Seek those who find your road agreeable, your personality and
mind stimulating, your philosophy acceptable, and your experience helpful.
Let whose who do not, seek their own kind.
Henri Fabre
Transhumanism is no dogmatic,
rigid philosophy with a fixed system of thought or goals defined once and
for all. Instead it is a conglomerate of different memes
which fit rather well together and support each other without competing
too much. This page makes an attempt to link to some of these memes, or
to memes which transhumanists tend to support for various reasons.
Transhumanist Philosophy
Definitions, Manifestos and Influential
Transhumanistic Ideas
Dynamical Optimism
Long-Range Politics
Ethics of Self-Transformation
Ethics of Complexity
Game Theory and Ethics
Ethics of different Transhuman Projects
Human Development
Scepticism and Rational Thinking
General Philosophy
Other Sites
See Also
On Becoming Posthuman
by Max More. Discusses the reasons to seek to transcend the current Human
Condition to reach Posthumanity.  
Transhumanism by
Greg Burch. A concise and readable introduction to the transhumanist way
of thinking. 
Toward new ideologies by FM-2030.
The Transhumanist Principles
Definitions of Transhumanism
de "trans-humanismo" by Nicholas Bostrom, translated by
Gustavo Muccillo Alves.
The Extropian Principles
V. 3.0 (1999) by Max More.  
The Extropian Principles
V. 2.6 (1995) by Max More.  
The Extropian Principles V. 2.5 (1993) by Max
Towards a Futurist Philosophy, Max More.  
of Transhumanism. Largely under construction, but looks very promising.
The Cybernetic Manifesto
from Principia Cybernetica. 
The Future of Evolution
node in Principia Cybernetica. 
The World, the Flesh
& the Devil, an Enquiry into the Future of the Three Enemies of
the Rational Soul, by J. D. Bernal (1929). A classic text that describes
an early vision of transhumanism .  
Engineered Evolution by Max Hunter.
Some Musings on Quality in Transhumanism Are
the goals of transhumanism quantitative or qualitative?
The Parable of the Three Fishermen by Sean
Hastings. Giving up makes the chance of loosing 100%.
On Learning How To Swim Can humanity learn
how to swim?
The Monkey Cage. Another transhumanist parable.
The Memetics of Transhumanism
and Mortality, by Max More (Cryonics #125, vol.12, no.2, February
1991). Would life become meaningless without death?
A Core Transhuman Virtue, by Max More. 
Dynamic Optimism
by Max More. A readable introduction to dynamically optimist thinking.
A Comment on the Interplay Between Dynamic Optimism
and Self Organization by Alex Bokov.
Dynamic Optimism by David Musick
While transhumanism is to a large extent firmly empirical, metaphysical
questions are commonly debated especially in conjunction with uploading,
xoxing and the extreme limits of physics.
in Principia Cybernetica 
Platonic Materialism
One metaphysical position that has been suggested mainly by people involved
with AI, uploading and computer science is that every possible mathematical
system has real existence, forming an ensemble.
Consciousness, Existence Hans Moravec (Telepolis).
Wirklichkeit ist ein Konstrukt des Bewußtseins by Hans Moravec (Telepolis).
Is reality a simulation? Maybe that is the most likely possibility.
Computer Scientist's View of Life, the Universe and Everything by
Jürgen Schmidthuber. Is the universe computable? Then it might be
cheaper in terms of information to compute all computable universes instead
of just one.
Permutation City by Greg Egan explores some of these ideas in
fictional form.
in Principia Cybernetica
Rationalism: An Extropic Metacontext for Memetic Progress by Max More
(Proceedings of Extro-1 1994). Why care for epistemology as a transhumanist,
and what to base it on.  
Epistemology Nick Gessler's Web Site.
Nano Electronics and 21st Century Global Ideological Warfare by Dr.
Hugo de Garis . A somewhat pessimistic outlook on the risks of conflict
between the 'cosmists' (essentially transhumanists seeking to expand intelligence
with no limit) and the 'terrestrialists' (who seek to keep mankind and
Earth dominant). Contains an appendix dealing with evolving brains based
on cellular automata. Great food for thought.
Politics by Michael A. G. Michaud (Cosmic Search Vol. 1 No. 3).
