Huji is One!
By Anders Sandberg and Håkan Andersson.
A fantasy setting that grew out of an evening of web surfing and discussion
about the clichés of fantasy and politics. It is centred on the situation
on the Huji peninsula, where a classically evil and expansionist necrocracy
provides plenty of adventure fodder. Any similarity to real persons and
worlds are entirely accidental.
CFFT, Coalition of the Five Free Truths (“North Huji”)

The first truth is immortality for all.
The second truth is the indestructible unity between
the masses and the Leader
The third truth is an independent and sovereign state
The fourth truth is the use of talent and power for
the common benefit
The fifth truth is that the inferior organs work under
the orders of the superior ones
General information: CFFT is the world’s second necrocracy (the other
one is Xhuba south of Megalos), ruled by the Immortal Great Leader Cimmil
Zhung IX. Although he passed to lichdom a few years ago his son Cimmil
Zhung X, is the Lord Chancellor. Scholars generally agree that the Great
leader remains firmly in power despite his undead state, mainly due to
his extensive necromantic abilities.
Terrain: Mostly hilly with mountains separated by deep, narrow valleys
and canyons. Coastal plains in the west.
Highest point: Nakhleptub-Zah ("Dread Mountain of Power"),
2744 m.
Natural resources: Coal, lead, tungsten, zinc, graphite, wizard's silver,
iron ore, copper, gold, pyrites, salt, fluorspar, mithril
Natural hazards: Droughts, floods, regular thunderstorms and hurricanes
Environmental issues: water pollution, inadequate supplies of potable
water, water-borne disease, deforestation, soil erosion and degradation
Population: 11,466,481 living, 22,681,937 undead
Ethnic groups: 87% human, 10% dwarf, 3% elf
Capital: Kalmarith
Legal system: Based on Ni-Chi law and necromantic theory, no judical
review of legislative acts
Flag: A red pentagram on black. Most commonly depicted on banners and
Seal: A red pentagram, representing the Five truths and the power of
necromancy, surrounded by a snake biting its tail, representing immortality.
A red ribbon around the snake depicts the eternity of power and bears
the pictogram of the state.
Originally the Huji Peninsula was united under the strong and benevolent
rule of the Kalmarian Panarchs. The Huji kingdom was precariously balanced
between the Ni-Chi Empire in the west and the dwarven islands of the east.
Under the rule of Panarch Kaltherion the Wise necromantics began appearing
in the kingdom, supported by the Ni-Chi and their ice elf allies. The
necromantics slowly grew in number and gained (or created) a following
in the northern provinces. During the Great Cataclysm the Panarch and
his mighty host was slain by the dwarven forces as they pushed westwards
into Ni-Chi. The necromancers began a guerrilla war against the new overlords
and eventually successfully rebelled as the dwarven battle machine began
to collapse under the onslaught of the Free People. Cimmil Zhung ruthlessly
made himself the chief necromancer of the kingdom. After the fall of the
dwarven empire south Huji united under some remaining Kalmarian nobility.
Megalos established beachheads in the area and supported South Huji, although
they forced the nobility to relinquish some of their traditional privileges.
During the following years tensions grew, as the anti-necromantic Megalese
and the pro-necromantic Ni-Chi both supported their respective kingdoms.
At a peace banquet one of the North Huji haruspex observed a portentous
omen in the dinner. Alerting his colleagues they divined that a war was
imminent and their kingdom better had to attack first. Cimmil Zhung agreed,
and ordered his armies to strike to reunite Huji under necromantic rule.
The undead hordes of the north lade waste to the pitiful fortifications
of the south. Only a strip of land remained under the control of the living.
At that point Megalos intervened, sending in giant rocs carrying supplies
and frigates loaded to the brim with warriors and battle mages. The tide
turned and soon the living armies stood before the ramparts of Cimil’s
necropolis. Seeing that that their ally was loosing the battle Ni-Chi
decided to lend their aid and sent out parts of their massive undead armies
as reinforcement. Mainly due to the competence of Ni-Chi embalmers and
the sheer size of the host the tide was yet again turned. Finding themselves
outnumbered the southern and Megalese forces retreated towards the original
boundaries. There, the greatest battle mages erected a ward allowing no
unliving thing to pass. They threatened to unleash the rubies of annihilation
if any attempt at dispelling the ward was ever made. Grudgingly High Necromanth
Cimmil halted his forces before the ward wowing eternal enmity and vengeance
on the south and Megalos. Finally he agreed to an armistice.
