A Sketch of a Self-Replicating von Neumann Probe



Interstellar colonization and exploration is a hard problem due to 
the immense distances involved; sending a crewed spaceship across 
a distance of lightyears would entail solving several large 
engineering problems: accelerating a spaceship to relativistic speeds 
using known sources of energy appears very hard to implement, 
which in turn implies a trip duration of at least decades. This in 
turn suggests the need for reliable suspended animation or the 
design of a long-term viable habitat, which would likely increase 
the necessary mass of the expedition significantly and create 
problems with keeping many interconnected life-support systems 
running optimally for decades.

Sending unmanned probes appears to be more feasible, especially 
since they can be built smaller than crewed expeditions and hence 
require less energy to accelerate. Sending individual probes to 
nearby stars appears to be feasible using modest extrapolations of 
current technology [Daedalus, starwisp etc], and could give valuable 
information about the systems. Unfortunately most designs 
proposed so far do not provide for long-range exploration or 
colonization, just quick flybys.

This paper describes one possible architecture for a general 
purpose exploration and colonization probe, employing self-
replicating machine technology (von Neumann machines) to both 
establish a beach-head in the remote system and to send copies of 
itself to unexplored systems. The use of von Neumann probes have 
previously been suggested by others [Refs, refs in Tipler].

The Basic Lifecycle of a Probe

The lifecycle consists of nine different phases:

1.	Launch. Using a laser-driven solar sail the probe is launched 
towards the destination system. Over a period of several years it is 
accelerated to a high albeit sub-relativistic speed. 

2.	Coasting phase. The probe passively travels the distance 
between the systems.

3.	Braking phase. [Magsail?] The laser is switched on. The solar 
sail divides into a small central disc and a large outer annulus. 
Reflected light from the annulus is used to brake the central disc as 
it approaches the destination system. 

4.	Navigation phase. The probe navigates the destination system 
using its solar sail. Using its sensors surveys the system, especially 
looking for carbonaceous chondrites.

5.	Seeding. Once the probe has found a suitable asteroid, it 
approaches and plants one javellin-like seed into its surface. This 
seeding process may be repeated with other asteroids in order to 
reduce risks.

6.	Sprouting. Self-replicating nano- or micro-machines are 
released from the javellin-seed. They begin to colonize the asteroid 
surface, replicating and building a photovoltaic covering which also 
acts as a protective shield against ultraviolet light.

7.	Maturation. Once the probe "biomass" is large enough growth 
is changed from replication to building an antenna system. 

8.	Flowering. The antenna is directed towards the departure 
system, and a signal is sent back. The probe goes into a hibernating 
state where it waits for a response. 

9.	Reproducing. Eventually a responce arrives from the 
departure system, containing new instructions about what to build. 
This could involve building new probes and launching laser 
systems, or the creation of a habitat suited for colonization. A radio 
beacon is activated proclaiming the system as inhabited (to avoid 
having other systems send redundant probes).

Note that in this design the probe does not contain all the 
information necessary for full replication (the solar sail and laser 
arrangement) until specifically given it in the reproduction phase. 
This makes it impossible for the probe (or any simple mutation of 
the basic template) to replicate out of control; instead the probe-
colonized systems form a communication network where each new 
generation has to be deliberately launched. Of course, if an 
independently spreading probe is desired, the design could be 
extended by adding the necessary information and behavior 
programming at a slight increase in complexity.

The time per generation of this probe design appears to be on the 
order of decades; slow by current standards but still spreading 
exponentially. It should be noted that for the cost of a single initial 
probe and its launch indefinite growth becomes possible. 

Technological Assumptions

These steps involve reasonable extrapolations from current 
technology or theoretical applied science. The most "risky" 
assumptions are the feasibility of nanotechnological (or 
microtechnological) replicators, sufficiently complex robotic 
behavior and interstellar laser-driven solar sails. 

Nanotechnological replicators appear to be physically possible 
[Nanosystems] and planty of research is directed towards this area 

That robotic behavior of sufficient complexity (navigating a solar 
system, finding a suitable asteroid, nanoconstruction) is possible 
appears reasonable, at least in the case of the first two problems 
(the complexity of the third problem is currently unknown). 

Laser-driven solar sails have been analysed in [REF FORWARD?].
As Landis [Landis, Small laser propelled probe] points out the 
propulsion system is achievable entirely within currently known 
laws of physics, but it requires engineering advances in the field of 
large laser systems, the ability to fabricate large gossamer 
structures with high position control and the ability to fabricate 
very thin reflective films. The assumption of nanotechnology makes 
the last problem comparatively simple, and will likely make it 
possible to build the needed Fresnel lens using methods similar to 
the methods suggested in [chapter Flowering] using asteroidal 

Probe Design

The basic probe design is a solar sail with a core package and 
sensors distributed along the rim. The core package contains 
instrumentation, processing and a number of javellins to seed the 
asteroids. Each javellin contains, beside the necessary armor and 
launch equipment, solar collectors, an initial population of 
replicators and extra instructions which are activated once when 

solar sail

The solar sail is intended to both be launched using a laser system 
and to navigate in the destination system using solar light pressure. 

