Transhumanist Mailing ListsMailing lists are ideal places to discuss and develop transhuman themes, although the format encourages discussion more than action.Sections
GeneralThe Transhuman Mailing List. General transhumanist discussions. The link seems to be broken, but if you need to unsubscribe, send email saying "unsubscribe transhuman" (or "unsubscribe transhuman-digest" as the case may be) to majordomo@logrus.org, without the quotes, from the SAME email address as the one you subscribed under! (it is case-sensitive). Presumably the same procedure applies for subscribing. Please email all technical problems to owner-transhuman@logrus.org, not to the list. The Omega Page. Information page for the Swedish-speaking Omega mailing list (In Swedish. An English version is also available). Extropy Institute Mailing lists. The Bostropians (Boston Extropians) Sasha's List of Lists. A list of about 80 mailing lists with some transhumanistic interest or otherwise appear related. Breakthrough! A newsletter on important developments in science and technology. Transhuman Technology List. Logical discussions of technologies of interest to transhumanism. Specific SubjectsMind Uploading Research Group Mailing List
Nanotechnology Related
Mailing Lists HEDG: Hyper-Economy Development Group Omega Point Mailing List. A mailing list about the Omega Point theory of Frank Tipler. Archives can be requested by e-mail from eweinmann@delphi.com (in PKZIP format). Zyvex Mailing List. Nanotechnology development. Mind-l. Mind-machines, nootropics, relaxation and other mind-altering techniques. Quantum-d. A mailing list about interesting theoretical issues in and around quantum theory. This includes so called interpretations of quantum theory from Bohr to Bohm, contemporary subjects like coherent states, quantum computation, cosmology, etc. Brainmaster mailing list. Mailing list for the brainmaster EEG system. Time-Space list. A serious discussion group for topics involving time, space, quantum physics, indeterminacy, relativity, four dimensional geometry, and all other relevant areas in context of the development of technologies that could one day facilitate space travel. See also
Anders Sandberg / asa@nada.kth.se 2000-03-11 |