Ethics is one of the most hotly debated subjects among transhumanists. As
we strive towards trans- and posthumanity, many issues become important
such as what rights and responsibilities we have towards other entities,
the ethics of self-transformation, genetic engineering and cognitive enhancement.
Ethics node in Principia
Extropian Ethics
and the "Extrosattva" by Greg Burch.
by Agreement by David Gauthier reviewed by Eric Watt Forste (Extropy
About the ethics of genetic engineering. See especially Choose
Better Human Genes b y Howard Holme and Pragmatism
and Genetic Engineering by Glenn McGee.
The Hedonistic Imperative
by Dave Pearce. Argues for the ethics of hedonism, and the abolition of
all aversive experience. 
The Ethics of Cognitive
Engineering by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky. A controversial essay about the
ethics of cognitive engineering in children.
Technologies Group.
Synopsis of Bringing Life to the Stars by David
Duemler. A philosophical text which addresses the question "Should
we bring life to the rest of the solar system, or, if possible, to the
rest of the galaxy?". 
Metasystem Transition Theory
node in Principia Cybernetica.
Systems by Alexander Chislenko. About the similarities between different
types of complex systems and living beings.
Beyond vegetarianism by Anders Sandberg.
About vegetarianism, ethics and transhumanism. See also Transhuman
Vegetarian Ethics (collected by Mitch Porter) which was based on a
small email debate between Anders Sandberg and David Pearce due to the
One interesting possibility is that much of ethics can be derived from
economics and game theory - acting in a cooperative, altruistic manner
("being good") might be rational even for selfish individuals,
it is simply the most profitable way to act. If this is true, then much
of practical ethics can be based on empirical and logical facts instead
of appeals to an a priori ethics.
and Altruism by Zhahai Stewart (Musings of a Meme Gardener #4, March
Ethic Based on the Prisoner's Dilemma (The Ethical Spectacle
September 1995)
Rational Justification for Ethical Behavior (The Ethical Spectacle
Vol. II, No. 4 April 1996)
Economics and Game Theory.
Many links to economics and game theory.
Iterated Prisoners Dilemma. Site
about the most famous game theoretic scenario with applications in ethics.
Contains links to simulation software.
and Conflict: An Introductory Sketch of Game Theory by Roger A. McCain
Dilemma, an interactive game with links.
cheating and cooperation: potential solutions to the Prisoner's Dilemma
by Björn Brembs.
Rational Life" A Discussion of the Peculiar Consequences of Individuals
Living in Groups by Leon Felkins.
Dilemma papers at Xerox Parc.
Dilemma Mailing List
Related to this issue is the sociobiological basis of ethics. While the
relative importance of cultural influence and individual choice is likely
much stronger than the genetic aspects, there is little doubt that evolution
has provided us with an emotional system and deeply seated social behaviors
that have ethical relevance.
Biological basis of Morality by E.O. Wilson (The Atlantic)
Terraforming Debate -- If There Isn't Life on Mars, Should We Put Some
There? by Walter Truett Anderson (Jinn, 08-30-96). A short
article about the problem of terraforming: if we can do it, should we?
an Evolutionary Event. Should we spread life into the universe?
of Creation by David Hiebler. A paper asking "if we are successful
at creating artificial life, then what do we need to worry about?"
Dilemmas Concerning the Ultra Intelligent Machine Dr. Hugo de Garis,
Calls for the development of a moral philosophy dealing with artificial
HAL Commit Murder? by Daniel C. Dennett . What about the moral culpability
of artificial entities?
and Rights: the Ethical Demands of Artificial Agents by Matthew Elton.
Consciousness - Philosophical Problems Chris Lucas
There is no doubt that transhumanism challenges traditional notions of identity,
the definition of human, mankinds role in the universe and the limits of
Future of Man by Sir Peter Medawar. About our responsibility for our
own evolution. 
Cybernetic Immortality
node in Principia Cybernetica. 
Super- and/or Meta-beings
node in Principia Cybernetica. 
The Hedonistic
Imperative by David Pearce. An outline of a global strategy of abolishing
aversive experience and its ethics.
the Machine: Technology and Posthuman Freedom by max More (Proceedings
of Ars Electronica 1997). Are humans machines? And if we are, maybe it
is a good thing? 
