ENA, Mission, goal and methods

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Internal memorandum

From: Coordinator Struck, Dr. Jur.

To: All ENA administrative staff at Aberdeen, Stuttgart and Nice locations, copies to Brussels office.

Regarding: ENA, Mission, goal and methods.


The past week has been a trying time for all of us. As the newly appointed Coordinator, I will endeavour to foster stability and foresightedness within the organisation. It has fallen upon our organisation to solve many problems facing Europe and the world. I am confident in our ability to achieve these objectives, and I will expect no less of myself than I do from each and everyone within the ENA infrastructure. This said, I would like to address some major issues regarding policy, organisation and overall methodology. A common foundation from which to run this organisation is needed, and employees of ENA are entitled to know what values and policies that are embodied within it.

Our mission

1.       To co-ordinate national nova related efforts within the EU. The efforts may be social, economical, scientific and/or defensive in nature. No nation shall be discriminated against, the co-operative effort shall be conducted with equality and respect.

2.       To maintain a pan-European infrastructure to support research and inquiry into the nova phenomenon, along with disseminating information to the general public regarding our operations and findings.

3.       To co-ordinate, direct and maintain the ENA response team. This team will consist of specialists with and without nova powers. Their mission will be to act as a crisis-response team. They will be mandated, within the EU, to deal with miseruptions, nova-terrorism and other nova related events of importance.

4.       To manage and promote international exchange and co-operation on nova regulation, research and efforts to combat nova-related terrorism.

5.       To promote and encourage peaceful nova applications within all fields of human endeavour.

Our goals

1.       To strive for an explanation of the nova phenomenon.

2.       To promote understanding and tolerance for novas.

3.       To aid willing novas in learning to control and use their powers.

4.       To prevent novas from un-controlled or illegal use of their powers.

5.       To encourage the use of nova powers to improve living conditions within the EU and the world.

Our methodology

In our work, we will face many value judgments. This section is intended as a guide and help, to enable ENA employees to make decisions that are congruent with the aspirations of the rest of the organisation

  • Transparency. If there is no valid reason to withhold information, it should be provided to the public at self-cost. Valid reasons are set forth in a separate policy document.
  • Accountability. Our actions must be documented. No decision should be kept ”off the record”. This will help us to improve ourselves, as well as enabling the proper democratic oversight of our work.
  • Expediency. We must be efficient in our use of time and resources. If there is an easier and/or faster way of doing something, it should be tried. We must be open to new ideas in this area.