Daniel Roupé
Nature: Caretaker
Nationality: UK
Strength 2
Dexterity (fast): 4, Drive 2, Pilot 1
Stamina (energetic): 5, Endurance 3, Resistance 4
Perception: 3, Awareness 1, Investigation 2
Intelligence 3, Academics 3, Bureaucracy 2, Computer 2, Engineering 2,
Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Science 2
Wits (ingenious) 4, Rapport 1
Appearance 3, Intimidation 1
Manipulation (machines) 5, Interrogation 1, Subterfuge 1
Charisma 2, Command 1, Etiquette 1, Instruction 2
Background: Dormancy 3, Secret identity: 4, Backing 3, Attunement 2,
Node 2, Mentor 1
Merits and flaws: Costume fetish (1p), Impatient (1p), Sensation junkie
(2p), Technology junkie (2p), Ambidextrous (1p), Code of Honor (Hippocratic
oath) (2p), Computer Aptitude (2p), Natural born driver (2p)
Willpower: 4
Taint: 7
Aberrations: Addicted to electricity, produces a constant magnetic field,
obsessed by machines, colds and other diseases become computer viruses
that infect nearby machines.
Megaintelligence 1 (engineering prodigy), Megamanipulation 1 (remote
Forces: Molecular manipulation 2 (shape alteration, animation; only works
when touching or inhabiting a machine, and only on machines), density
control 3 (only allows to merge with machines and technological objects,
takes damage when they are damaged), Cyberkinesis 2, Bodymorph electricity
1, Magnetic mastery 1
Second generation Hong Kong Chinese immigrant in Britain. Yong was a
somewhat mediocre medical student, far more interested in mechanical things
but more or less forced by his family to become a doctor. When encountering
a MRI scanner he suddenly lost control and merged with it and its
magnetic field. Several hours later he managed to free himself, realizing
that he had become a nova. Quickly introduced to Sir Carpenter at the
UKNTF he made sure that his identity was kept secret, and established
himself as “Booster”, the UK technology nova. He kept his nova powers
secret even from his family as he moved to Aberdeen for “further studies”
while actually working for UKNTF and ENA.
Later developments: After some mutual scepticism he became one of Dr
Operov’s best assistants, developing various nova detection and extension
instruments. He worked hard to coordinate ENAReST, and excelled in Johannesburg
and the battle against Gerhart. He also came into direct contact with
the “sunspiders” as one interfered with a quantum experiment where he
was the centre; the experience left him slightly changed.
When his secret identity was revealed in British tabloids he felt betrayed
by the UKNTF; Sir Carpenter did not have much time for him due to his
own media problems, and when Operov was killed Booster saw no reason at
all to stay with the European novas. A Chinese agent had approached him
some months earlier, and now he faked his discorporation and escaped to
China (while keeping up the appearance of still working for ENA and gaining
access to secret information). In China he began to work together with
Ao Anli (“The Engineer”) on spacecraft and space development, finally
feeling he got the respect he earned.
During the final cataclysm he undervent a third eruption and began to
systematically convert mankind into a more upgraded and durable form better
suited to star-conversion.
Powers: Booster is able to meld with machines, becoming an inhabiting
electromagnetic field that is linked to all functions. In this state he
can reshape the constituent parts in arbitrary ways as well as read and
change all information in the system. As electromagnetic "ghost"
he can also project magnetic fields and produce EMP pulses.