Humour and Sacred Cows Sacred cows limit our thinking; they are sacrosanct concepts nobody may question, not even ourselves. This makes them incredibly tenacious memes, even when they are obviously wrong or counterproductive. One way to notice your sacred cows is to note when you get angry when you discuss with others; their questioning may have aroused your defence of the sacred cow. Another sure way of revealing the sacred cows is to try to joke about them. If there is anything a sacred cow cannot stand, it is humour (at least about itself, joking about others sacred cows is quite acceptable). The best way to reveal someone to be a fanatic or memeoid is to see if he or she can joke about his or her beliefs. As I see it, transhumanism should always be serious but never solemn. Things that may not be joked about are quite often weak and brittle - thatıs why they may not be joked about. If a concept can stand being the victim of a joke without deflating, it is worth taking seriously since it obviously have some internal strength. As I once put it, the goal of transhumanism is to create gods that can pun - and can stand being joked about.