Jacques de Lyones, "Le Vicomte d'Argent" |
Player: Staffan Nature: Gallant Nationality: Monaco Strength 3, brawl 1 Dexterity 2, athlestics 2, drive 1, direarms 1, legedermain 2, martial arts (classical fencing) 1, melee 2 Stamina 2, endurance 3, resistance 3 Perception 3 Intelligence 3, academics 2, linguistics 2, medicine 1 Wits 2, arts 2 Appearance 3, intibidation 2, style 2 Manipulation 3, subterfuge 2 Charisma 4, command 1, etiquette 2, perform 1 Backgrounds: Influence 2, resources 3, contacts 2 Willpower: 2 Taint: 7 Aberrations: Allergic to nickel, aberrant eyes: metal, fine metal scales cover much of his body, feeding requirement: metal (carries with him a snuff box with finely ground copper; sometimes drinks a bit a mercury on festive occasions) Quantum 4 Mega dexterity 1 (enhanced movement) Invulnerability 2 (metal), claws 4 (metal), elemental anima metal 3 (lethal blast, shape) Belonging to an old but minor noble family, Jacques was an amiable part of the Monaco social life. Old money, old world charms and plenty of style made the viscount popular. To his consternation he one day discovered that he was developing metal scales – fine, silvery scales that resisted all his attempts to remove them. His eyes began to turn metallic and his tears became mercury. He took the changes with unflappable style, and asked his secretary to contact ENA for him. Powers: The Viscount can extend long, very sharp claws of silvery metal from his body and appears unaffected by most metal weapons. Metal in his vicinity can be reshaped at will, usually into protective armor, traditional swords or elegant toys.