The Transhuman Artist is committed to his/her own individual
growth and optimism. The medium through with the Transhuman Artist explores
his/her work is secondary to the goals of his individual Transhuman beliefs.
The Transhuman creative mind recognizes no boundaries.
Natasha V. More
What would we be without vision and beauty? Beside seeking to overcome all
present limits of biology, psychology, technology and physics, transhumanism
also seeks to overcome limits of art and aesthetics, to integrate art with
technology, science and life itself.
Transhumanist art has been defined by Natasha More as art that is based
on the transhumanist principles, visions, goals and sentiments. It is
in general optimistic, creative, combining intelligence and emotion in
unexpected ways and is future-directed instead of backward-looking. Especially
important is the automorphism sub-movement, which seeks to make self-transformation
and living itself into art. On the other hand it should not be confused
with techno and futurist art, which it overlaps with.
Not everything on this page is transhumanist art, but I feel it is more
or less relevant. A great deal is techno or futurist art, and some links
are just plain aesthetics.
Other Sites
Evolutionary and Organic Art
Roleplaying Games
Performance Art
Paintings, Images and Graphics
See Also
Natasha Vita More's Transhumanist
Art Center.
Contemporary Renaissance Futures.
"Contemporary renaissance futurists find knowledge in the past and
experience in present, but our inspiration lies with the future. By understanding
the past, we each seek to gain the analytical and synthetical tools to
create that future. By experiencing the present we appreciate the context
in which such creativity is to be exercised.". 
Transhuman World Culture InfoMark

Arcosanti: arcologies
in theory and practice. A fine example of a practical endeavor.
Nanotechnological Influence on Architecture (ed. Hugh Aldersey-Williams).
How inspiration may cross from science into art, from molecules i nto
Transarchitectures - visions
of digital communities. The architecture of virtual worlds.
Natasha V. More
Being As Art. A quotation by Walt Whitman,
with a comment by Romana Machado.
Art, Body and
Technology: Some Performers are Trying to Get over Traditional Limits
of Human Body. (In Italian).
am an artwork. A political automorphic artwork.
Carnal Art / This is my body... This is my Software... Orlan's homepage.
My Surgery and my Art
Official Stelarc Home Page
by Stelarc
Another article about Stelarc, in the cyberanthopology
Interview with Stelarc
Cosmetic Changes
to the Body
Genetic, and Evolutionary Art. Art that evolves or mimicks organic
Evolution as
Artist by Thomas S. Ray. Evolution is a creative process. Today, artists
and engineers are beginning to work together with evolution. In the future,
it may be possible for artists to work in collaboration with evolution
to produce works of art whose beauty and complexity approach that of organic
Computer Graphics by Linda Moss. A thesis, visual tour, bibliography
and links to evolutionary art.
Christa Sommerer & Laurent
Mignonneau. Interactive computer installations, sometimes involving
evolving structures., and organisation seeking
to create and deploy digital tools and environments for research and learning
about living systems. will seek to provide all of these experiences
to a large audience through the medium of virtual environments on the
Avolve. About
an interactive evolutionary artwork.
An artificial biosphere running on the WWW where you can add creatures.
Computer Artworks Ltd. Organic
art and programs.
Cybertation by Notting Hill.
Curiosity Junction. Fractals,
hypertext, spirituality and utopian ideas. Very pleasant.
A menagerie of synthesised forms, `evolved' within the computer using
a process of artificial selection.
by Aaron Davidson. A Java application for evolving pictures.
See also the Complexity Page and
the biotechnology page.
Synthetic Pleasures. A documentary
about how people are starting to change themselves and the environment.
Covers a lot of transhumanist topics. 
The Extropic Art Manifesto
by Natasha V. More.
Transhumanist Art Statement
by Natasha V. More
Recreating Reality -- Redefining Art, A continual
process by Natasha V. More.
Human? All Too Human by McKenzie Wark. About "posthuman art"
and its relationship with the nature-culture debate.
at the barricades (Matthew DeBord, The Atlantic, November 11
1998). About transhumanist art.
not in Kansas Anymore by Steve Alan Edwards. On extropic art.
by infinity.
An ironic web-artwork about self-transformation.
SWARM by Jane Prophet.
A website based on an installation inspired by some of the current thoughts
about biological machines and `hive minds. See also a description
of the installation and a critical
essay on the installation.
with Andrew Lagowski about "Ashita".
Experimental industrial music about creative forces, human insanity, artificial
consciousness, and science fiction.
See also the transhumanist entertainment page
for some filksongs.
All Watched Over
by Machines of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan. A classic poem among
computer people.
Into the era of cyberspace by Geoffrey Landis
An Extropian Poem by 'Discord'.
Gods Can Be Made by Narayan Uchigaki
Poems by E. Shaun Russell
Immortal Poem by David de Been.
I Play The Game by David Musick.