Then he turned inwards, purging the leadership of the necromantic council
he made himself the undisputed master of all things living and dead in
the north. The “friendly” Ni-Chi rulers allowed Cimmil Zhung to retain
control over their legions of undead; they had realised the tremendous
mana costs of maintaining such a standing force and were glad to be rid
of them as they set to use their mana for greater thaumaturgical experiments.
The rest of the army was left to decompose.
Equipped with words of power to control this vast army none in the north
could resist Cimmil. But in order to maintain his military base he needed
mana, tremendous amounts of mana. Initially the mana was granted to him
by the Ni-Chi, but they soon tired of their ambitious ally and it slowed
to a trickle. By this time Cimmil had organised his citizens to a huge
machinery to harvest mana and refine it.
As the land was leached of life crops began to fail. A famine stricken
people turned to their leader, who only exhorted them to work harder.
They had to prepare for the inevitable Megalese attack he explained, and
the only way of withstand it was to maintain the undead legions and research
into the forbidden arts. Since only part of the legions were animated
at any time, large stockpiles of crystallised mana was needed to reanimate
them in the case of an attack.
But as Cimmil’s stockpiles grew so did his lust for more, and the more
citizens died and joined the legions, the more mana would eventually be
needed. Soon it was clear to Cimmil that he had to search for mana elsewhere.
He began to send out clandestine missions and diplomats to the netherworlds,
far off lands and strange mystical orders. One ally he gained was the
Order of the Pillar, an order of battle monks from the Middle Earth seeking
revenge against Megalos and their own corrupt rulers. The Order supplied
Cimmil with mana from eager young martyrs in exchange for the battle magics
produced in the necromantic temples of North Huji.
CFFT Society
Society is strictly divided into three classes. Serfs till the fields and
harvest mana. Craftsmen distil mana, construct armaments and maintain the
crumbling kingdom. The magicians rule and perform the necessary magic.
The undead are similarly divided into the mindless skeletons and zombies
doing crude labour, the embalmed warrior mummies and the liches and wraiths
acting as military officers. Citizens who die are promoted to the ranks
of the undead. They generally retain their class, unless they have seriously
displeased the authorities.
Among the living social mobility is rare, with the exception of people
showing the gift of magic. Magicians on the other hand are closely watched
by the feared internal security force – the Order of the Third Truth.
Treachery (or incompetence and inability) is punished harshly, and in
serious cases can lead to the strongest punishment under the law, permanent
death. Such traitors are buried (or most commonly burned) in traitor’s
graveyards where reanimation is made impossible.
CFFT Ideology
The basis of the necromantic ideology of CFFT is the five truths. Essentially
it is a totalitarian magocracy, with some unique necrocratic twists. In
practice the five truths give total power to the Great Leader, but the
elaborate theory behind them keeps many citizens busy studying so that
they can handle the regular examinations in Truth Theory.
The first truth states that all citizens shall be immortal – that is,
after death they will be reanimated to continue their service to society.
The Order of the First Truth consists of mortician-magicians who ensure
the timely transition of citizens from living to unliving.
The second truth proclaims the unity between the masses and the Leader.
He is not just their leader, but embodies society and all its souls. Hence
any attack on him is an attack on society, and any attack on society is
an attack on him. He encompasses everything and everyone. To be disloyal
is to be in contradiction with oneself.
The third truth proclaims CFFTs independence. It implies not only sovereignty
but self-sufficiency, self-reliance and that it can achieve anything it
sets its mind to if needed. Hence there is no need to appease outside
forces, and citizens seeking anything outside the CFFT are mistaken or
traitors. The Order of the Third Truth is the security agency instituted
to ensure the continued sovereignty of the state, i.e. internal and external
The fourth truth is about pragmatism – everyone and their abilities are
tools for the furthering of the common benefit, i.e. the CFFT. Since the
goals of the state and leader are paramount any means necessary can be
used, even when they go against the other truths.
The fifth truth implies meritocracy and loyalty: a more skilled person
should be promoted over inferiors, but everyone has to obey the orders
from above. All citizens and organisations are organs in the state body.
The World
The great powers at present are Megalos, the Allied Elven Nations and
the Ni-Chi empire. Lesser, but important powers are the Dwarven Island
Kindom, the Ice Elf Hegemony, the Jahorian Kingdom, the Suvorean Marches
and Nibalachtu Khanate.
