Meloy, “The Crow”
The only Australian nova. A middle aged rancher in West Australia,
he unexpectedly erupted while riding in May 2003. Black wings grew out
of his body, and he found parts of his skin turning into “liquid darkness”.
He found that he was able to extend these energy-absorbing fields around
himself and into the environment where he could extinguish fires, block
electricity and dampen sounds. He became an overnight celebrity but
steadfastedly refused to give interviews or participate in the media
barrage. Instead he remained at his ranch, spending as much time as
possible away from home and the attempts to reach him.
“Aaron Eaglesmith XII ”
Is an alias used by Dr Operov when leaking information. Using a devious
route, memos and other pieces of information he want out are transferred
through the distributed persona of Aaron. To confuse matters he is using
Aaron together with two other, unknown parties – he suspects one of
them is Sahran Al-Tarim, and the other likely is a NSA persona.