out well.

Telenovellas is a publishing house, publishing everything from paper
books, non-interactive media, multimedia, virtuals and broadcasts; they
have branches dealing with everything from news to science, with a bias
towards entertainment and fiction. They own several major virtual soap
opera servers.

Cryoinvest is the largest Nova cryonics investment
firm, managing the money of the corpiscles while they are suspended. Cryonics
investment firms are by their nature extremely conservative, cautious
and long-range, they never invest in anything carrying the least risk.
On the other hand, they have huge amounts of capital and very long-term
loans. Cryoinvest was founded in 2197, and has since then slowly grown
to become a financial force towering in the Nova economy. It is investing
for the clients of many cryonics companies, such as Status Cryo, Volans
Trustees, Concord Cryonics, Osiris Life Extension and even the venerable
old Alliance Suspension.

Graunstein Interstellar is the major
interstellar trade, travel and information company. Originally a major
government contractor in the space business, the appearance of interstellar
ships gave it the opportunity to expand. It operates the Barto,
although it sometimes leases other starships.

The Integrationist Movement seeks to enhance human potential by merging
with AI or uploading the human mind into computers. They are currently
far from either goal, but inside the movement there are several thriving
bionics and AI firms making daemon chips and augmentation software. The
uploading idea remains far in the future, but news of Atlantean nanotechnology
has cheered them significantly.

How can you hire a good team to undertake something that is quasi-legal
without endangering your identity or the team revealing too much about
their past activities? AgentNet is the solution, a well renowned interfacing
firm based in Red Rock on Nova. Using zero-knowledge proof cryptography
they can keep a database of teams, past missions (linked with media and
law enforcement coverage) and the anonymous identities of employers. An
employer can check the reputation of a team and that it is valid, but
not find out exactly which missions produced it (which is good since some
of them may be illegal), contact the team using anonymous transmissions
blinding both parties to each other's location and real identity and sign
contracts that are officially registered (defaulting is a bad idea, since
that destroys the credibility of the anonymous identities - not everybody
is willing to deal with an entity with no reputation). Everything is cryptographically
secured, making it impossible even for the owners of AgentNet to find
out who's who.

