Trans- and Post-humanity
Maybe technology eventually turns them into something that wouldn't
call human. But that's a choice they make -- a rational choice. Bruce
Sterling, Schismatrix
If some of the techniques discussed on the other pages will work, the
changes will be profound in all areas. So far most technological and cultural
changes have not really changed the "Human Condition" itself.
The changes in psychology, culture, social systems and science by the
step from current humanity to transhumanity
and eventual posthumanity will
be staggering, and perhaps even impossible for us to presently understand
(see the Singularity
Posthuman Civilization
Other Site
See Also
Will transhumanity remain biological, or will it gradually merge with
technology into something else? There are countless possibilities: augmented
biology, robot bodies housing uploaded
minds, minds distributed across computer networks, nanotechnological systems,
borganisms and Jupiter
My personal view is that mankind will diversify, splitting off into many
directions with different visions and ways of existing. It is quite likely
that there will remain essentially unchanged humans, living alongside
or in the shade of titanic posthuman beings.
Robots Inherit the Earth? by Marvin Minsky (Scientific American, october
Heaven in a Chip by
Bart Kosko. About the wonders of having a posthuman brain. 
Uploads by Robin
Hanson. Posthumans may look more like Tinkerbell than computers...
by St. Boniface. A dark and gothic view of posthumanity. He's got a point,
although transhumanists in general are more optimistic.
on the Superhuman Transition by William H. Calvin. Some very important
Senses Have no Future by Hans Moravec. What use is smell in cyberspace?
Posthuman senses may be incomprehensibly different from ours.  
Binary Survival Questions
by Steven B. Harris. Sci.cryonics post about uploading
versus cryonics, posthuman existence and identity.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Borganic. Life as a
group intelligence.
Posthuman Civilization
We cannot say much for certain about poshuman beings, since almost by
definition they will be much more intelligent and powerful than us, but
one can always guess, predict and create scenarios. After all, they will
still be bound by the laws of physics and economics.
No doubt these texts will be as funny to read for posthumans as Victorian
visions of a future with steam-powered robots and balloon journeys to
the Moon are to us.
A possible answer to the Fermi paradox. About
the problem of increasing subjective delays as brains speed up. 
Uploading, Self-Transformation & Sexual
Engineering by Nick Szabo.
How would it feel to exist as an upload?  
Pigs in Cyberspace by Hans Moravec. About the ecology
of a future cyberspace.  
Robots, Minds by Hans Moravec. Expanded timeline of his scenario of
the human-posthuman transition. (German Version: Die
Evolution postbiologischen Lebens)  
We, Borg. About group intelligences brought
about by technology and their possibilities, weaknesses and structure.
Networking in the
Mind Age by Alexander
Chislenko. Discusses the possibilities of distributed intelligence.
Uploads come First by Robin Hanson. The economics of uploading, and
its consequences. 
Excerpts from The Age of Mind by Hans Moravec: The
Age of Robots and The Age of Mind.  
Time Without End: Physics and Biology in
an Open Universe by Freeman J. Dyson. About the possibility of infinite
survival in the universe.
The Ethics of
Uplift by Philip Tung Yep (The Ethical Spectacle, Vol. II,
No. 3 March 1996). One activity that has been proposed for posthuman beings
is uplifting, increasing the intelligence and capabilities of non-sentinent
species until they become intelligent in their own right. This raises
interesting ethical problems.
Other Sites
The Posthuman Body
in Arkuat's Web.  
J.D. Bernal, The
World, The Flesh, The Devil: An Enquiry into the Future of the Three Enemies
of the Rational Soul 
(1929). An early and influential treatment of the possibility of posthumanity.
Most discussion about the far future of humanity has been done as science
fiction. Some notable novels with posthumans or posthuman societies are:
Olaf Stapledon, Last and First Men 
(1930, many reprints). A classic, even if many of the ideas appear dated
David Zindell, Neverness
(1990 HarperCollins). In the universe of this novel and the sequels (The
Broken God, The Wild and War in Heaven) traditional humans exist in
parallel with more or less modified humans, uploads and jupiter brains.
Quotes about Posthumans
by David Zindell
Greg Egan, Diaspora
(1997). A detailled and modern description of a posthuman society encompassing
several kinds of posthumans.
See also
Philosophy Page
The Singularity Page
The Omega Point Page
Intelligence Increase Page
Technology Page
Upload Page