In the middle of the world lies the Great Sea, its small islands mainly
inhabited by the dwarves. Surrounding it are the continents of Suvorea,
Havenbara, Adrastea and Kalash. Kalash is the largest continent, stretching
from the icy tundra of the north where it touches north Adrastea to the
jungles and deserts of Middle Earth in the far south. Middle Earth is
the name given to the southern coast of Kalash, said to be the origin
of humans and site of many lost civilisations.
Megalos is the most powerful and expansive empire in the world. Originally
of humble beginnings, at present it overshadows even the Ni-Chi Empire
and Jahorian Kingdom.
Megalos was originally a small settlement from Tirdinium on the east
coast of Havenbara. The Tiridinian elves used it as a practical place
to deport criminals, especially human criminals. It was a hard land and
often raided by the orc nations of the inland. During the reign of Prince
Erlyid III a large war of extermination was started. The elf-orc wars
made the eastern ports more important and helped the local economy grow.
Merchants selling weapons and mercenaries seeking adventure started arriving
of their own free will. As Megalos grew and became an economically important
colony the old resentment against the overlords slowly undermined the
colonist respect. Finally, after Prince Erlyid IV had ordered lowered
pay for the colonial army it rebelled and broke free from Tiridinium (secretly
helped by other elven nations and even some of the orc leaders).
After becoming independent the military leader of the revolutionary army
crowned himself Imperator Keorg. An republican-imperial system was set
up, with a senate and non-hereditary imperatorship. The war against the
orcs continued and did not end until the orcs were thoroughly crushed
and forced into menial positions in society. After gaining the mountains
with their strategic roc bird nests and rich mineral veins, Megalos turned
outwards. Over the next century it expanded across Havenbara, uniting
it under the banner of the imperators. Then it began to expand into the
When the Great Cataclysm occurred the Megalese senate was evenly balanced
between attempting to intervene against the emerging shadow and just letting
the elves sort out their own mess. But the news that the dwarves had joined
forces with Illter swinged the decision; under Imperator Elkan of the
Rose Megalos joined the League of Free Nations and began to aid Tirdinium
in its struggle. Over the next years Megalos grew to a military superpower
– arming the Suvoreans, attacking the outlying dwarven islands, sending
rocs with battle mages to the burning forests of Adrastea. After the battle
was won Megalos continued to throw its power around, becoming involved
in the wars of Middle Earth, Huji, Kanutria and Valaskos. While it gained
allies and power, it also gained many dangerous enemies.
The megalese deeply distrust magocracies. Partially this was due to the
experience of Tiridinian rule, but the horrors of the Great Cataclysm
and tales of refugees from the Way of Harmony truly convinced Megalos
that magicians cannot be trusted to run the government. Hence in Megalos
magicians and other users of the arcane arts are banned from public office,
but otherwise highly regarded. The firm anti-magocratic politics of Megalos
made it the opponent to the Ice Elf Hegemony, Ni-Chi and the CFFT, and
it has often criticised the AEN for their reliance on the Council of Seers.
Allied Elven Nations (AEN)
Ancient and glorious, the elven nations of Adrastea have an age-old history
of internecine warfare. That nearly proved their undoing as a cabal of
elven sorcerers in Jekatria tried to summon and use Illter, a dark deity
promising control over destiny itself. The sorcerers’ control over Illter
soon faltered. Unbound it set out to engulf the world into eternal darkness,
corrupting or taking control over the elven nations and using their enslaved
people to conquer yet more of the world. The few remaining uncorrupted
elven nations sought help among humans and dwarves, forming the League
of Free Nations to fight the shadow. The League was dominated by Megalos,
Suvorea and the elven nation of Tirdinium, allying themselves with the
sinister Ice Elf Hegemony.
Eventually, after great trials and sacrifices, the League prevailed and
Illter was banished into the outer darkness. While the League soon disbanded
the elves had learned the lesson. To rebuild their shattered cities and
burned forests they formed the Allied Elven Nations to make sure no war
would ever devastate their lands again. Although the AEN had a rough beginning
with many old rivalries and bitter struggles, the traditional elvish respect
of the old and wise helped the AEN Council of Seers gain the influence
it needed. The Council set and example of peaceful contemplation and contentedness
that enabled the elven nations to recapture their harmony with nature
and history.
Ni-Chi Empire
The most ancient nation in the world, said to be older than even the
Xadr. It is located in the centre of Kalash. The empire has been ruled
by the Unknown Emperors since time immemorial. The emperors and their
government reside within the Column of Splendour and only communicate
with the outside world through senior messengers. Few dare oppose them,
since they wield fearsome magics and control the massive undead and golem
armies of the empire. To a large extent the rulers do not care what the
citizens do as long as they pay tribute and act respectfully; this has
given rise to a large merchant class and a diverse society.
