Original timeline
History in Ex Tempore
Culture and Society
The timeline of Republica Aquincorum diverged from our timeline sometime
near 180 AD. Emperor Pertinax successfully put down the Praetorian Guard
rebellion and continued over the next ten years of his regime to dismantle
parts of the military power within Rome, creating a more stable government.
He was assassinated in 202, but the delay of the major power struggles
had extensive effects. Several of the soldier emperors allied more closely
with the Celts. As the Roman Empire declined, instead of breaking up in
two it broke into a number of states across Europe, starting with the
rebellion in northern Gaul in 213.
The Sassanian Empire absorbed the eastern provinces to Syria and Arabia
Petraea. The empire grew into a great power, pushing back the ever more
fragmented Romans to the Mediterranean from Asia. In 254 the emperor converted
to Manicheism. The Manicheist reformation spread like a wildfire, absorbing
other Gnostic or Christian cults and overthrowing many of the old Zoroastrian
magi while replacing them with a synthesis that filled many with great
zeal. The attack on Rome in 278 was to a large extent a crusade against
the ancient enemy, fuelled by the preaching of radical Manicheists and
the need of the emperor to get rid of some of the most zealous generals.
The Sassanids successfully invaded Italy, and sacked Rome. Emperor Marcus
Ambrosius had to flee to the small northern city Aquincorum in Rhaetia,
where he mounted a defense from the Sassanid forces. The Greek provinces
severed the supply lines of the fleet, and in 281 at the battle of Aquileia
they were scattered. Over the next ten years the imperial forces hunted
the bands of Sassanians laying waste to the countryside across Italy,
eventually restoring peace but leaving the region marginalized and the
empire scattered. The emperor returned to Aquincorum, which was henceforth
the imperial capital - but in practice the empire now consisted of independent
governors. The Sassanian Empire remained the single unifying threat holding
the squabbling nations together; many Romans began to define themselves
more as "enemies of the east" rather than being Imperial citizens or of
roman descent. In the provinces local cultures and roman culture mixed;
the empire declined into a dark age as trade and travel was replaced by
local wars.
The Türk
In 950 the Türk people (originally from Altai, but since the 500's a
growing steppes power) began to spread southwards from central Asia after
being unified by a strong ruler. They overrun some of the northern Sassanid
provinces, and in 1002 they swept across the Oxus River and began a wholesale
conquest of the empire. After the sack of Ctesiphon in 1003 the imperial
court began to lobby support from Macedonia, Dacia and Kazaria - who were
also under threat from the western advance of the Türk. Their support
was marginal, until one Türk force swept across the Black Sea, turning
back first in Pannonia. This energized the emperor and the eastern roman
states, and they began to mobilize as they saw how the formerly invincible
Sassanids crumbled under the Türk onslaught.
In 1019 a historic meeting occurred in Ephesus between the two emperors,
agreeing to fight side to side to stop the Türk menace. They met the Türks
in a series of battles across Bithynia and Galatia 1020-1022, making the
most of the mountainous terrain and the desperate need to stop the advancing
forces. Another invasion in Dacia was met by the emperor himself and his
praetorian guard at the Battle of Sarmizegetusa. This battle was the turning
point both of the Türks and Aquincorum. The defeat in the north robbed
the invaders their impetus, and the Sassanids began to rip their badly
consolidated conquests apart while the Kazarians began a firm expansion
north and east. The emperor had in a sense reaffirmed his position as
the representative of Imperium, and while the roman nations did not submit
to his rule they affirmed his imperial right and his claim as the embodiment
of Sol Invictus, the highest representative of Mithras on Earth.
It also gave the praetorian guards a new fame, and they came to be regarded
as the supreme symbol of roman might, Scutum Gladiusque Romanum. It became
an important tradition for the Latinate countries (and later on other
countries with sizeable Mithraism) to send troops to the praetorian guards,
which were used to defend Aquincorum and the Latinate world against the
barbarians. This practice in time also limited the political power of
Aquincorum, since whenever the emperor attempted to use his army for personal
or local gain, the other states would withdraw their troops.
The New Hellenism
Persia became embroiled in a hopeless struggle between the remaining
Türks, the Sassanids and usurpers, many supported by militant Manicheists.
To a large extent the chaos acted as a watershed, making people move.
The Türk invasion and the aftermath caused a flood of refugees both westwards
and eastwards. In both cases they caused a renaissance, but of fundamentally
different nature. In the west a new Hellenism occurred as displaced Persians
settled in the roman states. Ancient learning was combined with the practical
bent of the Romans, and engineering schools began to form. Many patterned
themselves after the Mithraism cults, becoming mystery schools initiating
their members in construction techniques. Science was regarded as part
of philosophy, and philosophy was regarded as a part of religion dealing
with how the universe was made. This system of "engineering cults" stimulated
practical work, guildmanship and incremental improvement, but also stifled
true innovation. Still, the slow advances spread and led to a gradual
progress across Europe and Asia Minor. When membership in multiple cults
began to be accepted in the western states the rate of development increased,
and resulted in such as wonders the Mithraeum of Massilia (1248) and the
mills of Narbo (1300's). Pater Vagennius Infigor of the Caesaragusta mithraeum
invented printing in 1302. The Mithraist interest in astrology led to
a profusion of astrological and astronomical schools combining ancient
Celtic and Babylonian knowledge, and in 1365-1370 Pater Sittius Synistor
constructed the first telescope and revealed the existence of the moons
of Jupiter.
