Lifestyle and Diet
Responsibility starts with a satisfactory coalition between
one's self and the demanding 1012 cells of one's own body.
-- Lilly, in Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer
Not all methods of self-transformation require advanced, unproven technology;
some have been available for a long time. Exercise, balanced eating and
healthy habits have big life extension and body
improvement potential.
Needless to say, there is an immense literature and number of
websites about health, dieting and exercise out there. Which methods work
the best for whom is a complex subject; it is a good idea to look around,
study the literature and make an educated decision, not just believe in
every passing fad. In general, the more flexible methods are the more
Diet in General
Control of Diet
Functional Foods
Taste and Sensualism
Exercise and Bodybuilding
Other Sites
See Also
Self-augmentation by David Musick. About
the simple things we can do to augment ourselves.
Health is an important but ill-defined concept. A transhumanist definition
might be that health is optimal functioning given the desires of the person
and available techniques for treatment (see Nanomedicine
by Robert A. Freitas Jr. for a more through discussion of a transhumanist
perspective of health and disease).
Determinants Of Health From A Historical Perspective by John W. Frank
and J. Fraser Mustard. What determines how healthy we are?
Treatment of the
common cold by Sherif B Mossad (BMJ 1998;317:33-36). Review
of what can be done about the common cold.
and Medicine by Ralph C. Merkle.
on taking the URLs. As more health information becomes available on
the web, the relationship between patient and doctor will change.
Food Safety and Nutrition
Information at IFIC (International Food Information Council)
10 Tips To Healthy
Does eating fruit and vegetables
protect against heart attack and stroke? by Andrew R Ness & John
W Powles. A study of the scientific evidence: yes, they are healthy.
Dr. Walford's
Food Database Search
The Hacker's
Diet, How to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition.
By John Walker.
Leptin, and the Brain, editorial in NEJM, Feb 1996. About the recent
findings about leptin, the ob gene and the hypothalamus.
Gene Quest Lures Pharmaceutical And Biofirms with Promise of Fat Profits
By Carol Potera (Genetic Engineering News, September 1 1995).
Calorie Restriction
The so far most effective method of slowing ageing and disease.
Survival Guide to the Holiday Season by Steven
Wm. Fowkes 
Functional Foods
Functional Foods.
About foods which are biologically active not just in a nutrition sense.
Strategies for Sustainment of Nutrition and Immune Function in the Field.
About stress, immune function and food. 
Supplemental Fallacy (XO Magazine). An useful reminder that there
are no magic pills; most nutrient supplements simply do not do much.
Sports Claims Measure Up? (Nutrition Science News May 1997). Evaluating
supplement claims.
An Antidote to Aging?
Aphrodisiacal Drugs.
Should be taken with a large grain of salt.
Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids

Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate,
Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline 
Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride 
Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance
FAQ: Hormone Therapy
for Transsexuals. Adjusting the body to fit the gender identity.
supplements in Google
supplements in Google
Taste and Sensualism
It is important to remember that food should not just be nutritious,
but also delicious. As transhumanists, our goal is to enjoy life, not
just prolong it. We should always keep our senses and minds open to new
sensations and experiences in order to grow and enjoy.
Experiments in
Good Taste. On the perception of taste, and genetic differences in
tasting ability. Since the tastes are detected by genetically determined
this suggests that we could add new taste receptors for an even subtler
sense of taste.
Flavor: Keeping
Pleasure In Its Place. About how taste gives us pleasure.
Food Editors Prefer
"Umami" Taste Sensation About a fifth basic taste.
The Aphrodisiac Home Page.
About drugs and foods with (reputed) aphrodisiac effects.
(Associates for Research Into the Science of Enjoyment). Organisation
for the study of pleasure.
The Responsible Parent's Guide
to Healthy Mood-Boosters for all the Family by David Pearce. A thorough
review of mood-enhancing psychopharmacology.  
Walking for Exercise and
the Ultimate Exercise?
Reality Check:
The Future of Physical Fitness (Wired). When will we get the future
of fitness?
Getting Fit Your Way - A
Self-Paced Fitness Guide
Athletic Fitness vs. Health
Fitness. After all, there is a difference between being fit and being
an athlete.
US Army Physical
Fitness Research Institute. Includes several usefuls texts.
Improving Motor
Performance This review suggests that mental training does have noticeable
positive effects.
Fitness One in the large number of fitness/health journals.
Fitness in Yahoo
Muscle Media Online "The
Art and Science of Bodybuilding".
in Yahoo
Other Sites
Adapting a healthy lifestyle and diet.
See also