Transhumanist Slogans, Maxims and Quotes Slogans are quite compact memes, which can easily spread due to their small size (easy to remember and replicate) and emotional or humorous hooks. They seem to work because they slink through normal memetic defences, and open the way for other, similar memes. Therefore, I have collected some slogans and maxims with transhumanistic or extropian content, mainly gathered from Internet. Hopefully they will provide some amusement and use. Woe be to those who preach apocalypse, for they shall miss out on eternal physical life! Death comes to worshippers of limits, for they are damned by their own beliefs! Repent! Repent! And join the forces of life and extropy! Its time to stop worshipping gods, and aim at becoming gods. Markoff Chaney God made him simple. Technology made him God. Advertisement for _Lawnmower Man_ Imposition of Order = Escalation of Chaos. Discordian Catma The timeless charm of being an Overman. Anders Sandberg Death is corny. Death is passe' Individualists unite! Aristotle claimed that beyond the society of man exists only beasts and gods. Which do you choose to be? We *are* technology. William Gibson Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. Horace Mann Live fast. Live free. Live forever. Old Tek. Lo Tek. No Tek. Last one to become a monolith is a lump of protoplasm! Man: the missing link between apes and higher intelligence. We're going to space. Get out of the way. _The sky isn't right down there, Maria_ he said. _It changes colors, black to blue or red or something, and you can only see the stars part of the time, and they don't shine, they're all distorted. They twinkle. We won't have access to freefall when we want it, we'll be stuck in full gravity all the time. We couldn't keep clean - there'll be dirt everywhere. They'll make us grow plants in *mud* to *eat*._ Ubu Roy in Angel Station, Walter John Williams. Art is Technology: Technology is Art. Spread virulent scepticism. I will live forever, or die trying. I am free, you are free; we can have our separate trips or we can have the same trip. Robert Anton Wilson I am learning more about everything, including how to learn more. Robert Anton Wilson Love, and do what thou wilt. Robert Anton Wilson How I feel depends on my neurological know-how. Robert Anton Wilson I make my own coincidences, synchronicities, luck and Destiny. Robert Anton Wilson Future evolution depends on your decisions now. Robert Anton Wilson In an evolving universe, who stands still moves backward. Robert Anton Wilson Death is an imposition on the human race and no longer acceptable. Alan Harrington Give me utopia or give me oblivion! I decline to accept the end of Man. Thou shalt not alter the consciousness of thy neighbour without his or her consent. Thou shalt not prevent thy neighbour from altering his or her own consciousness. Timothy Leary The brain is the greatest sex organ of all. Help conquer the IQ shortage: worry less and think more. Once there was a time when all people believed in God and the Church ruled. This time is called the Dark Ages. The way to guide a society is not by fear and retribution, but by vision and education Epitaph: Here lies a technophobe No whimper; no blast His life's goal accomplished Zero risk at last Survival of the happiest. We, alone on Earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators. Richard Dawkins. Humans are too stupid for anarchy. We become gods first, then anarchists. Mike Price. Now's the time to be alive to see it all happen, to be a part of it. That makes the blood race, and each breath is an adventure. David Eddings. The future was now! Renaissance now! The only race worth winning is the human race. Is the surface of a planet the right place for an expanding industrial civilisation? Gerard O'Neill I'm a citizen of the universe! I don't believe in no win scenarios. The future exists first in the imagination, then in the will, then in reality. Barbara Marx Hubbard Freedom, Immortality and the Stars! L. Neil Smith Smash the state and have a nice day. Always be smarter than the people who hinder you. Don't steal. The Government hates competition. Nationality is a fetter. Adam Weishaupt The best way to predict the future is to invent it. John Scully Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced! The important thing now isn't freedom of information, but freedom of form, freedom to mutate and modify your body. Stelarc - Why is everything you like either illegal, immoral or fattening? - Dumb laws, illogical morals and inadequate biochemistry. dV/dt Cool people get their heads frozen. The meek shall inherit the Earth and the wise keep moving on. We want to become immortal by living forever, not by not dying! Anders Sandberg We are as gods and might as well get good at it. To err is human. But we aren't human. Thoughts good! Slogans bad!