The cultural and economic center moved from the East to southern Gaul
and Hibernia, where it spread north and to the many African states. Meanwhile
Aquincorum remained merely a figurehead, hemmed in on all sides by stronger
nations but controlling parts of the Alps and northern Italy. To the far
north the many small kingdoms in Scandinavia and the British Islands explored
the sea. In 1155 Riordan Londoniensis discovered Iceland, and in 1221
Thormund Magnes reached Vineland (New Foundland). The discoveries were
hover of marginal importance at the time.
In the east Persians moved into India, where they encountered to them
strange local philosophies and customs causing a flourishing of "philosophies
of culture". The different Indian kingdoms readily absorbed the new ideas,
and local philosophers began to question the nature of culture, nationality
and society. In some cases this led to heresies and subversive ideas that
were fiercely attacked, but scholars often escaped to neighboring kingdoms
with their ideas. One of the main innovations (due to the combination
of Greek philosophy and Buddhism) was the invention of "social religion",
the idea of religions based not on deities but on the needs and desires
of societies, defining the virtues and institutions necessary to function
After the breakdown of trade towards the west, trade began to move eastwards
instead. Indian seafarers reached China, and over the period 1100-1300
the south East Asian region became more firmly integrated. The new philosophies
where widely studied among the scholars, especially during the Wan Restoration
in 1360 when the new emperor sought to cleanse the bureaucracy of the
influences of the previous dynasty. The Wan Restoration initiated a period
recalled as the "Era of Sages", as new religions and philosophies were
developed, debated and codified. These new philosophies struggled with
each other and with the old views of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism,
resulting in several conflicts between their proponents. In 1389 the emperor
decreed, after having been influenced by the tolerant School of Ageless
Harmony, a system of institutionalized tolerance where a number of different
ethical, religious and philosophical views were granted validity as parts
of the imperial harmony (and hence to be part of the imperial examinations),
and other views were to be regarded as "acceptable, if not official".
Although a number of purges of "unacceptable" schools occurred, the main
result was that the five major philosophies became firmly entrenched thanks
to their influence on the meritocracy, and eventually out-competed most
The Age of Travel
The climate changes of "the little ice age" drove many of the Viking
and Britannian seafarers south to piracy, but also promoted the more Latinate
roman nations to extend their fleets (often by hiring the northerners),
first in defense but also for trade along the west coast of Africa. Here
they discovered many Manicheist kingdoms south of the Sahara. While Mithraism
had spread northwards and become the main religion of Europe, the Manicheist
missionaries had gone south. General Bisinus Invictus set out in 1402
to conquer Africa, a mission that failed miserably but brought roman technology,
Mithraism and a sizeable number of Romans to his colony Africa Nova on
the Ivory Coast. Influences from the colony stimulated the consolidation
of western Africa over the next 200 years into the kingdom of Mandik,
which became a dominant regional power. The Mandiki Latinate traders also
funded sea voyages across the African coast. In 1501 the famed race between
Marmasa the Seamamsa and Veduc Nautor ended with them reaching the Caribbean
using the north equatorial current and going back along the south equatorial
current, opening the Americas (called Hesperia by the Latinate) to African
In 1432 the Chinese emperor died without heir, but his royal concubines,
generals and highest mandarins hid the fact to protect their positions
and prevent a civil war. They continued to rule in his name, and the practice
continued decade after decade - the dead emperor became known as Ageless
one, and stories about his favor with heaven and his miraculous longevity
thanks to taoist alchemy spread widely. Over the years the system of regarding
the emperor as ruling without embodiment became entrenched, and China
became a meritocracy run by the leading mandarins and generals.
Although Aquincorians often tend to think it was the Latinate world that
produced modern technology and the backwards east merely invented soft
sciences like psychology and sociology, this is of course not true. Chinese
alchemists discovered many fundamental chemical processes, and the Shanghai
school of healers founded scientific medicine in the 1500's. The difference
was that new technology was quickly adopted by the Mithraeums of the west
and combined with other inventions, which were then commercialized.
The trade with the unknown western lands added to the power and mystery
of Mandik. As they began to export gunpowder, weapons and steel to the
Native Americans in exchange for gold, tobacco and slaves they set in
motion a wave of epidemics and wars among the Indian cultures. Over the
period 1500-1600 much of the new world became involved in a succession
of fierce wars (some supported by Mandik and European states, which were
now establishing trade holdings in the west) that decimated the population
with more than 75%. Many of the desperate kingdoms and empires sold off
vanquished enemies to the Mandiki who had great need for agricultural
workers. In the Mandik Empire, land was parceled out to families according
to their needs based on the number of labourers they could marshal, and
slaves provided a convenient way of increasing production. In the end
over 12 million Native Americans were forcibly transferred to sub-Saharan
Africa, becoming an important ethnic minority. Second- or third-generation
slaves were recognized as members of the household, no longer liable for
sale but usually in the kinship-dominated social structure regarded as
second class citizens. Many converted to Mithraism, often combining it
with American religion into new syncretisms.