One important exception is the banishment of all dwarves that occurred
in the reign of the Grey Emperor. Giving no cause, he exiled all dwarves
from the empire and forbade any of their descendants to enter. This caused
great anger and a great deal of economic problems for the Dwarven Islands.
In turn, during the Great Cataclysm they invaded Ni-Chi using the power
of Illter. While they were eventually defeated as Illter vanished it caused
the empire a serious loss of face. Since then the governors recruited
to the Column of Splendour have shifted from the traditional majority
of magicians to military leaders and merchant princes, possibly suggesting
a change in leadership style.
In its foreign affairs it is often quite aloof, usually ignoring young
nations. One important exception is the CFFT, which has been greatly aided
in the Ni-Chi’s attempts to get Megalos out of the region. Ni-Chi apparently
sees Megalos as a competitor and often criticises its actions. Its relations
to the Jahorian kingdom are cordial despite the naval war. While Ni-Chi
has possibly the greatest armies of the world, its fleets are weak. The
main reason is the dwarven exile, which removed much competency from naval
matters. Had the fleets been as powerful as their armies they would easily
have defeated the Jahorian fleet.
Dwarven Island Kindom
The dwarves of the islands of the Great Sea are traditionally the greatest
sailors of the world. Over history the political structure of the Great
Sea has varied tremendously and mostly been independent. Gradually the
Island Kingdom emerged as the rulers of the Parlen Islands gained the
upper hand over the rest of the islands and eventually themselves were
forcibly unified by Grand Warmaster Rising Wind. Rising Wind crowned herself
king of the dwarfs and founded a dynasty.
During the Great Cataclysm the then king Illustrious Spirit turned to
the dark forces of Illter. His devoted people followed him as he set out
to conquer all lands where the dwarves had ever lived. At first he pushed
deeply into the ancient enemy the Ni-Chi Empire and seemed on the verge
of toppling it. But at the crucial moment the power of Illter faltered
and the full power of the Ni-Chi emperor was unleashed. Few dwarves present
retained their sanity or lives. At the same time the Rubies of Annihilation
rained down on the capital, destroying it and the king utterly. Leaderless,
with their armies retreating in panic the kingdom surrendered to the League
of Free Nations. Megalos stepped in to counter the Ni-Chi influence, setting
in motion a complex power game in the entire region. The dwarves decided
against electing a new king and instead formed a kindom – a polity based
on their shared racial identity. The Dwarven Kindom soon grew to become
one of Megalos greatest allies.
In the current era the dwarven sailors and merchants are a major economic
force, often mediating or getting involved in the trade wars between Ni-Chi
and Jahore. The dwarven ships make heavy use of weather controlling magic,
making them dependent on importing mana-gems from Middle Earth through
their megalese allies.
Ice Elf Hegemony
The ice
elves of northern Adrastea were just as involved in plotting and war as
their southwestern brethren, if not more so. The leaders, out of touch
with nature and their citizens, became increasingly remote and unpopular.
Magicians following the Way of Harmony had been present in the region
for ages but never gained much power. But when High Queen Serinakia III
was found to have consorted with incubi and worse revolution broke out.
The Way of Harmony led the purge of the decadent nobility and then set
out to create a truly harmonious society based on magical precepts. The
social structure was completely remade. However, some regional nobles
took up arms to defend their old way of living. The Way of Harmony pronounced
them supporters of the dark and led a campaign of eradication. Initially
public support was strong, but the purgings against the dark kept on intensifying.
At the
time of the Great Cataclysm the Way of Harmony was attempting methods
of magically scanning the entire population of evil thoughts. But the
rise of shadow in the west changed the priorities totally, and the leaders
lunged westwards to put an end on the evil. Unfortunately the military
hierarchy had not fared well in the purges, and Illter was more than ready
for the onslaught and easily deflected it. Instead Illter’s forces began
to conquer the Hegemony and would have defeated it had not Megalos come
to its aid. As the League of Free Nations banished Illter the hegemony
retained control over a large part of Adrastea. Over the next decades
the Hegemony attempted to spread the Way of Harmony world-wide, sometimes
gaining unsavoury allies such as CFFT. Megalos and Ni-Chi did their best
to counter its influence, especially within the AEN.
