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Genetic Enhancements
Have you upgraded your genetics this year?
While our environment and actions can reshape us a great deal, on the deepest
level we are influenced by our genes. If they are changed, what we are is
Few other subjects of autoevolution are as controversial and debated
as genetic enhancements. By their nature they will affect future generations
in ways most other self-transformations will not, which raises thorny
ethical questions. At the same time few other technologies holds such
promises for improvement of the body.
Other Sites
See Also
Revolution by Charles Platt (Wired 5.01). About the human genome project
and where it may be leading.
Extinction of Evolution by Barry Redmond. Why evolution is now in
the hands of ourselves instead of nature.
Genetic Modifications. Sub-page about how we
can improve or change our genes. 
Find Way To Eliminate Junk Genes In Biotechnology (Purdue University
News Service). Might be useful to "clean up" the human genome.
Encoding ASCII in DNA. A proposal for a standard
way of commenting changed genome.
Now. Excerpt from Evolution Isn't What It Used to Be: The Augmented
Animal and the Whole Wired World (pp. 104-109) by Walter Truett Anderson.
In HMS Beagle, free registration in BioMedNet needed. About how eugenics
is used today, freely, without people noticing it.
Engineering the Human Germline.
A symposium held to develop a realistic scientific assessment of the technology's
potential for the next twenty years. The symposium was intended to serve
as the foundation for the approaching public policy debate.
des Lebens by Gundolf S. Freyermuth (Telepolis, 17.09.1997).
In German.
Genetics in Yahoo
as Gene-Delivery Vehicles by James M. Wilson (NEJM, May 2 1996).
About using adenoviruses in gene therapy.
therapy by Mark A. Kay, Dexi Liu, and Peter M. Hoogerbrugge (Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 12744-12746, November 1997). Some
methods for transferring genes into cells.
Therapy (Scientific American Oct 96). About the problems of
gene therapy.
the genetic tapestry by Will Sansom (The Mission, Summer 1997)

Advances in Reproductive Genetic Technologies. Review article of recent
advances diagnosis and treatment of reproductive and genetic disorders.
Ethics and Policy
Embracing Change
with All Four Arms: A Post-Humanist Defense of Genetic Engineering
by J. Hughes Ph.D. A very good discussion of the ethics of genetic engineering
of humans from a transhumanist perspective. 
Shaping Genes:
Ethics, Law and Science of Using New Genetic Technology in Medicine and
Agriculture by Darryl R. J. Macer, Ph.D. Eubios Ethics Institute 1990.
An entire book about genetics and ethics; the author is conservative (compared
to transhumanism) but brings up many interesting and relevant questions.
oss tukle med naturen by Elin Brodin (Gateavisen 1989, in Danish).
Genetic engineering to the people!
Summary Report of
Engineering the Human Germline Symposium
Overcoming Yuk
by Oliver Morton (Wired Jan 1998). It may be unnatural, but encouraging
genetic choice in humans is not bad. (It's also inevitable.)
Attraction The dubious case against fooling Mother Nature by Virginia
Postrel (Reason).
Reproductive Technology
Girl? Up to You: The long-sought ability to choose a baby's gender
may finally be a reality. By Frederic Golden (Time). About the
results of Genetics & IVF Institute
in pre-conception sex-selection.
a Girl! Is sex selection the first step to designer children? By Kathleen
Fackelmann (Science News November 28, 1998)
Shadowlands -- Secrets, Lies, and Assisted Reproduction. By George
J. Annas (NEJM September 24, 1998 Vol. 339, No. 13). Discusses
two legal cases where assisted reproduction is involved, whowing how tricky
things can get - today. With more advanced methods even more obtuse cases
will no doubt appear.
Cloning Separating
Fact from Fiction (from Genetic
Past, Present, and the Exciting Future by Marie A. Di Berardino, Ph.D.

Cloning - What it Is and Isn't.
Send in the Clones!. Why so afraid of
about Duplication: Cloning as Lens for Millenial Angst, by James J.
Problem? No problem. Interview with Gregory Stock in Wired.
The Twin Paradox
What exactly is wrong with cloning people? By Ronald Bailey (Reason).
Ethics (ABC news). On the complications when cow and human cells are
combined - is it huamn cloning or not?
for Medicine, by Ian Wilmut (Scientific American December 1998).
also Stem Cells.
Other Sites
See also