Biology 2001:
Understanding culture, technology, and politics in "The Biological
Century" by Gregory Benford (Reason Magazine). Biotechnology
will likely become a dominant factor in the coming century, suggesting
profound changes in society, economics and ideology. 
Biodegradable Technology
by R.S. Pearson. A vision of electronics and manufacturing based on
biology. See also the
Anti-Unabomber Manifesto, which discusses this proposal.
ELBA Information Network. A
research program in bioelectronics (the use of biological materials
and biological architectures for information processing systems and
new devices)
Map the
Genome, Hack the Genome by Michael Gruber (Wired). About the people
behind the biotechnology revolution. Contains some interesting observations
on the forces that will influence how it will be applied.
Ecology and Biotechnology
in Yahoo
Artificial spider
silk by Richard Lipkin (Science News).
Animals by A. R. Shuldiner (NEJM, March 1996). About how transgenic
animals are created, and some applications.
Genetic Enhancements.
How (and why) we human will change ourselves.
Liver, Anyone? by Steven Alan Edwards (Technology Review,
July 96). About xenografs, and why they might be the next step in transplantations.
Wild at heart? by
Jay Fishman (Chemistry and Industry 97 04). About the problems
that have to be overcome before xenografts become a reality.
Ecosystem Design
Biospherics. The design of
ecologies is so far a very young area, but will probably expand and
become both art and science (for example in designing orbital colonies
or restoring the environment).
II. The most famous artificial biosphere, located in the southern
Arizona desert. Instead of going for a small and simple system, the
goal was to create a large and complex system with hopefully many levels
of resilience.
Project Outline (ISECCo).
A smaller biosphere design.
in Biosphäre II, interview of Bernd Zabel by Florian Rötzer (Telepolis,
in German).
Food Biotechnology
(IFIC). The biotechnology used in food production.
Flourish in Underground Canadian Mine by Stephanie Yanchinski, Genetic
Engineering News March 15 1995. A demonstration that plants can be grown
almost anywhere given sufficient energy, and that the yields become
very high when the environment is right.
Hydroponics Aquaculture Aquaponics
- growing plants without soil and farming fish. Probably one of the
best ways to feed mankind, and a good idea for space colonization. 
The Hydroponic Society of America.