The solar sail structure is determined by how short wavelength 
laser can be used for launch, the maximum operating temperature 
of the sail and the availability of the necessary elements in other 
solar systems. Landis [ref] considers both reflective sails and 
dielectric sails, and diamond or silicon carbide dielectric sails 
appears to have many desirable properties. However, their 
absorbtion and emissivity may be less than optimal and hence 
Landis concentrates mainly on reflective sails. However, with 
nanotechnology it appears very likely that the material properties 
can be fine-tuned on the molecular scale to become optimal, which 
would suggest a diamondoid sail. I will assume that these 
properties at least can be improved to correspond to aluminum, 
which is the otherwise most likely sail material. It should be noted 
that the initial sail could use the best possible sail materials (like 
beryllium) since it is built in the solar system and by being extra 
fast its cost can be amortized earlier. 


The launch system 500 nm ca 40% efficiency

To provide the energy needs of the core package an annulus of 
photovoltaics is placed near the center. 

Actuators are assumed to be distributed across the sail, for example 
piezoelectric strands that allow control over the sail shape- 

core package

The core package will contain the javellins, a launching system, 
processors and some energy storage. 


The objective of the javellins is to penetrate the upper regolith 
layer of the selected asteroids, deploy solar collectors and let loose 
the replicator systems. Their armor can likely be made out of 
diamondoid (it only has to survive impact; after that it is even 
desirable if the armor is shattered). If we assume a density 75% of 
diamond (half of the probe is diamond armor, the remaining 
packing material, processors, energy stores, replicators and 
photovoltaics), a cone shape, a maximum radius of one centimeter 
and a length of one meter the mass becomes 0.28 kilograms for 
each javellin. 

To ensure that the javellins stop at a desired depth in the asteroid 
they can be provided with extendable barbs which extend during 
impact at a certain depth; this also provides a suitable point of 
egress for the replicators. 

The photovoltaics telescope out of the rear end, extending fan-like 
to provide energy for the first generations of replicators. Since their 
cross-section is cylindric they will produce constant energy 
regardless of the angle of the sun as long as they are in light. By 
using a telescope-like structure similar to that suggested by Bishop 
[accelerator] for interstellar accelerators their length could be made 
many times the probe length, covering a much larger area. 
Assuming a length of 4 meters and a radius of 0.1 millimeter the 
total area becomes 25.13 m^2 (thinner photovoltaics have less 
surface area, but more can be packed into the javellin). The 
resulting hemisphere will produce on the order of 10 kW as long as 
it is in sunlight (assuming a solar constant similar to Earth orbit).

A = length * 2Pi * 10^-4/radius

kolla buckling

		ID code
		navigation program


use present elements, contain different recipes.


This, and the following two phases are essentially equivalent to the 
proposal of Robert Forward [REF].


The main problem during this phase is damage from interstellar 
dust and radiation. 



It appears virtually certain that there are asteroids around most 
stars [27 28 29, planet formation], most likely similar in 
composition to the asteroids in the solar system. The probe will 
navigate through the new system and attempt to identify one or 
more suitable seeding places, ideally carbonaceous asteroids of the 
right size.


	NASA probe. CRAm


	nanotech ecology. Shield/photovolt   replic, burrowers, 
gatherers. Auxons
theory replicating machines

The regolith environment of a carbonaceous asteroid is rich in 
carbon, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, sulphur and iron, with smaller 
amounts of sodium, aluminum, calcium and chromium. These are 
the basic building materials for the growing probe. 

It appears likely that carbon in a diamondoid form is the best 
material for the assemblers themselves, it is versatile, forms strong 
bonds and is relatively common. 

The model used here is somewhat reminiscent of an ant colony, 
with central assemblers supported by a population of specialized 
nanodevices such as energy-gatherers and material transporters. It 
is closely related to the auxon system [REF], which is intended to 
build solar energy collectors in desert areas. In the initial phase of 
growth both systems are doing exactly the same, replicating and 
extending solar panels, although in different environments and on 
different scales. 

Two problems are movement and energy distribution. The devices 
have to move through the regolith, and the energy from the surface 
has to be distributed into the regolith.

Create solvent? Store energy in chemical form (solvent molecule?) 
Sulphur.  Koldisulfid?

vilka temperaturer i regolit?

kemiska signaler

slime mold system

problem with rotation: several antennas

	cannot become obsolete 

The probe described here is just one possible solution to the 
problem of self-replication in space and its use for 