Anders Anders Page
I'm not a number - I'm a vector!
Or: Who or what is this Anders anyway?
Anders Sandberg is a symbiotic entity consisting of a website, user
account and internet activity linked with a humanoid being
approximately located in Stockholm,
Sweden, most
of the time. The digital part deals with most I/O and memory storage
while the human part acts as a cognitive co-processor and interface
with the physical world.
The human Anders is currently a research student at the
SANS group at
NADA at the
Royal Institute of Technology, doing
computer modeling of the
medial temporal
lobe memory system.
He is also studying mathematics, psychology, medicine and plenty of other
For a more traditional view of Anders, see his
Curriculum Vitae
Information In Short Form
Name: Anders Sandberg (Artwork)
Medium: Automorphism
Name: Anders Sandberg (Website)
Physical Age:8 years.
Appearance: Frameless, does not use nonstandard HTML, prefers a plain and slightly geometric style with a treelike topology.
Name: Anders Sandberg (Human)
Species: Homo Sapiens
Physical Age:28 standard years proper time.
Mental Age: Varies (usually between 10 and 60)
Appearance: Somewhat similar to ex-Prime Minister Carl Bildt.
- Postal Adress: Anders Sandberg, Hagalundsgatan 7 14 tr. S-169 65 Solna, Sweden
- Office Telephone: 08-790 69 09
- E-Mail:
Academic Degree: Doctor of philosophy
Research Interests:
- Memory - how does it work? What is the role of the medial temporal
lobe, the limbic system, brainstem and septal nuclei in memory consolidation?
How can memory be enhanced?
- The ties between computer science, neurology, psychology and complexity - how does minds work, how can they be simulated/emulated/augmented, what are their powers and limitations?
- Complex systems - what is needed to create a complex, self-evolving system?
- Information visualization
- How to amplify human intelligence the most.
- The philosophy of human enhancement, and how it links with society.
Current Other (Main) Interests
After all, they are all related. Somehow.
Long Range Goals: Increasing the complexity of the universe, participate in the Omega Point
Common aliases: Frater IAM, Andreas Arenamontanus, Unit 45
Mood: Always very happy (the incidence of Happiness Induced Psychological Syndrome (HIPS) is 300% larger among my friends than in the standard population).
Metal: Mercury. Reflective, heavy, quick moving, poisons your brain.
Essence: Questing
Nature: Visionary
Demeanour: Plotter
Personality Type: XNTX (Only the 'NT' part is statistically significant, I'm probably moving between ENTJ/INTJ/ENTP/INTP in a chaotic fashion)
Dominant Leary-Wilson Circuit: Semantic (No surprise at all).
VALS type: primarily Actualizer, secondarily Experiencer.
Geek Code: GCS/M/S/O d++ H s+:+ g+ p3(30)+ !au a- w++ v+ C++++ UB+ P+ L !3 E+ N+++ K++ W-- M+ V- - Y+ t+ 5 -po+ j- R+ G'''' tv- b+++ !D B-- e+++ u++ h f+ !r n+(----) !y
Web-Portrait (using AltaVista LiveLinks)
Musical Taste: Classical music (preferably composers with names
beginning with 'B', like Bach, Beethoven,
Berlioz, Brahms etc.), Kraftwerk, Jean
Michel Jarre, minimalist music, techno, symphonic synth and
various random music.
Art Taste: Renaissance art, Surrealism, M.C. Escher, H.R. Giger, Hieronymus Bosch, anything weird but beautiful.
Book Taste: Everything, as long as it doesn't involve romance. Especially fond of hard science fiction and pure weirdness.
Cat/Dog Person: Cat Person. Cat Code: RB S G 5 X L-- W- C+++ I+++ T+/-- A E- H S++ V--- F- Q--- P- B PA PL
First Computer: Sinclair ZX-81
- Weaver of the Web
- Leader of Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow Sweden
- Illuminated Upholder of Reality
- High Priest of Reformed Church of Yog-Sothoth
- Discordian Freeman Scientist
- Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church
- Pope Ignatius the Recursive (P.I.R.P) of the Discordian Church
- Shareholder of the Universe
- Philosophus of The Bermuda Triangle
- Forsknings & Fusknings Minister av Ezenhemmer Plastpåsar och Barnuppfostringsredskapspartiet
- God of the Andersianist Religion.
- Chairman of Transhumanistiska Föreningen Aleph
Member in the following Organizations:
Roleplaying experiences:
Mutant Rymd Fundamentalist megacorporations versus high-tech demons???
Rolemaster Tables! Rules! Modifiers! There is more to life than finding a way to get 3 points extra on your character sheet.
Battletech An entire universe created for the sole purpose of letting mechs fight each other...

Star Wars I can't stand being a hero novadays.

Call of Cthulhu How to show the real horror of things?

Men Like Gods Hmm, needs something more...

Werewolf: the Apocalypse Too much of the pure and primordial for my taste - I'm of the Weaver.

Wraith: the Oblivion Concrete-grey despair...

Nephilim I hereby proclaim this game duly purified and consecrated...

Marvel Superheroes A game where the plotlines demand that you act stupid.

Drakar & Demoner Ah, the good old days...

Kult In how many ways can you combine the words "warped", "meathooks" and "blood"?

Changeling: the Dreaming Childish and fun

Cyberpunk 2020 A classic... and the cyberpunk world is starting to feel almost dated.

Aeon/Trinity An interesting world that is hard to get any bearings on.

Neotech Amazing, a good Swedish cyberpunk game!

2300AD Ah, the only game where you spend more time calculating the partial pressure of oxygen than worrying about NPC motivations.

Vampire: the Masquerade The best of the Storyteller games - passion, intrigue, black humor.

Mage: the AscensionMy favorite! Immanentizing the escaton for fun and profit!
My Character Sheet
Pecularities: Too many to list.
Magick Code: MCH/GD/O S* W G QH+++ 666+ y C++++ N+ PEC++ Ds++ a-
Images on my pages (Around 5400K
altogether). They probably reveal more about me than any number of
egocentric pages...
In his room in Dread Sweden
Anders walks around scheming.
Anders Main Page
Anders Sandberg /