Transhumanist Society
Humans are social animals, and even trans-
and posthumans will probably
in general interact socially (although there are some trans-individualists
who seek to become independent from all other human beings). What forms
of society will develop? What ethical systems works in a world where there
are enormous spans in intelligence, power and state of being between the
Equally important, how do we get there from here, without causing undue
social upheaval? Transhumanism is a philosophy among others right now,
and vulnerable to the same threats and opportunities as other ideologies.
Understanding our role in society is just as important as changing it.
Social problems and Questions
The Transparent Society
Social Science
Transhuman Life
See Also
Social Problems and Questions
How should a society be organized so that self-transformation becomes
possible and both human and transhuman values can exist side by side?
Extropians and Law
by Greg Burch.
Extropian Environmentalism
at Extropy Institute.
Extropian Environmentalism
by Greg Burch
The Nanotech Future:
A Digital Conversation with BC Crandall by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker.
How to reap the benefits from nanotechnology
without accidentally (or deliberately) ending all DNA-based life? Memetic
engineering might be an answer.
Social Implications
of Nanotechnology
Economy of Ideas by John Perry Barlow. What to do about our intellectual
property laws? They don't work in cyberspace, will they work in a posthuman
a Learning Revolution by Nicholas Negroponte, Mitchel Resnick, Justine
Cassell. Most transhumanists agree that widespread education is one of
the best ways of achieving a better world. This article discusses what
principles should control the use of digital technologies intended to
support such a learning revolution.
The Global Ideas Bank. An International
Suggestion Box at for socially innovative non-technological ideas and
projects, with £1,000 UK sterling awards annually for the best ideas or
projects submitted. 
The New
Meme by David Brin. What is it that makes Western civilization so
The Transparent Society
the pack by David Brin.
How can we use the net?
Good and the Bad: Outlines of Tomorrow by David Brin.
Transparent Society by David
Brin (Wired). The cameras are coming. They're getting smaller
and nothing will stop them. The only question is: who watches whom? 
between David Brin and John McChesney on the transparent society.
Society by Zack Stentz (Metroactive)
of The Transparent Society by Rob Slade.
and Privacy. A discussion forum on the Social Impacts of Surveillance
and Encryption.
Social Science
Culture: Experiments in Synthetic Anthropology by Nick Gessler. About
anthropoligical and social studies of simulated systems, attempting to
clarify studies of real systems.
Computer Generation: Visions
and Demands by Anders Sandberg and Robert Söderberg. About the "computer
generation", the generation who has grown up with computers and take
them for granted. What are their vi sion of the future?
Future Politics
Speculative Fiction
and Future Politics page by J. Hughes. Speculative fiction provides
a rich source of discussions about the changes in premises necessary for
democratic movements in a technologically changing world.
and The Tools of Artificial Intelligence by Denny Rock (cY.Rev #3
1995). Applications of AI tools to politics.
The Transnationalist.
Do we really need nation-states?
Future Economics (Exconomics)
To put it mildly, technologies such as nanotechnology,
biotechnology and uploading will change present economic realities. A
post-scarcity economy would be very different from our present, and so
far no economy has ever had to deal with unbounded expansion.
Uploads come First by Robin Hanson. The economics of uploading, and
its consequences.
Transhuman Life
The future of companion animals by John de
Rivaz. A look at the possibility of engineering companion beings, and
the questions that result.
Ageless Thinking: Creating
a Positive Transhuman Attitude by Natasha V. More. How to maintain
a youthful state of mind and body, and avoid ageist stereotypes.
Other Sites
David Brin, The Transparent Society, Perseus Books 1998 ISBN:
0738201448. Chapter
one is online.
See also