From: FringeWare News Network
Subject: WAREZ - Transcend!
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 13:17:52 +1000
Sent from: (Mitchell Porter)
1 June, 1996
Transhuman Technologies will soon be announcing the alpha release of
Transcend![TM]. The Transcend! software package contains everything you need
to transcend the human condition, including:
- A compact, self-improving AI system, with natural-language interface
and special expertise concerning health, financial management, and the
entirety of recorded art, history, and science.
- Blueprints for a programmable, universal molecular assembler, and
many other nano- and macro-devices, including nanocomputers, disassemblers,
matter compilers, utility fog, various nanite defense systems, and
all the necessities and luxuries of macroscopic existence.
- Regimens for a variety of physical and mental transformations,
including rejuvenation, immortalization, augmentation, and transfer to
a solid-state substrate.
- Blueprints for self-replicating robotic systems (for both planetary
and cometary environments), resource extraction and construction systems,
space habitats, fusion-powered relativistic spacecraft, space elevators,
Dyson-shell solar collectors, and stellar lifters.
- Detailed instructions on how to turn your galaxy into a particle
collider of transplanckian energy, for the manufacture of
designer universes.
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