Progress and
Its Sustainability by John McCarthy. Discusses the real resource
limitations of the world.
The Singularity. Technological
evolution has steadily speeded up the last few thousand years, and it
appears likely to continue. Will this lead to a major change in human
essay on Seeker1's
Cyberanthropology Page. Towards an anthropology of futurism.
on global evolution for fellow Thinkers by Alexander Chislenko.
Mixed ideas about science fiction, economics, religion, science and
Plausible Futures. A
future oriented resource center, intended to inform decisionmakers of
possible futures.
Resources for
futures research
Futures for 2020 by Ian Pearson & Peter Cochrane. An overview
of some technologies that will likely be developed in the next 25 years.
History page by David Carey.
Seven Ages of Computer Connectivity by John F. Barber (Kairos
2.1). The consequences and interplay of the information revolution.
World: The Odd Way We Design Our Destiny by David Brin.
Scenario Planning
Scenario planning is one of the most popular methods of qualitative futurism.
It is based on identifying the driving factors of a situation, and then
building several plausible scenarios based on different outcomes. These
scenarios are not predictions, but rather descriptions of possible
outcomes and interactions.
Air Forces 2025.
A military study looking at near-future scenarios and how they will
affect the US Air Force. Contains plenty of well researched and useful
material for civil applications too. 
The Art of
the Long View User's Guide. A chapter by chapter summary of The
Art of the Long View by Peter Schwartz. Explains the principles
underlying the scenario methodology.
Global Business Network, an organization
specializing in scenario thinking and collaborative learning about the
future. See especially the sections about Scenario
Planning and the Book
Creating the future: Scenarios
for the Digital Economy by IDEA. Three scenarios of the future.
The New Society
by Samu Mielonen. A scenario for an 'utopian future'; the site mentions
an alternative 'dystopian future' - if this is the utopia, then the
dystopia is very, very bad...