At 1600, the Kazarian Empire dominated most of central Asia, becoming
the crossroad for trade between China and the west. It was run by a class
of Kazarian-Türkish warrior-nobles, forcing the merchants to pay protection
fees but otherwise not interfering. Changji and Anbei acted as capitals,
becoming flourishing cities where eastern philosophical treatises were
copied and exchanged for unusual technology from the Mediterranean.
Northern Europe consisted of minor kingdoms paying grudging respect to
the emperor, with (to southerners) barbaric combinations of Mithraism
with indigenous religions. The famines and floods during the "reign of
Aquilo" caused many minor wars and incursions southwards. Only the threat
of praetorian invasion kept them at bay.
In southern Europe the trading stations at Suez, where Indian and Mandiki
traders arrived brought in great revenues for the Aegyptian merchants,
helped Aegypt to grow to become the dominant financial power in the Mediterranean.
An aggressive republic refusing to pay taxes and customs at ports of other
nations, Aegypt finally defeated the amassed Massalian and Greek fleets
with its steam-powered warships in 1608-1609, totally dominating the Mediterranean
and forcing the emperor to adopt the Aegyptian dictator's son as his own.
Aegyptian researchers also began exploring the use of electricity for
more than electroplating of metals, coming up with the electric generator
in 1620 and the first radio in 1634.
The philosophical ideas seeping in from the east began to affect the
Latinate world. An increasing number of people questioned the tenets of
emperorship and kingship, whether Mithras was to be regarded as a real
person or as an ideal to strive towards, and what ideals should rule society.
A new humanism developed at the mithraeums, where the eastern ideas of
a society governed by ideals and rules for the benefit of humans rather
than gods and kings were combined with the notions developed by astronomers
about a changing, moving cosmos always evolving to new forms. This humanism
led to frequent conflicts between the old nobility and powerful sodalities
and the emerging humanist movements. In 1624 Pater Thormundus Aleator
of Scania proposed a variant of the old republican roman government where
citizens were randomly selected to act as representatives of their tribes
and parties. Although Aleist demarchy was originally suggested as a compromise
(Thormundus sought to retain a senate and executive branch run by the
nobility or sodalities), many radicals began to strive for a totally citizen-selected
government ("selected from the people, for the people").
In 1649 Epirus-Sicilia became aleist demarchies after a revolt against
Aegypt. The revolt was crushed, which led to popular protests across Europe.
When the Aegyptian-loyal emperor used the praetorians to disperse Aleist
protestors in Aquincorum the Greek, Hibernian and Gallian nations withdrew
their troops, and prepared to strike at the loyalists. In the "one year
war" 1650 the praetorians and other armies fought in the Alps. While the
emperor was dug in and impossible to defeat, all supply routes were cut
and it was clear that his support was declining. Many Mithraists demanded
that he would either commit suicide to retain the honor of Mithras, or
that he would switch sides and join with the reformists. When the Aegyptian
invasion into Italy failed, his position was hopeless. In a declaration
on the Ides of December 1650 the emperor surrendered Aquincorum and then
committed suicide. The reformists quickly instituted an aleist government
and continued south, where an armistice with the Aegyptians was reached
in Naples 1651.
Although the radical Aleists wanted to end the reign of emperors forever,
the Mithraists sought to place a new emperor on the throne. They elected
emperor Pius Rabirius Theodorus Germanicus, a leading Mithraist and a
nephew to the last "true" emperor, who had strong support among the many
military mithraic societies. Several conflicts erupted in Aquincorum and
elsewhere in Europe 1651-1660, until after much negotiation from the Gallian
Alliance (and a bloodless coup by the praetorians unseating the radical
Aleist government) the Aquincorum constitution was amended to include
the emperor again, this time only as a spiritual leader with no political
power. Tradition had been restored, although the emperor remained a politically
marginal figure.
The new order ushered in a renaissance. Old traditions were questioned,
a through but peaceful reformation of the Mithraist cults occurred where
an Aristotelian humanism replaced the conservative stoicism that had been
dominant until then. The sodality system, which had previously been a
serious limitation turned out to be just the right combination of flexibility
and social safety to balance Aleism (as Thormundus had predicted), and
in the new climate business, science and technology bounded exponentially
forward. Electricity, radio and full-scale industrialization spread across
the west.
Over the next 50 years Aleism or similar democratic paradigms spread
across Europe and some of the Middle East republics. Aegypt persisted
in traditional republicanism until 1749. The spread of Aleism was accelerated
by the spread of radio and electricity worldwide. As a reaction, the Chinese
government began a push towards expanding the "nimbus of social balance"
(abbreviated UJKH in Kazarian, which was the name the Latinates came to
know it by) in Asia. Over the period 1670-1730 this deliberate policy
of sending out diplomats, teachers, monks, engineers and military advisors
to less developed countries gave them an unprecedented influence in the
poor Americas, Indonesia and parts of Africa. Although the counter-Aleist
movement did not prevent some vital states (including the now divided
Kazarian empire and the Aihole kingdom in southern India) from becoming
Aleist, it extended the economic and political reach of China enormously.
