Primary guidance document for the ENA Response Team (ENAResT)

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Version: May 30th, Brussels. Rev.

The mission of ENAResT is to act as a rapid response unit in cases of miseruption and nova-related criminality.

The administration of ENAResT is housed at Stuttgart Location. Training and testing facilities are housed at Aberdeen Location.

All personell are entitled to reject a request to participate within a specific project or mission. Doing so will not prejudice their continued participation within the team.

The mandate of ENAResT operatives are determined before mission deployment. In principle, detaining powers and increased legal protection normally accorded to police and military units should be sought. If adequate mandate cannot be obtained, the TEO has the right to abort the mission, after consulting with the Co-ordinator when possible.

Once a person has elected to join a mission, he/she/it will assume the mandate and responsibility of an ENA Response Team operative. He/she/it will follow the instructions of the ENA Board (quorum session, properly constituted) or its duly appointed representative. Failure to abide by these instructions will result in exclusion from the mission, as well as benefits and authorities attached to the membership. Furthermore, breach of contract proceedings may be brought against the operative.

ENA is responsible for the security and well-being of its operativwes while on a mission. Injuries and the like will be compensated.

ENA is responsible for the acts of Team members while conducting a mission. Any claims for damages should primarily be directed at ENA. ENA reserves the right to argue compensation cases in adequate legal forums.

The ENAResT command structure during a mission is as follows.

  • ENA Board
  • ENA Board representative
  • ENA Coordinator
  • Team Executive Officer (TEO)
  • As designated by TEO

Any order to abort a mission from a higher level will be expedited immidiately by all team personnell. Unless the TEO has been removed or is temporarily unavailible, he/she/it will carry out other instructions with due regard to team safety.

If a team member deviates from an assigned mission, and interferes with the due course of the mission, or engages in criminal activities, the TEO is entitled to use all necessary means to subdue and deter he/she/it.