Sport and games is a major business on Nova. The big sports shift from
year to year, but currently warbuggy races, pilote, paragliding tag, upback
survival trecks, virtual war and basket are the most popular. Teams and
players get plenty of media coverage, and the behind-the-scenes games
of sponsorship, membership deals and image design keep much of the industry
gossiping; professional sports are properly a part of the entertainment
industry as much as gameshows or soap operas (which they sometimes overlap
Among AIs Nomic is the preferred game. It is a self-modifying
game originally invented in the late 20th century, consisting
of a set of rules, mostly detailing how rules may be changed, not unlike
a constitution. The participants vote on rule changes, trying to achieve
a winning condition. While it was sometimes played by intellectual humans,
it was far to complex and confusing to ever become popular. However, the
game was rediscovered by AI on Nova in the 23rd century, and
quickly became a popular sport among many programs. At present it has
many variations, and the major tournaments attract attention from many
AI programs and even a few humans.
Information disease caused by the sudden breakdown of memetic defences.
Under the onslaught of advertising and compelling media some people
overnight become extremely suggestible, essentially turning off
all critical thinking and just following the suggestions of media
around them. The treatment involves a lengthy rest period with very
limited bandwidth access, and therapy to establish a new memetic
People from the Alliance.
An AI with severe constraints on its thinking or actions.
One’s personal image.
Brand awareness development
Becoming more well known and respected. "So, how is your brand
awareness development going?"
AI expression for being erased
Negative term for very old people who refuse to die or freeze themselves,
and instead cling on to life at ever increasing costs.
Cliffhanger mind
Someone addicted to being the centre of attention.
Codewalker |
A person, AI or program that traverses
code for a living. Not the most glamorous job, but very necessary
to fix glitches, old bugs, find out how to upgrade legacy systems
etc.. |
Robot partner.
A digital librarian, especially one hunting down truly obscure
The rare people, institutions and styles that never go out of style.
All the software and external functionality supporting a person.
Includes personal AI, software filters, secretaries and infrastructure.
Fabulous, fantastic, but a tiny bit of faddish. Denotes something
that is great right now, but has no staying power.
Someone who not just dislikes a fad but strikes out militantly
against it.
Fact Totem
A portable interface to the Knowledge Net.
Derogatory Alliance term for someone from Landfall.
One’s surroundings: habits, styles, clothing, image, rumours etc.
A production for fullsense immersion.
Go Tani
Variant of Go often found in Nova casinos.
Go to the Alliance
Humorous expression for hiding from mistakes, media overexposure
or bad press ("After that show, you better go to the Alliance").
Derogatory term for AI.
High C
To break under stress; refers to the stories about opera singers
breaking glass with their voices. "You better take a vacation
or you will reach High C".
Militantly isolationist communities in the Alliance.
People willing to do extremely stupid or destructive things to
get attention.
Hope Springs Eternal
The national anthem of the entire colony, a slogan used for the
people who want to unify the Alliance with Landfall.
Human. Used as a conjunct to AI, sometimes written in lowercase
("We must stand together, both hu and ai.")
A "one shot wonder", a huge star that is likely to vanish
just as quickly as he/she/it appeared.
Hypermedia, fully immersive or intelligent documents.
Non-intelligent net agents, such as spiders (connects information),
striders (searches for information), hiders (hides in a system and
watches it) or riders (hides in data to sneak into somebody’s system).
A Nova inhabitant. Oldfashioned term used by the initial colonists,
since Nova lies in the Cetus (whale) constellation.
Lights, camera, action. Expression for "Wow! Something is
happening! Better film this!".
Life on the shelf
AI expression for being ignored or inactive
Somebody skilled in crafting catchy memes.
To look at something from a higher level, to "jump out of
the system".
AI problem where the program begins to loop its self-awareness
so that it is aware that it is aware that is aware and so on; a
problem in the first self-aware AIs but fixable using self-interrupts;
however the word has remained for other consciousness-instabilities
in AI and as a term for being self-obsessed among humans.
Derogatory term for someone from the Alliance.
Multimedia, the most common kind of document with combined text,
video, sound, interaction and responsiveness. "I have nothing
to do!" "Try piping a multi, dear".
"Navel of the world"; AI expression for an important
net node or knowledge node.
To ingest information.
An avid AI Nomic player.
Abstract game where the rules are changed by the players according
to meta-rules; originally invented as a metaphor for how a constitution
works. Popular among AI.
Ones schedule, the all important list of appointment and to-dos
every civilized person owns. It is often managed by a "Schedder",
a specialist AI. Schedcrashing is the act of trying to get into
another’s schedule, with force or not.
A piece of software following one around trying to sell something
Ongoing interactive game/broadcast. From the ancient soap operas.
The Parliament is sometimes called The Soap.
Artificial actors, usually AI controlled.
Technogamous |
Married or emotionally connected with robots
or AIs. |
A covert identity on the net, appearing to be a legitimate person
but intended for nefarious or deceptive purposes. A single person
can have many tentacles, appearing as a group of people.
A significant network crash.
Unity member.
Unity Speech (verbalised)
Mental architecture, especially the cohesion necessary for forming
