Immortalism and Life Extension
I will live forever, or die trying.
One of the most important tasks of Transhumanism is the pursuit of Life
Extension and eventual immortality, since aging and death represents are
two of the most immediate hinders for total self-transformation
and personal freedom. Overcoming death is also a social and psychological
problem, since most of human culture is based on the assumption of the
eventual death of every person. A final argument for the pursuit of Life
Extension and Cryonics is that
many of the visions of Transhumanism will probably not be possible within
our (unaugumented) lifetimes.
Life Extension is directed towards finding ways of slowing and halting
aging, and possible repair of age-induced damage. The goal is to extend
the active, healthy years, not just to add more time to be old. There
may be limitations to this approach which cryonics
and uploading seek to circumvent.
Cryonic suspension
is based on the possibility that people who are cryonically preserved
today may be possible to revive in some (distant) future. See the cryonics
page for more information. Uploading (see the uploading
page for more information) seeks to escape from the biological body
General Immortalism
Life Extension in General
Life Extension Techniques
Other Sites and Organisations
See Also
Will for immortality
node in Principia Cybernetica.
by Samuel C. Silverstein, M.D. before the Congressional Biomedical Research
Cybernetic Immortality
node in Principia Cybernetica. 
and Man's Estimation of Himself by Peter
Medawar. About our responsibility for own evolution.
The Turkey Story by Garret Smyth, a parable about
Life Extension.
The Diachronic Self,
Ph. D. thesis by Max More. About the personal identity.
Brain Death and
Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and Uploading
by James J. Hughes Ph.D. How to define death when technology always pushes
the borders back?
About Deathist Memes. From the Cryonics
Mailing list.
Misadventure As A Cause
Of Death In An Immortal Population by Hugh Hixon.
Meaningfullness and Mortality
by Max More. Would life become meaningless if we were immortal?.
on Tap by Time Evans (XO Magazine).
Information Sources
Life Extension Foundation's Seven-Part Research Plan To Enable Us To Love
In Good Health For Centuries by Saul Kent. An overview of the Research
Plan of the Life Extension Foundation.
life span, and senescence by Leonard Guarente, Gary Ruvkun and Richard
Amasino (PNAS, Vol. 95, Issue 19, 11034-11036, September 15, 1998). On
the aging in model organisms.
for Leonard Hayflick. About his books and research. Many useful links
and references.
Lifestyle and Implications
Ageless Thinking: Creating a Positive Transhuman
Attitude by Natasha V. More. How to maintain a youthful state of mind
and body, and avoid ageist stereotypes.
Issues involving lifespan
extension (Is it possible? Overpopulation? Economics?)
Speculations on the Future
of Aging by Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. (from 21st
Century Online Magazine). Some of the sociological implications of
life extension.
The Future
of the Old (Rodger Doyle, By the Numbers, Scientific American May
There is no shortage of suggested methods of increasing lifespan and
slowing aging. At present there exist some treatments that show promise
in the lab (such as telomerase or genetic modifications) but are not yet
useful for humans, some which appear to promote health but whose long
term anti-aging effects remain to be seen (hormone supplementation and
caloric restriction) and many treatments (such as antioxidants) of uncertain
Life Extension Manual
by Jerry Emanuelson 
We Stay Young? by Jeffrey Kluger (Time Magazine Nov. 25 1996).
Diet and Nutrition in
Aging Page at Aeiveos (with Medline references).
Mysteries of Aging Become Less Puzzling to Scholars Experiments on animals
may provide keys to human longevity by Kim A. McDonald (Chronicle
of Higher Education). 
Genetic Life Extension. Some
ideas about how life extension could be achieved through genetic engineering.
and life span genetics The genetics of lifespan, especially in C elegans.
Robert Arking. Genetic control of lifespan in Drosophila.
Calorie Restriction
Calorie Restriction
FAQ Calorie Restriction is so far the most successful method in al
animal experiments, and it appears very likely that it has significant
effects in humans.
Mysteries of Aging: Is Diet a Contributing Factor? Edward J. Masoro.

Aging: Let Food by Thy Medicine by Emily Kane.
Calorie Restriction: A How To Guide by Steve
Chambers. A good overview of how to start CR and what to think about.
Life Extension by Leon Chaitow. A web-book about ageing and calorie
Telomerases. About one possible regulator
of cell aging.
What are Telomeres?
of human cell lifespan using telomerase. Press release from Geron
Cellular Life-Span with Telomerase (Science)
Enzyme Incites Cancer Debate by J. Travis (Science News). About the
problem of interpreting exactly what telomerase does in humans and mice.
Supplements and Hormones
DHEA Home Page. About
dehydroepiandrosterone, a substance that might have positive biological
effects. Somewhat wild theories, it will be interesting to see how well
they work out.
to Slow Brain Ageing (from Smart
Basics Newsletter). About acetyl-l-carnitine. Looks promising.
Abstracts gathered
by Thorne Research. Abstracts about various drugs discussed in life
Supplemental Fallacy by Tom Burkett (XO Vol. 1 (1994)). A sceptical
look at the use of some nutritional supplements.
Antioxidants, and the Degenerative Diseases of Aging by Bruce N. Ames,
Mark K. Shigenaga, and Tory M. Hagen.
in Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy in Adults
at the MGH Neuroendocrine Clinical Center & Pituitary Tumor Center.
Growth Hormone Prove to be the First 'Anti-Aging' Medication? by Edward
M. Lichten.
of Human Growth Hormone in Men over 60 Years Old by Daniel Rudman
et al. (The New England Journal of Medicine Volume 323 July 5,
1990 Number 1).
study of growth hormone release in man after oral administration of amino
acids by A. Isidori, A. Lo Monaco, and M. Cappa. (Curr. Med Res. Opin.,
(1981), 7, 475.) How amino acid intake can affect growth hormone release

Melatonin Central. All about melatonin.
mania: Separating the Facts from the Hype (Tim Beardsley, Scientific
American). Critical article about the hype surrounding melatonin.
Evolution by William Markiewicz (The Vagabond #9). Points out the
importance of creative experiences to limit ageing; while I disagree with
the article about the existence of a built-in defense against ageing,
I agree with it that creativity and "high" experiences can slow
Stomp by Leslie Fish. Humorous song about life extension.
Other Sites
Immortality Inc., Duane Hewitt's
Anti-Aging Page. Contains links and articles.
Pure and Applies Scientific Life
Aeiveos Home Page. Lots
of information!  
Aging Research Centre (ARC). Provides
information about current aging research.
Life Extension Foundation
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Roy Walford's
website. About CR, nutrition, art and Biosphere 2. 
Geron corporation.A company focused
on discovering, developing and commercializing products to treat cancer
and other age-related diseases, with a strong position in telomeres, telomerase
and pluripotent stem cells.
Research Group 
Roy Walford, The 120-Year
Diet, 1986
Leonard Hayflick, Robert N. Butler, How and Why We Age Ballantine
Books 1996.
Ben Bova, Immortality:
How Science Is Extending Your Lifespan, and Changing the World
Avon 1998.
Damien Broderick, The Last Mortal Generation New Holland/Struik
See also
Self-Transformation Page
Cryonics Page
Intelligence Increase Page
Physical Enhancement Page
Uploading Page
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