Brain Death and
Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and Uploading
by James J. Hughes Ph.D.
Identities by Alexander Chislenko. Discusses the questions of evolution
contra identity, and introduces the idea of an "identity space".
The Diachronic Self,
Ph. D. thesis by Max More. About personal identity. 
The Calculus of Identity. A semi-mathematical
framwork for discussing questions of identity.
Embracing Change
with All Four Arms: A Post-Humanist Defense of Genetic Engineering
by J. Hughes Ph.D. A very good discussion of the ethics of genetic engineering
of humans from a transhumanist perspective.  
Human Genetic Enhancement Be Prohibited? by William Gardner. The author
is anti-enhancement, but his discussion of why a ban on genetic enhancements
will be unstable appears reasonable.
Attraction The dubious case against fooling Mother Nature by Virginia
I. Postrel (Reason).
Cloning and Genome Rights. Manifesto from the
The Participant Evolutionist Movement.
See also Genetic Enhancements
on the Physical Enhancement
Transhumanism encourages sceptical and rational thinking; there have been
nothing more limiting than superstitions, faith in authorities, pseudosciences
and simple stupidity in the history of humanity. Since transhumanists are
always interested in exploring radical new technologies and ideas, it becomes
doubly important to be able to distinguish truth from falsehoods.
The Secular Web. A virtual library
of information on nontheistic worldviews, including agnosticism, atheism,
freethought, humanism, and secularism. 
The Skeptic's Dictionary A dictionary
of paranormal and sceptical subjects with discussion, often quite funny.

The Church of Virus. A memetically
designed religion with transhumanist ideas.  
Science Attitudes
A Field
Guide to Critical Thinking by James Lett. How to think critically.
See also Critical Thinking
on the Intelligence Page
Technology is the tool transhumanism intends to use for self-transformation.
Predictions from Philosophy?
by Nicholas Bostrom. How analytical
philosophers could help forecast our technological future.
Theoretical Applied Science by Nick Szabo.
The Weapon
of Openness by Arthur Kantrowitz. A defense of openness, showing why
it is the best defense of democracy.
The Nerd in
the Noosphere by Michael Heim. About the conflict between virtual
and real, and possible ways to resolve it.
See also The General
Technology and Policy Page
Other philosophy, more or less linked to transhumanism.
Quotes from Finite and Infinite Games
by James P. Carse. The world isn't a zero-sum game, and it is not finite.

The Principia Cybernetica Project.
The Project's aim is the computer-supported collaborative development
of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy. In many cases it overlaps with
The New
Meme by David Brin. An essay about the memetics of critical thinking,
science, optimism and tolerance.
The Three
Laws of Arthur C. Clarke. Three useful mental tools.
My Comments on Tipler's
Theories. Tipler's Omega Point Theory is an interesting attempt to
found a new discipline of "physical escatology". Transhumanism
intends to make it an engineering discipline.
The Human Evasion by Ceila
Green. A witty attack on 'sanity', the normal state of human thinking
that doesn't dare to explore reality beyond conventional wisdom.
New Ideas? George Orwell. Yes, there are new ideas.
Oration on the
Dignity of Man by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. The paragraph beginning
with "We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself"
expresses the renaissance version of transhumanism quite well.
What is Humanism? by Frederick
Edwords. A good explanation.
or Scientific Pantheism: a religious approach to nature and the cosmos.
by Paul Harrison. A modern form of pantheism that deeply reveres the universe
and nature and joyfully accepts and embraces life, the body and earth,
but does not believe in any supernatural deities, entities or powers.
Seems to be quite compatible with transhumanism. 
The Truth: The Universe Is A Growing
God. This seems to be the first real transhumanist religion I have
encountered (with the exception of the Church of Virus above). Vaguely
related to the Omega Point
theory or the evolutionary scheme in David
Zindell's books.
Load and Run High-tech Paganism-Digital
Polytheism by Timothy Leary and Eric Gullichsen. Reality hacking,
it from bit, magick as programming and posthumanity.
Other Sites
meme workshop. Pancritical Rationalism, memetics and philosophy links.
See also
Introduction Page
The Omega Point Page
Self Transformation
Futurism Page
Linguistics Page
Memetics Page
Terminology Page