Megascale Engineering
I think I have shown that there are good scientific reasons
for taking seriously the possibility that life and intelligence can succeed
in molding this universe of ours to their own purposes. - Freeman Dyson
Megascale engineering is about building/creating or using structures
on a extremely large scale, at least 1000 kilometres in diameter, often
incorporating highly advanced and/or speculative technology. Typical examples
are orbit-to-ground Beanstalks,
moving planets, Dyson Spheres
and Stellar Husbandry.
Other Sites
See Also
Engineering and Nanotechnology -- Healthy, Wealthy, Wise and plenty
to keep us from getting bored. By Keith Henson.
Megastructures in Science Fiction compiled
by Ross Smith.
The Tiplerian Scenario.
How life could spread across the universe, engulf it and evolve to the
highest possible levels.
Time Without End: Physics and Biology
in an Open Universe by Freeman J. Dyson.

Beanstalks / Orbital Elevators
A beanstalk is a cable extending from the surface of a planet to geosynchronous
orbit and beyond, held stable by the tension caused by the centifugal pull.
This would provide a very cheap and simple way to reach orbit when built.
Towers. A quick introduction to beanstalks.
The Space Elevator:
Thought Experiment, or Key to the Universe? by Arthur C. Clarke (Address
to the XXXth International Astronautical Congress, Munich, 20 September
Orbital Skyhooks for the Moon and Mars with Conventional Materials
by Hans Moravec 1978.
Space Skyhooks by Hans Moravec 1976.
bibliography by Hans Moravec 1976 (BiBTeX).
The Orbital Tower by Jerome D. Rosen. About how
a beanstalk could be built.
Mechanosynthetic Assemblers to Build an Orbital Tower by Jerome D.
Rosen (in The Assembler,
First Quarter 1996).
Elevators in the qdFAQ
Dyson Spheres and Related Structures
The Dyson sphere is the quintessential
megaengineering project - a structure enclosing the sun. It is also one
of the more useful visions, since it would provide tremendous energy and
living area.
Dyson Sphere
Spheres: A Primer by Sarah Voigt. A quick introduction.
Dyson Sphere Images
by Alexander Chislenko.
Images by James W. Williams. Renditions of the classic Niven ringworld.
Mixed Projects
Stellifying Jupiter by Del Cotter. A simple
(?) idea of how to turn Jupiter into a small star for a while.
Artificial Laser Stars by John Talbot. An interesting possibility:
using the photosphere of stars as giant lasers, for various purposes.
Water Resources : Law and Policy of Weather Control Operations. About
the problems and legislation of weather control.
Other Sites
Larry Niven, Ringworld 1970. The classic novel about a megastructure,
even if some of the physics turned out to be wrong (see for example Physics
in Science Fiction by Andrew E. Love Jr.)
Charles Sheffield, The Web Between the Worlds 1979. Novel about beanstalks
and other megaengineering, mentioned for historical rather than literary
See also
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