Alternative or Advanced
Information processing in some form or
another is essential for survival of all organisms, and the computational
requirements grow as the organisms and their environment becomes more complex.
Computing is extremely important for nearly all technologies involved in
transhumanism, either on the design stage or as an integral part of the
system. This makes it very interesting to study just how powerful computers
can become and if it is possible to use exotic architectures to solve specialised
State of the Art Computing
Reversible Computing
Quantum Computing
Optical Computing
Molecular Computing
Other Sites
See Also
State of the Art Computing
State Memory Study. A very through study of current and near-future
solid state memories.
Computing in Yahoo
Reversible Computing
Due to thermodynamic constraints most computations dissipate energy.
By using reversible systems, this dissipation can be minimized, something
that will be necessary in order to build nanocomputers.
Reversible Logic
page by Ralph Merkle.
Entropy and the Thermodynamics of Computation by Neil Gershenfeld
at the Physics and Media Group at MIT Media Lab. (PDF
version) Introduction to the thermodynamics of computation, and how
the number of degrees of fredom influences heat dissipation. 
Quantum Computing
Quantum computation uses the nonintuitive effects of quantum mechanics
to do computations much faster than normal Turing computers - assuming
quantum computers can be built in practice.
A Million
MHz CPU? by Charles Platt (Article in Wired, March 1995). Interview
with Seth Loyd about quantum com puting.
Computing with Molecules by Neil Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang (Scientific
American June 1998).
Quantum Computers by John K Clark. Informal
posting about quantum computers and what they may be able to do.
Quantum Information Home Page (has
excellent introductions to quantum cryptography, computation and communication).

computation: a tutorial by Samuel L. Braunstein.
Brief History of Quantum Computing By Simon Bone and Matias Castro.
Contains a list of links scored for readability and content.
Computing FAQ
ONRA report: Quantum
Functional Devices (from 2nd Intenational Conference, 23-25 May 1995,
Matsue, Japan). There is already a lot of work underway to build useful
quantum devices.
Spin Resonance Quantum Computation, Neil A. Gershenfeld and Isaac
L. Chuang, Science 275, pp. 350-356 (1997). Likely a very important paper,
since it demonstrates how to make a reliable quantum computer out of bulk
Adding Cellular
from the Stanford-Berkeley-MIT-IBM Quantum Computation Research Project
computing in Yahoo.
Quantum Communication
Related to quantum computation is quantum cryptography, the use of quantum
properties to create strong encryption.
I Invest in Quantum Communications Links For My Company? By Matias
Optical Computing
Since electrical signals move slower than light, it would appear reasonable
to try to develop computers based on light instead of electrons.
Lighting Computer
Storage: A new optical switch may revolutionize data storage by John
Toon. About the possibility for a three-dimensional optical storage system.
Professor Kelvin
Wagner's Optical Computing Research
Molecular Computing
Another idea is to use chemical reactions to do computation, using very
large numbers of molecules to do massively parallel calculations.
Genie (Wired 3.08, Thomas A. Bass).
Molecular Computation of
Solutions to Combinatorial Problems by Leonard M. Adleman (in researchindex).
The article that really started everything.
A Bibliography
of Molecular Computation and Splicing Systems. A bibliography in progress,
with links to relevant pages.
on DNA based Computers. Links to some interesting papers (including
breaking DES encryption and error-correction in DNA computers).
ELBA Information Network. A research
program in bioelectronics (the use of biological materials and biological
architectures for information processing systems and new devices).
Molecular Computation page. Links to papers, conferences and journals.
Constructing a Molecular Conputer by Leonard M. Adleman (compressed
A DNA and restriction
enzyme implementation of Turing machines by Paul Wilhelm Karl Rothemund
M. Adleman, Paul W. K. Rothemund, Sam Roweis, Erik Winfree: ``On
Applying Molecular Computation To The Data Encryption Standard'' 
Other Sites
See also
Information Management