The Permanent Xenological
Commission was originally a task force, but is now an important sub-department
within the Department of Diplomacy and Social Engineering. It deals with
inter-species contacts, and especially making sure the contact benefits
the Empire in the long term. They study human technology, culture and
suggestions to estimate their consequences, sometimes banning certain
things to preserve the empire (such as violent 20th century
movies and cryonics). Every new deal has to go through the Commission,
sometimes requiring lengthy evaluations to check that proposed trade,
technology or information doesn't upset the Empire. The Department of
Further Technological Development is also involved, acting as technological
expertise and a link with the Circle of Trade-Related Organisations; often
the Commission, composed mainly of academic nobility with massive philosophical
education, has trouble accepting the more radical views of the Department.
The Gathering of Plexar Affairs is a kind of philosophical supreme court
combined with R&D. The Gathering acts as mediators, judges and advisors
in matters of basic philosophy, both theoretical and applied to law, commerce,
diplomacy, politics or technology. They try to find ways of reconciling
opposing views and philosophies into stronger wholes.
The Three Departments of Impropriety deal with corruption. Corruption
has always been a pet worry among the various dynasties, especially the
more centralist ones. The current system of keeping the empire honest
is based on three independent but overlapping departments monitoring what
is going on and investigating suspicious events. The departments are deliberately
based on totally different approaches and philosophies. The First Department
is closest to the current imperial philosophy, and mainly looks for waste
and inefficiency. The Second Department is more rooted in the last dynasty,
and watches for improper social relationships and their consequences.
The Third Department follows an axiomatic, very rigid, logic of law which
it applies to everything. Most of the time they work together perfectly,
even if they all monitor each other too. Their rare conflicts are usually
sent to the Gathering of Plexar Affairs to evaluation.
The Department of Economics is obsolete; it was a major force in the
last dynasty, controlling much of the economy and politics, but when the
89th dynasty ascended it was disbanded. The family network running it
was discredited and forced out of administration; some resentment still
lingers among certain branches. Instead the empire organized the Circle
of Trade-Related Organisations, including some new departments such as
the Department of Further Technological Development, the Department of
Planetary Trade and the Department of Imperial Finances, and major organisations
such as the Raashash Network (a "megacorporation" in the energy/transport
business closely allied to the Imperial Administration) and the Capital
University Economics Departement Applications Group. The Circle is exceptionally
complicated and confusing even by Trahan measures, but is more important
for the internal imperial financing than for independent trade.

The Purists are the people of both species that
dislike seeing their cultures mix. There are several kinds, ranging from
academics worried about culture clashes (many involved in the elaborate
diplomatic dance between the Empire and Victoria) to direct xenophobes.
To some Trahans, humans are insane, rude carnivores that are not merely
strange but actively dangerous; they need to be contained and their ideas
stopped. In the same way, there are humans that consider Trahans deceptively
unassuming schemers who might overwhelm all of human space through sheer
numbers. The Trahan Purists are constantly lobbying the Xenological Commission,
Imperial Diplomatic Service and other institutions to limit or cut off
human-Trahan contacts. They are naturally anatagonistic against the Humanists,
who they consider deluded fools or even traitors.
The Humanists are the Trahans that like humans,
human culture and like to imitate them (there are similar Trahanists among
the humans, but they are few). The classic humanist badge is wearing a
"baseball cap", a version of the human cap tied with a small
ribbon or wire to their necks; this was the result of seeing a group of
humans with baseball caps during the very first public films of humans
– they are purely symbolic. Humanists do their best to learn more about
humans and imitate their alien and exciting ways. They want to open up
more contact between humans and Trahans, getting rid of the unnecessarily
conservative and restrictive diplomats.
The Harmony Police is a kind of memetic secret
service, maintaining the philosophical security of the Empire by finding
and dealing with threatening ideas. They work directly for the Imperial
Couple, maintaining their Nasstschsch through many subtle ways. They are
extremely non-violent, preferring manipulation, debate, infiltration and
acting through intermediaries to defuse dangerous ideas and thinkers.
For example, passion cults are often disrupted by internal quarrels and
radical writers may suddenly get a chance to fulfil their personal dreams
which incidentally keeps them from writing. The Harmony Police is widely
feared among radical groups, especially since they recognise that most
of its power comes from the paranoia it induces.
Xenocreoles mix human and Trahan culture into
something new. They are not an organised movement, although they are ahead
of most human purists in networking and exploit the advanced technology
allowed on Victoria to keep in touch in ways ordinary Trahans cannot.