Recently, the Hegemony leadership underwent a great shift. Great omens
had begun appearing, foretelling that a new ruler would arise. The Way
of Harmony tried to interpret them as signs of their impending final victory
against the darkness, but the population did not believe them. Then a
child was discovered, bearing the signs and sigils of being a true descendant
of the High Queen. He passed the ten trials set by the Council of Harmony
to prove his royalty. This put them in a bind; they had no choice but
to relinquish power to the boy, but did not trust him and his supporters.
Their worst fears were proven when it became clear that the prince was
not a follower of the Way.
At present the Hegemony is shaky. Several districts have been racked
by conflicts between the Way and royalists, or different elven nationalities.
The Council has to obey the dictates of the prince, but does its best
to undermine his influence. Adventurers and opportunistic nobles are flocking
to the Hegemony.
Jahorian Kingdom
The most populous of the human kingdoms in Kalash, located southeast
of Middle Earth. It has an ancient and enormous feudal system, organised
along rigid hierarchical and religious lines. To feed the huge population
and immense cities the kingdom employs a complex administration of nobles
that maintain the infrastructure. Quite moribund it played no part in
the Great Cataclysm other than giving lip service to the winners once
Illter was vanquished. It is currently engaged in a small and lazily implemented
naval war against the Ni-Chi Empire regarding trade routes. In the north,
barbarians raid outlying settlements, providing an excellent way for nobles
to get rid of young sons.
The Suvorean Marches
A harsh and unforgiving land that has nevertheless managed to achieve
a shaky central government. Politics tend to be frank, straightforward
and violent. The warrior-king is selected by the simple expedient of being
the most astute swordfighter. In the past this made most reigns short
and brutal, but over the last centuries a system of formal duels has evolved
allowing a somewhat more planned succession (and quite commonly the survival
of the ex-king).
The inhabitants are viewed as charming (and not so charming) barbarians
by the other nations. A traditional ally of Megalos, it has supplied the
megalese army with many mercenaries.
Nibalachtu Khanate
Traditionally a part of poor and war torn Middle Earth, Nibalachtu has
been propelled to power and influence by the discovery of the ruins of
the lost Xadr civilization. The Xadr had mastered the channelling of mana
and pooled it within their great city Ty within the Nibalachtu jungle.
A poor hunter discovered Ty and made great use of its wealth to make himself
Khan of Nibalachtu. The nearly unlimited mana made the Khanate rich, and
by selling mana gems to Megalos and AEN it gained powerful military protection.
The price of the wealth and power is that by using the Xadr power other
old powers are awakened. The Middle Earth region is again erupting in
war and chaos, and many occult orders are seeking ways of attacking the
Khanate. So far it has remained a island of calm in the otherwise turbulent
region, but how long it will last is unknown.
Current Situation
It is clear to most strategists that CFFT either will collapse or embark
on a frighteningly destructive war. But Cimmil Zhung will never allow
his kingdom to go away quietly; he is bound to unleash disaster. He already
possess devastating war-magic and mana stockpiles, and the Huji peninsula
is a key strategic position right between Ni-Chi, the Dwarf Kindom and
the Great Sea.
To make matters worse Megalos is currently getting ever more entangled
in Middle Earth and has to send its navy and army to quell rebellions
and warlords that threaten Nibalachtu. Recently Imperator Georgius II
vanquished his father’s old arch-enemy Macerabatur in Valaskos, which
has embroiled him in a persistent guerrilla war. The warrior-monks from
the Order of the Pillar are striking from the shadows and even managed
to summon a winged demon of destruction in the Megalese capital, killing
thousands before it could be dispelled. Despite the efforts of the imperial
inquisition the Order remains elusive.Merchants are worried about the
damage done to trade and priests warn that dark powers are afoot.
The elven nations and Jahorian kingdom see the whole Huji situation as
something remote. They are glad to be left out of it, although some elves
loudly criticise the power hunger of the megalese (or humans in general)
in Middle Earth. Ni-Chi remains quietly inscrutable, perhaps hoping for
CFFT to bring exploitable chaos and loss of face to Megalos and the dwarves.
South Huji is doing its outmost to gather brave warriors, mages and other
adventurers to deal with the threat from the north. Some nobles are gathering
armies to resist the shadow, others are looking for diplomatic solutions
or ways of infiltrating the necrocracy. Some hope an assassination (or
more properly, exorcism) of Cimmil Zhung would break it, but others point
out that there are plenty of power-hungry ghosts and an heir to deal with.
If somebody could find the words of power used to control the undead armies
or the mana stockpiles and destroy them the threat could be dismantled
before it is too late. But many already fear that the Second Great Cataclysm
is about to begin – especially if the Great Leader manages to learn the
secret of the Rubies of Annihilation.