an unity. "Raising the arch" means to learn enough about
each other so that unity can be reached.
Colony meetings, when everybody connects to the same telepathic
forum. The term is originally from the Alliance.
When two or more individuals have deep-level contact over extended
periods of time.
Potential problem in an unity’s mental structure.
The deep levels of the mind, reachable for others only through
great training.
Deja vu
A mental structure or snapshot placed virtually somewhere in space;
not unlike virtual objects in enhanced reality.
When one part of the unity is asleep, and the dreams trickle over
into the consciousness of other parts. Regarded as a problem, a
nuisance, a fun game or a way towards greater unity by different
When an unity becomes too large to remain stable, and tends to
break up.
Slang for non-Unity people. They are like gas molecules bouncing
around without ever combining.
The experience of total mental unification, a fairly rare experience.
Interactable Artificial Intelligence, AI equipped to deal with
Unity communications. So far no IAI have ever successfully joined
an unity.
When older members of an unity influence other members (especially
neutrals) to take on their personality traits; often necessary to
keep the group mind stable as generations pass.
The Isolation
The feeling of loneliness Unity members feel when they are not
connected with each other.
An unity that has persisted longer than many of its members.
Mental sign with a standard meaning.
Having each individual of an unity experience different, but complementary
Native born Unity citizens that never really develop a distinct
personality; often necessary in larger unities.
The vision of an entire society mentally unified.
A very large unity or unity of unities. Very rare.
A small or immature group mind, somewhere between a human collaboration
and a true unity.
Parasitic memes spreading from minds to mind in an unity, like
a catchy jingle or self-supporting thought pattern.
When something comes together, especially when a new complex system
finally starts to work stably.
To join Unity.
The upper, most easily accessed parts of the mind.
The accidental breakup of a communion or unity state
Hiding one’s mental state or showing a false one.
Survival skills
The basic knowledge of how to make the implants behave well, especially
how to break connection with the net.
Sending verbal or simple sense impressions through the network.
An emotion, personality, hang-up or thought pattern that makes
it hard to reach unity.
A unity consisting of three individuals. Pairs are sometimes called
dyads, and the series continue with tetrads, pentads, hexads and
so on.
The whole of Unity society, as opposed to the lesser unities.
A group-mind, the feeling of being one with others.
There are seven other planets in the system, mostly minor. The innermost
rock world is called Hermes. Beyond Nova lies the gas giant Zeus with
an extensive moon system. Outside Zeus four minor iceworlds (Hades, Persephone,
Tartarus and Styx), and outermost a bluish failed core called Poseidon
orbits in an eccentric orbit.
Nova orbits Tau Ceti at a distance of 0.78 AU. One orbit takes 0.72 earth
years, or 331 Nova-days long. Nova has a single small moon (923 km), originally
called Selene but eventually named Lucinda (after a woman in the original
colony crew that ended up in local folklore as the epitome of absentminded
confusion). The sun is usually called Tau.
Nova is terrestrial, with a diameter of 12,404 kilometres and a mean
density 1.2 times earth. Gravity is 1.136 times Earth, the axial tilt
17 degrees. Almost 45% of the surface is land, the rest ocean. Nova has
a single major continent, Hope, covering an entire hemisphere. The interior
consists of mountainous deserts, highlands and canyons (the "upback"),
but the often rocky coastline and surrounding areas are pleasant by human
standards. Relatively little life exists in the interior, and frequent
earthquakes makes it hazardous (according to novologists the continent
is slowly breaking up in the same way that Pangea on Earth did, with a
rift valley developing from Icestorm Bay). The poles are covered with
drifting ice sheets, but since they are surrounded by ocean they cannot
accumulate ice and often vanish during summer. However, the northernmost
and southernmost parts of Hope remain constantly glaciated.
climate is colder than on Earth,just 17 degrees on average. At the same
time the weather is more variable than on Earth, due to both stronger
temperature differences in the interior between summer and winter (causing
major storms), the short day and the irregular volcanic eruptions. The
greenhouse effect is strong and important on Nova, since without it the
planet would enter a permanent glaciation.
Indigenous life turned out to be rather simple but robust; mostly branching
animal or plant analogues, some mobile, some hard and unmoving. Most life
is in the seas or amphibious; many species spend the winters in the ocean
and the summers foraging on land. Much of the coastline is covered with
land corals (really a kind of plant) which severly hinders movement. The
largest animal is the Ten One, a ten-armed branching octopus-like creature
that hunts near shorelines; it can become one meter long. Most animals
are a few centimetres large. Plants tend to form branching networks on
the ground, or flexible fronds in the air.
The surface layers of Nova oceans are very nutrient poor, while most
nutrients are found in the depths. Nova has extensive deep sea ecosystems,
consisting of immense labyrinths of coral-like bacterial growths. These
growths in turn provide anchor for waving hairlike strands of filter feeding
plant/animals, which in turn provide food for many exotic creatures. Among
the most original are the bursters – a mushroom like creature that fills
with gas, and at certain intervals breaks free from the bottom, floats
up to the surface where it bursts, releasing its eggs. These eggs combine
into manet-like colonies before sinking down to the bottom to continue
the adult lifecycle.