Dr Ishoa Ali Noah |
Player: Henrik Alpsten
Nature: ? Allegiance: ? Strength: 2 Dexterity 2, drive 1, stealth 1 Stamina 4, endurance 3, resistance 3 Perception 2 Intelligence 5, academics 3, bureaucracy 3, computer 1, linguistics 3, science 5, medicine 1, survival 1 Wits 3, rapport 1 Appearance 2 Manipulation 1, streetwise 1 Charisma 3, etiquette 1, perform 1, instruction 5 Backgrounds: cipher 2, resources 1, node 5 Willpower: 3 Taint: 4 Mega-intelligence 5 (analyse weakness, enhanced memory, scientific prodigy, taint resistance, self-analysis) Clone 1, mental blast 2 A 31 year old man of west Saharan origin. Ali Noah was the brother and helper of a sewing machine manufacturer somewhere in the vicinity of Bu Craa. A quiet erupter, he managed to get on a boat to France, where he somehow convinced the French authorities to give him a citizenship. He then insinuated himself at University Paris VII Denis Diderot as a teaching assistant and researcher, again using his uncanny ability to find bizarre loopholes in regulations and people’s willingness to ignore Africans. The fact that he managed to both produce high-quality papers in theoretical physics while also educating undergraduates did not strike anybody as weird, especially since the only other person who could truly appreciate the papers was Dr Operov at CERN. When the two ultra-geniuses met at a conference they quickly began a collaboration on nova physics that would advance the research field tremendously. The fact that Dr Noah was a nova was known to only a few select people, mostly the ENA novas. Later developments: After the death of Dr Operov, Dr Noah became the primary ENA research leader. He continued his studies in nova physics and the links to brane theory, the observations of “sun-spiders” and his own theories. In the end he would be the only nova that ended up supporting all sides in the conflict. Powers: Dr Noah is probably the most intelligent person in the world, at least in scientific matters. Even Dr Operov admitted that. He is able to become multiple versions of himself that can work on different problems or do different tasks; together they can focus their mental power into searing headaches should they feel threatened. |