About This Sub-Web

Ask not what the Web can do for you,
ask what you can do on the Web.
This sub-web was started by me because I felt that there was a distinct lack of transhumanistic resources on the net. Or rather, resources existed but they were hard to find. The Web is a wonderful tool of connecting information, to tie it together and place it in a context. Two persons can link to the same information and create entirely different pages, organized in different ways and with different intentions. These pages are my attempt to play net.spider, and link together a sub-net which fits my views and memes.

My philosophy about these pages is that I want to tie together as much useful or stimulating information as possible, in areas close to or in Transhumanism. Naturally my own views create a bias, which I hereby acknowledge. I tend towards theory and speculation, and thus tend to link more to information with speculative, technical and philosophical contents than more direct matters. Since I also prefer to remain politically neutral, I have not decided to link to material with a political content, unless it is directly relevant to Transhumanism.

The sub-web I have started (It evolves partially by itself now, like all good emergent systems) seems to expand by a process of gradual expansion and branching. At first, I had a single page, which after a while became too long to be useful. Then it divided into a number of sub-pages. Recently several of these have divided, and my web have become a. This is actually reminiscent of the process of fractal clustering described by Onar Åm in his text Cyberspace and the Structure of Knowledge.

25 April 2000: I am now launching the 2.0 version of the site. The sheer size and complexity of the site has become a serious encumberance (and an interesting challenge). Transhumanism has grown and diffused into so many areas that keeping up is hardly possible anymore. Over time much has changed, both in my own views of transhumanism, transhumanism on the net and in the world. Which is great - a lot of work for me, but the alternative would be far worse... :-)

Recent Changes.

Up to the Transhuman Page

Anders Main Page

Anders Sandberg / asa@nada.kth.se