Most xenocreoles simply do not understand the purist views, and find it
natural for humans and trahans to live and work together. Many practical
problems of course have to be solved, but the xenocreole households (often
consisting of an extended human and an extended trahan family living together
with some small businesses) on northern Victoria have been a great success
both financially and socially.
The Rising Net is a vocal technological-political branch promoting the
development of a worldwide knowledge net like the ones on Nova, Atlantis
and New America. They believe this will amplify Trahan civilisation to
new heights; it also has subtle philosophical implications that clearly
puts them in opposition to the current philosophy, which they try to integrate
with their arguments in order to gain more support. The group has gained
much support from the Humanists and many of the more technophiliac Trahans,
but still it is an uphill struggle against the sceptics.

The New Tree, Arbol Nuevo, is a network among the
xenocreoles aimed at representing and furthering their culture. It is
heavily involved in trade, and has sent out "seeds" and "shots"
to the other colonies to set up human-Trahan trade and cultural exchange.
The aim is to exploit the initiative advantage of the xenocreoles over
the Empire. At the same time they are aware that the Empire is doing its
best to keep them under control; the Harmony police is watching them.
Schrr-Taass Ss is a kind of "loyal opposition movement" left from the
last dynasty. Essentially they seek to keep the caste system of the Good
Old Days, but at the same time have bought into the current doctrines
(requiring some baroque rationalisations by Trahan standards). The result
is a clannish, conservative network of families and branches that remain
strong in local politics and certain aspects of industry (especially low
order electronics and dense shell recycling), but lack overall political
power. Its views on humans are complex, but overall it seems to view the
purists as a potential political ladder to gain more influence.
Nemm Taassraht Na, The Independents of Na, is a radical movement demanding
a restructuring of the administrative system so that the Tree of Election
will be geographically divided on most levels; this is resisted fiercely
by most other political parties. The Independents are not actually interested
in Na (that is just a traditional symbol), but the removal of certain
privileged substructures and taxation classes. They are slowly gaining
in power, and allying heavily with humanists and xenocreoles.
The Hydrostructure Forests are artificial islands floating on the sea,
home to fishers, ocean farmers, OTEC maintenance personnel and Trahans
feeling the need to escape the heights of the cities for the flatness
of the sea. They are widely regarded as somewhat unrefined, primitive
places where practicalities of maintenance and survival are more important
than insight, but at the same time they are viewed as homes of Nalsstreeschsch,
"the philosophical void which promotes radical insight": ambitious
Trahan philosophers attempting to boldly develop new aspects of politics
or philosophy (and people wanting to look like them plus of course tourists)
make pilgrimages here to test their mettle. It is mainly a formal or ceremonial
way of signifying the will of the thinker rather than a serious attempt
at insight, and the custom is not taken as seriously as it once was. The
exception is the Imperial labour: the imperial couple has to work at some
lowly jobs at the hydrostructures (imitating the prestation of the first
Online Emperor) before proclaiming major shifts in policy.
The Interstellar Diplomatic Council is a gathering of the leading diplomats
from the human worlds present, organised by the Xenodiplomatic Cluster
of Capital. The Trahan sees it as an opportunity to deal with humanity
as a whole, and work hard on making the Council something equivalent to
the old UN; the human diplomats take somewhat different views (especially
New America is trying hard to create something similar at home and don't
want competition).
The Marzenia Society is the most influential social club on Victoria.
It is a conservative association, where members meet at a monthly basis
to listen to lectures and cook dinners. This network has strong ties with
the colonial administration, Victorian finance and other influential groups.
The agenda is fairly conservative-purist.
The Tautological Theater is a philosophical society of some note on Victoria.
It consists of both humans and trahans exploring one of the less mainstream
schools of philosophy, the Tautological Tradition. The tautologists explore
the implications of tautological statements, which they claim contain
pure truth. The Theater has close ties to both the Xenocreoles and the
Marzenia society, acting as a mediator.
The Eruditorium is a Catholic order formed
as a response to the Trahan cultural power. The Eruditorium seeks to understand
and adapt Trahan philosophy to human ends, finding out how it works and
how to avoid just getting swamped in it. The order has developed into
an important but very discreet factor in Victoria society, advising politicians,
executives and academics. It is secretive and often hiding behind religious
references; some people think this is to make it harder to understand
for Trahans. Others claim it is a human harmony police. However, most
citizens who know about it regards it just as a harmless group of priest-scholars.