As a new age of international commerce and transportation dawned, the
eastern hemisphere (east Asia, the Pacific and North America) came to
be dominated by China and its allies as UJKH, and the western hemisphere
(Europe and Africa) by the Latinate world. The main independent power
was the Mandik Empire, dominating Africa and the Caribbean but suffering
from many internal divisions and demands for radical political changes.
The Accelerating World
In 1750 the situation had grown into a cold war. Latin Europe had gradually
become a single economic community, dominated by a firm Aleist belief
in the power of the individual, market and the desirability of evolution
and change. The Mediterranean and Middle East were rapidly developing
a post-industrial economy, using genetic engineering to green Sahara and
to improve plants, livestock and human children. Radical computer science
experiments strove towards artificial intelligence and self-replicating
technology to colonize the universe. Although lagging behind in many respects,
the UJKH was similarly reaching high levels of prosperity and security.
However, to the UJKH philosophies the race of technology had now reached
its end: the technology to feed, clothe and house all humans in a sustainable
way was within reach, and any further development would be at best unnecessary,
at worst disastrous. The idea of a technological singularity, where mankind
would make a technological transition to a posthuman state, had been proposed
by UJKH prognosticators already in 1640 and been rejected as an undesirable
possibility. Now it was clear that the west was racing towards it, and
if they even got close the world would be forced to change beyond recognition.
UJKH governments began to increasingly question further technological
advances, and attempted to negotiate international treaties limiting development
of dangerous or disruptive technologies. Although partially successful
when dealing with nuclear weapons and computer viruses, the refusal to
stop development of nanotechnology was forcing UJKH into an arms race
they did not want to pursue. Many member nations were quietly making plans
to deal with the frightening threat against their way of life.
As a counter to the rapidly growing might of the UJKH, a wave of pan-Latinism
spread across the west. Old ideals from the wars against the Sassanids
were unearthed, and the emperor was again becoming a potent symbol of
freedom and civilization. Many groups supported a mobilization, but the
efforts were uncoordinated and hampered by the generally optimist view
that the advanced technology of the west would be enough to deal with
any threat. The praetorian army was rebuilt, and equipped with the latest
technology and placed under the control of the Aquincorum Republic.
The Final War
In 1753 things came to a head after the fall of the Mandiki Realm. After
several decades of insurrection, rebels managed to oust the neutral ruling
republic and instate a firmly pro-UJKH government. Latinate interests
began to support counterinsurgent, which gave UJKH forces an excuse to
move in. The Latinates began to respond, but with amazing speed UJKH attacked.
The first strikes struck at key positions across Europe and the Middle
East, disrupting communications networks with viruses, EMP weaponry and
sabotage aerosols. This was followed by intercontinental missiles with
hostage retroviruses. It soon became clear that the Aquincorum strategists
had misjudged the UJKH; instead of a traditional military attempt to force
the republic to accept terms the goal was to guarantee that the threat
of runaway technology was ended.
In the first week, most of Europe fell to the onslaught. The emperor
and Aquincorum administration had to flee from the Alps as a concentrated
attack devastated the region. Trying to regroup, the Aquincorum forces
spread out across the Middle East and Northern Africa, doing infowar attacks
against the UJKH. The situation was desperate, but many held high hopes
to unproven super weapons or diplomatic intervention from the less convinced
members of the UJKH.
One such superweapon was phasing. A recently discovered maverick effect,
it seemed to suggest the possibility of escape from the war and a way
to get enough time to win it. Its true nature was somewhat little understood,
but as the UJKH forces advanced on the bunker complex near Alexandria
where the emperor and senate was holed up they decided to take the risk
and escape. It was believed (due to a later disproved theory) that it
would move things to a parallel universe. After their escape, several
other command complexes and a space station followed suit.
The UJKH examined the ruins, and while they would have preferred to think
that the Emperor had committed a ceremonial suicide together with his
troops they knew it was unlikely. Gradually they pieced together evidence,
interviewed witnesses, tracked down research and recreated the secret
technology. A heavily armed exploration mission was sent after the escaping
republic. When nothing happened, the issue was down-prioritized.
The World Without History
After consolidating their victory, the problems of having a world-girdling
empire quickly manifested. The Latinates proved hard to govern, the aftereffects
of the war hurt far more than Europe and unrest and uncertainty among
the allies compounded the inherent problems of reconciling UJKH ideology
with what had been done.
A few years after the war the true nature of phasing was discovered.
The use of phasing to rectify past mistakes became more and more common.
