US Special Powers Task Force
Sometimes jokingly (and derogatory) called “The Nova World Order”
Inaugurated on July 4 2004, the task force is essentially a kind of nova
national guard: enrolled novas can be called out to deal with issues where
it is judged that the novas can contribute with their powers. It also
runs information campaigns about novas and their powers to lessen misconceptions
as well as scout for eruptions.
Notable members include Julio E. Vess (”Jumping Julio”), Lane Mofetta
(”Miss Atom”), Carmella Saracino (”Lady Nasa”) and Espírito Santo Riograndense
Former senator Erik S. Bogar (rep) is the head of the task force. Bogar
has good connections in the White House and is respected outside his party.
He has been leveraging his position through the media coverage of the
task force, and is now seen almost as often as the novas themselves. Some
speculate that he plans to use his growing popularity to not just re-take
his seat in the senate but to run for president in the 2008 election.
Department of Homeland Security Directorate 6: Nova Studies
The directorate is headed by Under Secretary Christian R.Verge. It handles
all forms of nova activities as they impinge on national security. The
DHS directorate is formally responsible for the US Special Powers Task
Force and other nova-related agencies.
DHS has, as the Annarumo Committee suggested, made nova research a big
commitment. It funds much research about nova powers, physiology, eruptions,
applications and defence. It is the largest founder of nova research worldwide
and runs many projects in allied countries beside the US.
US Military
The US military claims two novas: FireStorm and Pablo ”Ribs” Garcia Villaverde.
FireStorm is currently deployed against nova terrorism in the Middle
East. The media have never been allowed to encounter FireStorm, but among
the conflicting reports it seems clear that he is able to manifest fire
powers, fly and predict enemy movements before they happen.
Villaverde is still in training, and is involved in the Team Synergy
program for integrating a nova with a team of soldiers.
Both are part of the task force, but already allocated to their duties.