To hear the voice of god: cat /vmlinuz &> /dev/audio -- slashdot Q: How did you hear about our products? A: [] Recomended by a friend [] Saw ad in magazine [] Screaming butterflies spoke of them -- Slashdot "Half-assed programming was a time-filler that, like knitting, must date to the beginning of the human experience." Vernor Vinge, A Fire Upon the Deep I've always felt that a computer system is a significant statement about our relationship to the world -- how we organize our understanding of it, how we want to interact with what we know, how we wish to project the whole notion of intelligence. -- Ellen Ullman We build our computers the way we build our cities -- over time, without a plan, on top of ruins. -- Ellen Ullman It is here that the stereotype of the programmer, sitting in a dim room, growling from behind Coke cans, has its origins. The disorder of the desk, the floor; the yellow post-it notes everywhere; the white boards covered with scrawl: all this is the outward manifestation of the messiness of human thought. The messiness cannot go into the program; it piles up around the programmer. -- Ellen Ullman On average, professional coders make 100 to 150 errors in every thousand lines of code they write, according to a multiyear study of 13,000 programs by Humphrey of Carnegie Mellon. The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. -- billnapier This is one of the most beautiful bugs I've ever seen - Microsoft is clearly an innovator in bringing ever-more-advanced, aesthetically-pleasing bugs to customers. -- jdbo I used to program my IBM PC to make hideous noises to wake me up. I also made the conscious decision to hard-code the alarm time into the program, so as to make it more difficult for me to reset it. After I realised that I was routinely getting up, editing the source file, recompiling the program and rerunning it for 15 minutes extra sleep, before going back to bed, I gave up and made the alarm time a command-line option. -B.M. Buck That's *int* main() to you, citizen -Dan Martinez "The Red Book will you read, hmmm? You data on the stack, followed by your operators will you put, hmmm?" "I'm not afraid." "You will be. *You will be.*" -Dan Martinez Next week on unhinged: geeks, their anxieties, and the pre-processors that love them! -Aleecia McDonald You are talking about the Count Dracula of the computing world. The tree large enough that a stake capable of killing COBOL could be fashioned from its trunk has not yet grown anywhere upon the face of this verdant planet. -Dan Martinez "The web knows. It knows everything. The web is god." --Spike "Online communication is a fragile thing. It's also phenomenological. There is no existence beyond what we read. If you present the persona of a humorless twit, then you are one, as far as the net is concerned." --Bruce Baugh When I have understanding of computers I shall be the Supreme Being! Evil, Time Bandits the television is for swithcing off, the computer for swithcing on. Steve Jobs ...the deeper one drives the spade the harder the digging gets; maybe it has become too hard for us unless we are given some outside help, be it even by such devilish devices as high speed computing machines. -H. Weyl "Any medium powerful enough to extend man's reach is powerful enough to topple his world. To get the medium's magic to work for one's aims rather than against them is to attain literacy. " -- Alan Kay, "Computer Software", Scientific American --- You can resist the invasion of armies,but you cannot resist the invasion of ideas. Robert Söderberg I'm at ground zero in an information explosion. The more society becomes information instead of material objects, this question of whether a person can copy things will make the difference between a world of universal prosperity and a world of universal rat-race. Richard Stallman I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them. -Isaac Asimov The computer is the Proteus of machines. - Seymour Papert Information is more basic than matter and energy. Atoms, electrons, quarks consist of bits -- Binary units of information Like those processed in computer software And in the brain. The behavior of these bits, and thus of the universe, Is governed by a single programming rule. Edward Fredkin Människans förmåga att växa och utvecklas är hennes styrka. Rätt utnyttjad ger IT vingar åt denna förmåga. Det är vingar att lyfta och att överbrygga avstånd med. Det är vingar att förverkliga annars ouppnåeliga ambitioner med, vingar som kan revolutionera både vardag och arbetsliv. Genom IT:s genombrott förändras människors och länders villkor i grunden. Avstånden minskar. Samarbetet får nya verktyg. Gränser länderna emellan bryts ner till förmån för ett fritt flöde av vetande. Ekonomins internationalisering understryks ytterligare. IT skapar nya möjligheter såväl för individen som för samhället. Den ökar möjligheterna att kommunicera och att samarbeta, att ta till vara och utnyttja information och kunskap, att lösa problem och att utveckla ny kunskap. Den öppnar nya sätt att vara, arbeta, mötas och umgås. INFORMATIONSTEKNOLOGIN - Vingar åt människans förmåga Betänkande av IT-kommissionen Stockholm 1994 In the information age, sharing can increase world wealth enormously, because giving information does not decrease your information. John de Rivaz "Information vill vara fri." Tänk om man kunde säga detsamma om mä niskan... Horatius Ladislau Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It wafts across the electrified borders. Breezes of electronic beams blow through the Iron Curtain as if it were lace. -- Ronald Reagan (speaking before the Institut de France on June 15, 1989), Source: Reuters, Via: on 12-Sep-96 In the agrarian age and before, nature (matter) was being transformed by physical labor and mechanical devices (i.e. matter). Hence matter was being transformed by matter. During the Industrial Revolution, we inserted a new factor in the production process, i .e. energy (in the form of processed fuels). Hence matter was being transformed by matter, and by energy, and this lead to a quantum leap in productivity. We are now in the process of adding yet another factor in this equation: i.e. information. Today, the natural world is being transformed not only by using matter and energy, but by the introduction of information, which leads to a new explosion of productivity. We can say that virtualisation is the increasing substitution of matter by information. Michel Bauwens I don't know that it's either conscious or intelligent, but I'd count it as being alive. I'm not sure whether it's more like a parasite or more like a symbiote in re the human race. I am sure that we're much too fond of the Net to get rid of's rather like a very large electronic housecat. Nancy Lebovitz ( In the Global Village, every war is a civil war. "Why ship atoms when you ship bits?" - Negroponte cryptocosmology- sufficiently advanced communication is indistinguishable from noise - god is in the least significant bits - (FutureNerd Steve Witham) brain slow like last leaf tentative fall of seventeen bits -- Steve Within my computer-self generating alienselves and silken moons - Michael R. Collings