While the UJKH command kept the secret to itself and was very successful
in tracking down independent researchers in the field to stop them, the
use gradually went out of hand. Not only did they send back future information
to prevent problems or stabilize society, they began to send back technology
to truly perfect history and their grip of it. The more future parts of
the UJKH timeline tended become obsessive about fixing every disaster,
every mistake by sending back somebody to do it - and as the first transfer
merely fixed the next timeline they later sent back more people to correct
the situation even earlier. The result was a large number of timelines
were serious disasters occurred amplified by the introduction of future
technology - nanotechnological epidemics, politic and economic upheaval,
sometimes nuclear or subnuclear war. At the same time new timelines were
created by travelers sent with great authority to "fix" the issues long
before they ever appeared. A rather large number of travelers from these
UJKH timelines arrived in Ex Tempore.
Eventually a carefully planned mission to guarantee a flawless formation
of the UJKH in the 1700's led to its opposite - the dedicated time adjusters
found themselves stranded in a timeline where the UJKH never formed, and
their further attempts to bring it back completely failed. Eventually
they gave up and settled in a relatively peaceful and civilized era.
History in Ex Tempore
The arrival of the Republica at Ex was a grand event (to humans; the
mainliners were used to it). Over 9 major city-ships arrived in orbit,
together with innumerable smaller craft. At the same time a huge number
of UJKH craft appeared, some from remote points in the timeline or from
the ever wilder adjusted timelines. Everything was set for a devastating
orbital battle had not the mainliners intervened. A quick demonstration
of power from the Koon convinced both sides that hostilities would not
be in their interest. While the UJKH debated about what to do and the
proper chain of command - several of the more authoritarian versions all
claimed supreme authority - the Republica managed to get into contact
with some of the human-linked mainliners and human cultures. A few deals
were made, and the Republica came under the direct protection of the Xantipha
as well as the briefly united Tauiatta - in exchange for an unprecedented
number of mindstates they acquired a home, military allies and access
to advanced technology. Meanwhile the UJKH did not take well to the information
that their timeline by now was entirely changed. One fraction dominated
by the later versions decided to return, while another decided to stay
- and a third attempted an attack on the Republica. They were utterly
destroyed by the Koon and Xantipha.
The returning UJKH never arrived at their destination and strangely left
no detectable trace in the timestream. An investigation discovered that
femtotech infiltration devices sent by an untraceable source had sabotaged
their phasing equipment, and they only re-appeared as disorganized plasma
somewhere outside Jupiter. The consensus debate was extensive over whether
this was acceptable handling of the situation, but the evidence of excessive
temporal tampering convinced most cultures that it was better to keep
the UJKH out of the game.
The Republic first settled in the then empty Arx Tarautas. The reason
is somewhat clouded, but seems to have been partially the wish to anchor
the capital city ship and use it as a core base, a fairly direct answer
from Xantipha about where they should settle and partially caution about
settling among the strange inhabitants of Namaqua. At year zero in the
new calendar (currently it is ab urbe condita 154) Arx Tarautas became
the capital of the Republic: enormous diamond beams anchored the capital
city-ship, and their Tauiatta allies constructed the first framework on
which the city was built.
A somewhat embarrassing issue was the existence of two Emperors, the
same person from somewhat divergent timelines. Eventually flipping a coin
solved the issue, and the extra emperor became princeps senatus ("leading
man of the senate"), up to then merely a honorific of the emperor but
from then on a title.
Exploring and learning about Ex proved to be a major challenge. A whole
generation of explorer-engineers studied the Labyrinth, the virtualities
and the beings found within. The republic saw the many disparate human
societies and how fragmented they were. To unify them was a natural move,
and the Nova Roma Concordia was launched. Other cultures were not quite
that eager to join, but soon found Aquincorian diplomats, merchants and
agents at their doorsteps. The NRC project slowly advanced despite counter-alliances
among the Lamplandae and resistance from the later arriving Shoukakegawans.
The unification conflict 31-33 was in many ways a release of tensions
that had built up over several years. Shoukakegawans, Lamplandae and other
groups saw the chance to strike at the ambitious republic. Militarily
it was very small scale and high-tech, using infiltration teams and subversion
devices rather than full-scale warfare. Relatively few people died but
much infrastructure was poisoned or corrupted, and trade and communication
(the lifeblood of Aquincorian society) seriously hurt. Although the NRC
claimed victory after the council chambers had been re-taken, it was seriously
weakened for decades onwards.
A sizeable fraction of the Aquincorians wanted to return to the timestream.
While Ex Tempore was a wondrous world, they found themselves longing for
the Earth and disliked how many of their compatriots became addicted to
alien technology, virtuality or began to enmesh themselves in bizarre
Lamplandae politics. In the chaos after the conflict they gained much
following and the "utopian project" of re-colonization progressed. In
87 they went ahead and migrated into the timestream. They agreed not to
disrupt early history and instead settled the Earth in the year ~200.000,
long after the inhabitants of the then-current timeline had destroyed
themselves in a genetic war. The utopians developed into a vital civilization
that eventually colonized much of the galaxy; their end remains somewhat
uncertain. They kept phasing under fairly tight control in order not to
cause a burst, but did send occasional expeditions and emissaries to Ex
Tempore. The gifts from these descendants also helped the NRC recover
swiftly. A number of utopian descendants remained in Ex, forming a well-integrated
minority among the Aquincorians.