If They Could Keep A Severed Head Alive by
Two Scenes from "The Automorpher"
by Natasha V. More
Event Horizon by Michael Bowling
Morning Light by Sarah Marr
Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow by
Love and Tensor Algebra by Stanislaw Lem.
Leaf Cutter Ants by Richard Fein.
It Couldn't Be Done by Edgar A. Guest
Sonnet by Romana Machado
by Joel Meulenberg.
Virgule Reality
by Keith Allen Daniels
SciFaiku Manifesto. (SciFaikus are haiku-like poems with science fiction
topics. Many are of transhumanistic interest).
by Joseph Nechvata (computer aided poetry).
Poems at the Transhumanist
Art Centre
Roleplaying games have developed from a simple pastime to a complex art
form (even if they still are meant to be entertaining), allowing the players
to explore different scenarios, exercise their creativity and mental flexibility
and stimulating critical thinking about the world.
There are a few roleplaying games which transhuman relevance, which
allow players to explore ideas and problems from transhumanism. In addition,
some scenarios have been written up by transhumanists.
Ideas, Grand Vision. Scenario by Anders Sandberg describing a number
of future cultures and their human, transhuman and alien inhabitants.
Men Like Gods
A transhumanist roleplaying game by Phil
Goetz (with some additions by me) set in a neo-medieval future after
the Apocalypse, when nanotechnology, AI and complexity theory got out of
control. But some people still hunger after the forbidden knowledge...
Men Like Gods Homepage
and Postscript
The City Scenario
These files are part of a roleplaying scenario I wrote up, loosely based
on the Entelechy scenario by Loren Miller. The City was built long ago by
humans close to a Singularity,
and is now inhabited by people i gnorant of its true nature.
The Buildings of the City
Religion in the City
Humans and Near-humans in the City
The Robot Group A forum for interaction
between artists and technologists.
If transhumanist art has a patron saint, it must be Leonardo da Vinci:
The Drawings of
Leonardo da Vinci
Paintings by Leonardo
da Vinci
in Yahoo
in Google
Fisher. The bionic codes could be letters in a posthuman alphabet.
Liquid selves/Primordial
Dance by Karl Sims. Primordial Dance explores "visual music"
with changing patterns, and Liquid Selves how our selves may dissolve
in a virtual world.
Mark Stanley Sherwood
"There is something about the beauty of the human figure which stimulates
contemplation of the deeper mysteries of life. So far as we know, man
is the most complex, god-like creature in the universe. In him resides,
at least in potential, all the complexity and beauty of the cosmos. In
my art, I try to portray these ideals."
Terranova: Planet
of the Day.
Creation of the Computer by Toribio Hidalgo
Ghidoni. Surreal pictures with elements from cellular biology.
Museum. Art movement with imaginary artists of Tony Karp. Impressionism
meets modern technology.
Renga Museum by Etsuko Miyamoto & Paul Thiessen. It is very natural
to do renga with DNA, after all, that is what it is doing all the time.
by Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Octav. A diagram
of the human proportions from a design book.
by Anders Sandberg. See especially The
Transhuman Condition and Ethics
of Creation.
Algorithmic Art
Art with or from algorithms.
and Computational Aesthetics by David Griffeath. On using cellular
automata and other means to create art.
Fractals are definitely the most popular form of algorithmic art, with
broad appeal but also many interesting artistic challenges.
Techno Art
This is art celebrating or otherwise dealing with technology, science
or our exploration of the universe; not transhumanist art per se, but
still close to it.
Beauty of Technology. The beauty of circuit boards, words and cities.
by Chesley Bonestell. Classic space images; quite possibly posthuman
artists will paint stillebens like this.
Colony Art from the 1970s. Classic pictures (although they remind
me a bit the pictures in the pamphlets of Jehova's Witnesses - always
sunny, happy people and pleasant parklands. Reality will probably be quite
a bit less elegant.)
Space Art
SSI Sample Slides
Millennial Project Images
Images by James W. Williams. Renditions of the classic Niven ringworld
(see also my Dyson sphere
Hasegawa & Nobumitsu Kobayashi's 3dcg artworks of terraforming.
Temple Geometry by Tony Rothman (Scientific American). About
the mathematical tablets placed in temples during the period of national
seclusion. In many ways the purest form of techno art, a celebration of
Science. An interesting meld of pastiché and popular science,
seeking to present results from physics to the general audience through
The art of Motion Control.
Bruce Shapiro uses robotic tools to create complex designs in metal, based
on L-systems, fractals and Escher.
and Magnets (Discover Magazine, March 1997). About the electromagnetic
sculptures of David Durlach.
Sculptures links collected by Carlo
Séquin. Mathematical, polyhedral sculpture.
Math, and Computers -- New Ways of Creating Pleasing Shapes by Carlo
H. Séquin (Educator's TECH Exchange, January 1996).
Sicherheit Zuerst by Steve Mann.
Orlan This is my body…This is my Software…Art Books Intl Ltd;
ISBN: 0952177366 (1996)
See also
Transhumanist Books and Prose