Culture and Society
Ex Aquincorian society has been described as "a society of lawyers and
Aquincorian society is based on the sodalities. Sodalities have many
names: confraternities, collegia, communes, guilds, associations and assemblies.
They are essentially social networks with some formal structure. Some
are little more than fraternal orders, others are professional associations
with union functions and still others political groupings. Everybody belongs
to at least some sodality, if only the neighborhood sodality.
Belonging to a sodality carries both privileges and duties. Members are
expected to support each other, follow the internal rules and often invest
in sodality businesses. Many of the older or more traditional sodalities
have elaborate systems of rank and privilege, while others are far more
informal (or even parody the ranking system).
Much effort spent on smoothing interactions between different sodalities.
Gifts, lavish introductions and extensive inter-sodality treaties are
common. The old system of patrons and clients have long since vanished,
to be replaced with the more freewheeling and complex system of sodality
duties and debts. Humans are free, until they promise to do something.
At that point they have a duty to deliver - "pacta sunt servanda" is one
of the highest ideals.
Promises and contracts are handled by making oaths, just as formal and
legally binding as signatures in our culture. Aquincorian oaths have elements
of the celtic geasa tradition - they are not to be taken lightly. Usually
oaths are recorded on special tamper-proof oath recorders which are then
deposited at trusted parties and/or made official. For more important
oaths a professional witness - a testis or arbiter - is summoned to witness
and record the event. Someone who simply can't meet a promise is viewed
as suffering from great misfortune and may be worth clemency, but the
dominant idea is that you never promise anything you don't think you can
keep. Some Aquincorians tend to speak in diffuse or equivocal terms so
that they never get caught not delivering on their promises, but this
is also viewed with scorn. Someone promising much - even beyond his capacity
- and delivering it anyway is regarded as an hero or ideal.
One way of handling the importance of not breaking promises is elaborate
contracts, with penalty clauses in the case of a breach - this way somebody
who cannot deliver can still save himself by paying the penalty. Contracts
are so common that most people have special legal software in their wearables
to quickly formulate and negotiate contracts with people they meet.
The sodalities help make the system of duties and debts workable. Usually
promises are made for help from the sodality rather than the person making
the promise, increasing the ease of fulfilling the deal. At the same time
the person making the promise is staking the honor of the sodality on
the issue, and hence his own standing within the sodality.
Citizenship is somewhat floating in Ex. To join the Republic one simply
has to contact one of its legal representatives and sign a citizenship
contract. In a sense the Republic is a single huge sodality, a metasodality
of all citizens.
Slavery declined after the fall of the Roman empire, partly for economic
reasons and partly from social influences from the manicheists and Bona
Dea cults that fiercely opposed such degradation. Instead various levels
of serfdom and bonded labor emerged, which were re-defined as time went
on. Today slavery as such does not exist in Republica Aquincorum. It is
possible for a person to sell their services according to a contract to
an extent bordering on slavery, but this is rare. Criminals are often
punished by various forms of bonded labor. One reason slavery is seen
as crude is purely cultural: slavery has become associated with the "barbarous"
Mandiki, who had legal slavery up to the fall of their realm. It was also
recognized that slavery was contrary to economic efficiency: slaves will
not work as hard as free people being paid for their effort.
The current emperor is Marcus Africanus, the "Emperor in second exile".
A healthy 210 year old, he spends most time presiding over Aquincorian
committees and receiving Nova Roma Consensus diplomats. His timeline "clone"
who became princeps senatus has retired, leaving the job to the media-savvy
Cadeyrn Tertius.
The language of the Republica is called Linkua Latene, a descendant of
Latin with many Celtic and Greek elements. It is written in a Roman-derived
alphabet, with the addition of the letters 'J' and 'th' as well as the
suffix letters of Thormundus. Thormundus suggested the inclusion of a
number of extra letters to denote the suffixes of the latene language.
He based them on a combination of the runic letters and the roman letters.
Although the idea was not new (many shortened forms of Latene had been
suggested before) the spread of his aleist ideas also furthered the spread
of his suffixes, and after the reformation of the Republic the imperial
grammarians officially accepted the new letters.
Culture of Mind
Dignity is important. While showing emotions is quite acceptable, they
should be refined and proper emotions - looking silly or out of control
is highly embarrassing not just for the person, but for all his associates.
This is also why dance and other "wild" pursuits are only done at home
or in small groups of close friends.
Aquincorians have no major taboos against sex (including public sex and
nakedness); it is just another way of getting pleasure. They see no firm
link between love and sex. The first is an important social emotion keeping
the family together, the other is a pleasurable drive that can be shared
with others. While showing love and affectation in public is acceptable
(and often proper), it should only be within the family. Courting and
seduction are private matters.
The view on women is largely developed from liberal Celtic views. Men
and women are regarded as having fundamentally different natures, but
these natures vary a great deal and a person should do whatever fits his
or her true nature. This means that there is no stigma attached to women
working in stereotypically male professions (or vice versa), it is seen
as part of their individual nature. Compared to western homeline views,
men and women may choose to live equal lives or not, and most seem content
with it.
Although the Mithraic mysteries were originally closed to women and men
outside the army, patrician families and other special groups there was
a large amount of popular religion at the same time. Women and many men
celebrated the goddess Bona Dea, both through minor rituals at home and
formal temples. As the religion evolved it became a counterpart of Mithraism,
with its own sodalities open for women and others. Many of these "lesser
mysteries" would in time become significant powers, and in some cases
were officially converted into Mithraeums. In more modern times the cult
of Bona Dea was instrumental in female liberation by defining the above
ideas of "different natures, free to choose". In Ex most women belong
to a sorority of Mater Matuta, Fortuna Primigenia and Bona Dea as a form
or religious-political network.
Aquincorians might appear cynic to a visitor from the homeline. This
is largely due to major differences in culture. Instead of the Christian
idea of compassion as a central virtue they instead view clemency as important
- an expression of rationality and justice rather than emotion. The same
goes for many other virtues and behaviors: they are openly driven by self-interest.
An Aquincorian will not be ashamed to admit that he befriends somebody
because they are powerful and might help rather than for any personal
qualities. At the same time Aquincorians still hold ideals regarded as
somewhat old-fashioned in homeline in high regard, as strength of character,
dignity and loyalty.
Many Aquincorian games are tripartite: there are not two players or teams
but three, creating a far more complex game where diplomacy and alliance
are important. One of the most common boardgames is Transenna, a go- or
chess-like game played on a triangular board with black, white and red
markers. Today the red player is traditionally an artificial intelligence.
The "Aquincorian national sport" is Laurach, a game not unlike soccer
but allowing people to carry the ball, with somewhat more violence and
often large teams on very large fields. Another popular game (the Aquincorian
version of tennis or cricket) is trigon, where three players throw a ball
(or two) between each other and try to make each other miss or hit each
other. Scorekeeping is somewhat complex, but usually the first to reach
21 points win.
In Ex the dominant dress style is based on the uniforms of the engineers
used during the war, suitably adapted and changed. Outdoors clothing is
a combination of coverall and poncho, equipped with numerous pockets (in
business versions only decorative pockets). Indoors people dress in light,
colorful tunics. Practically everybody uses wearable computing in the
clothing, providing communications, sensory hints and information. Much
clothing has programmable colors and texture, as well as various functions
such as scent, air conditioning and repair.
Sodality membership is usually shown by symbols worn on the collar, torc
or necklaces. A lawyer might for example carry the symbol of his legal
society, his membership in a scholarly mithraeum, his neighborhood sodality
and a political society. This often makes it fairly clear not just who
somebody is but who they are allied to. Wearing false membership symbols
is (when discovered) an instant way to infamy, and usually leads to being
expelled from most sodalities. However there is no rule against not revealing
all sodality allegiances, and often diplomatic or cautious people leave
out their most controversial memberships. Of course, a conspicuous lack
of a symbol can in itself give rise to speculation.
The two main religions are Manicheism and Mithraism. There are smaller
ophilatrists and new cults, inspired by other cultures such as the strigae,
the UJKH or Lamplandae.
Manicheism is in practice identical to homeline Manicheism, a combination
of Zoroastrian dualism, Buddhism, Babylonian folklore, Gnosticism, Judaism
and Christianity. It teaches the existence of absolute good and evil,
and that the material world is evil. The goal is to become a Perfect,
a preacher-monk purifying himself so that his spirit can escape matter.
The Perfect live lives of high degrees of ascetism, tended by their congregations.
They are helped by a priesthood/psychologistshood of auditors living less
pure lives helping others to change their ways. The believers listen to
their preaching, perform regular prayers and purifications, and observe
certain holy days.
In the Aquincorian form of Manicheism each congregation have their own
Perfect, who is believed to purify the congregation by his presence. According
to the doctrines of Carataus Thaius, an influential reformer, this is
done through the multiple reincarnation through the Perfect: when a congregation
member dies, his or her soul will be drawn into the Perfect and purified
through his lifestyle. Ex Manicheists sometimes suggest that this may
involve time travel: reincarnation does not have to occur in temporal
order, and Perfects may actually be born with their congregation's souls
already present. There are relatively few manicheists in Ex; the religion
was not very widespread in the technical-military classes that got to
Ex Tempore.
Mithraist humanism
Most modern Aquincorians are Mithraist humanists, a secular form of Mithraism.
Humanists often practice some Mithraist ceremonies, but they are seen
as symbolic or psychological messages rather than spiritual exercises.
According to Mithraist humanism the goal is personal growth by passing
through challenges throughout life, a combination of ideas not unlike
the Aristotelian idea of personal excellence and homeline's Ericsonnian
psychology. There are certain challenges given to each person by destiny
that he (or she) has to overcome in order to reach higher stages. Failure
is not the worst thing that can happen; the true disaster is to give up.
Traditional Mithraism
Traditional Mithraism is descended from the Mithraeums and the cults
of the Celtic druids, mixed with a stoic philosophy. Members are initiated
in closed ceremonies, where they are taught the myths of Mithras. Each
level gives deeper insights into his nature, unifying both traditional
mythologies with ideas of how Mithras was sent into the universe by the
greater stellar powers on the outside to defeat evil, create the world
and teach men how to live well.
Most members concentrate on the ceremonies, yearly feasts (corresponding
to the celtic festivals, given an astronomical interpretation) and seeking
higher initiations as a way of advancing in Mithraist sodalities. More
mystically inclined Mithraists spend much time in philosophical meditations,
various forms of military training or the study of physical law, three
activities believed to help teach "the order of the skies", the fundamental
moral-metaphysical order of the universe. Mithraist mystics are very interested
in the cosmological speculations and experiments performed by mainliner
The Emperor is traditionally seen as the highest ranking member of Mithraism,
the embodiment of Mithras himself.
A notable minority from the Mandiki Empire was the Ophilaters, an ethnic-religious
minority partially descended from American slaves and worshipping the
great snake god Dangbi. The cult combined African elements of a snake-god
of wisdom and earthly bliss with American ideas about the saviour-god
Quetzcoatl. The Ophilaters quickly ended up in opposition with the dominant
Manicheist sects, which turned the cult into an underdog religion for
the oppressed. Over the years Dangbi became the secret liberator god who
would succour the oppressed and support the just fighters of freedom with
wisdom and luck. It could be killed again and again, only to re-appear
when least expected. The Ophilaters were instrumental in overthrowing
the Mandiki government, and largely allied with UJKH. A few arrived in
Ex together with the UJKH contingent. Since arrival Ophilatrism has slowly
increased in popularity among discontents in Namaqua, especially disparates
living in the Labyrinth.
Some Sodalities
- Leo Tarautas Mithraeum
- The academic sodality of the Arx Tarautas mithraeum. While there are
several member mithraeums today, they form a single sodality representing
science and technology. It is run internally as a mixture of initiatory
levels corresponding to academic standing, and a aleist governing system
where representatives are picked randomly from eligible candidates.
- Minerva-Solis
- Female researchers; very much a sodality-in-a-sodality of Leo Tarautas
- Amiti Aeneas
- A racist sodality, opposed to the mixing with non-Aquincorians. Strongly
opposed to the Nova Roma Consensus.
- Lex Mundi
- General lawyer/orator/arbitrator association
- Sacramentum Juramentum
- Professional witnesses: members make a living as witnesses and recorders
of oaths.
- Lex Arx Solis
- Neighbourhood watch sodality, using recording equipment worn by sodality
members or placed on their property to compile an image of what is going
on and report observed crime to the authorities.
- Sodalitas Alaramenti
- Sodality for disparates. Used for mutual protection, help and profit
- Societas Informacio
- Science lobbyists
- Amiti Justinianus
- The friends of a rich businessman, acting as his lobbying network
and diplomatic connections to other groups.
- Pro-regex
- Old aleists, a sodality for politicial veterans and aleist gamblers.
- Praetorium
- The imperial guard. These days they act as a secret service protecting
the emperor, key government functions and the virtualities. Very famous
for their excellent nanotech and cybernetic military skills.
- Senexi
- Financial sodality at cross-purposes against Justinianus.
- Sodalitas Tumulus Ceruleus
- Local neighbourhood sodality.
- Amici Purpura
- The "Purple friends", i.e. the friends of the emperor. It
is a loose sodality of people close to the Emperor. Influential in many
social matters, but far less powerful than it could be. It is still
watched by republicans and others worried about the emperor trying to
extend his powers.
- Societas Adventus
- A sodality for new arrivals to Ex. A mix of support group, veterans
club and union. Most smaller arriving parties are recruited by the Societas,
that does its best to ensure they get a fair price for their information
and artefacts - and the Societas a hefty cut of the price. Not on friendly
terms with the larger groups like Magelannica and the Third British
Empire, who can negotiate on their own and press prices.
- Sororitas Epona
- Local neighborhood sodality for women in the upper levels of Arx.
Maintains several marketplaces for strange goods from all across Namaqua
as well as insurance services for traders.
- Sulis-Minerva
- Sodality for timeline researchers.
- Cantiaci
- Baccanalian sodality, mostly aiming for regular parties and having
a good time. Networks with Voluptas and Nemo saltat sobrius, two other
party sodalities.
- Sodalitas textores
- Originally a textile manufacturing sodality in Hispanica, but developed
into a kind of "nanotech Masonry". Holds an important position
in nanotechnology manufacture. In Ex the sodality has worked together
under the table with elements from Shoukakegawa.
- Pupistes
- Sodality for child designers: Pupistes is the trade association for
germ line genetic modification. Anybody who can afford it (and the Aquincorian
government and many sodalities gives grants to poor people for this
purpose) genetically enhances their children.
Further Reading
Glossarium Philosophicum: some modern terms in latin.
Nova Roma: the study and restoration of ancient Rome, a good source of
ideas for the roots of Aquincorian society: