Information Management
Data is not Information, Information is not Knowledge, Knowledge is
not Wisdom
Information has an extremely important position in transhumanistic thinking.
We will soon be able to control vast amounts of energy, manipulating matter
from the nanoscale up to the megascale.
What remains important (except energy, time and matter) is information,
how things are ordered, and the necessary intelligence to handle it.
At present we have growing problems with information overload: too much
information that could be relevant, and too little time and attention
to review it well. Finding powerful ways of organizing, finding and evaluating
information are necessary to counteract information overload and bring
about the next step: the actual transmission and storage of knowledge.
Information management is the first step to true intelligence amplification.
General and Other Sites
User Interfaces
Enhanced Reality
Wearable Computers and Smart Environments
Information Filtering, Sorting and Visualisation
Other Sites
See Also
We Have the
Information You Want, But Getting It Will Cost You: Being Held Hostage
by Information Overload by Mark R. Nelson. What is information overload,
and how to deal with it?
Future of Information Filtering by Paul Canavese.
Institute of Memetic
Engineering by Alexander Chislenko.
complete history of humans and technology by Alexander
Chislenko. A short essay about how life and intelligence have attempted
to handle information in the past.
Interaction in Yahoo
The user interface is crucial for any system. A bad interface can ruin
a tool, while good interfaces creates a symbiosis between tool and user.
Collaborative Ensembles of Humans and Software by Susanne Hupfer (Omnibus,
Dec. 1993).
thoughts on multi-agent systems and "hyper-economy" by Alexander
Chislenko. How can multi-agent systems (with both humans and AI) be coordinated
Organization papers at Xerox PARC.
Affective Computing. Including
emotions into the user interface will probably make it more usable.
A temporal alternative to the desktop metaphor. See also Mirror
Worlds Technologies.
The Eyegaze System.
An eye tracking system that acts as a visual mouse.
Input Devices of various kinds by Bob Rosenberg. Qwerty isn't the
only possible keyboard.
The user interface of reality certainly needs improving, just as we need
to improve computer interfaces a great deal too before enhanced
reality, intelligence amplification and uploading becomes useful.
Reality by Alexander Chislenko. About how we can improve the user-interface
of reality.  
Virtual Assembly by Larry Krumenaker (Technology Review). How enhanced
reality could be used to simplify assembly and repair.
The Intelligent
Room: Intelligent Enhanced Reality. A project at MIT about an intelligent
environment that interprets and augments activities occurring within it.
Augmented Reality.
Some of the current work by Ronald Azuma on see-through displays.
A multi-user augmented reality environment, where several users can
view the same virtual objects and interact with them (for example, visualization
of scientific data sets).
Survey of Augmented Reality by Ronald T Azuma. A very good overview
of current systems.
Information should be available anywhere it is needed. Hence it is interesting
to develop ways of being able to access information everywhere, to truly
integrate it in the environment or the users.
Wearable Computers
at the MIT Media Lab. Essentially these systems create the beginning of
a true exoself.
Smart Clothing by
Steve Mann. Integrating computers
into clothing.
Smart clothing:
Turning the tables (Gzipped PostScript file). About how wearable computers
can be used to enhance privacy and freedom.
Wearable, Tetherless, Computer-Mediated
Reality (with possible future applications to the disabled) by Steve
Mann. How wearable computers can act as a visual assistant and memory
wearable remembrance agent: A system for augmented memory by Bradley
J. Rhodes.
Scientist Interview of Thad Starner about wearable computing.
Wearable Computing:
A First Step Toward Personal Imaging by Steve
Mann (Computer Vol. 30, No. 2, February 1997).
Reality Through Wearable Computing. How wearable computers can be
used to implement personal enhanced reality.
Communications : The Next Craze? (from The
Armchair Scientist).
Area Networks (PAN): Near-Field Intra-Body Communication by Thomas
Zimmerman at the Physics and
Media Group at MIT Media Lab. About how information can be transmitted
through the body between worn electronic devices (and possibly implanted
Area Networks: Near-field intrabody communication by T. G. Zimmerman.
Using the body as an information carrier.
wearable computing by T. Starner. The different possible energy-sources
for wearable computers.
Tech Reports
and Publications from the MIT Vision and Modeling Group. Many interesting
A Wearable
Computer for Use in Microgravity Space and Other Non-Desktop Environments
by Edgar Matias, I. Scott MacKenzie and William Buxton.
Computer Systems at Carnegie Mellon University
links at Neurosystems
WetPC. A wearable
for underwater use.
The TurboTortoise.
A Linux system small enough to fit in a pocket.
Computing in Yahoo
Computing page by Mark Weiser. Instead of living in a virtual computer-generated
world, we should live in a real world with ubiquitious computers.
Hypertext extends the concept of text into a multidimensional form of
communication, where documents can refer to each other. This structure
has many advantages, and may be used to represent knowledge better than
normal text.
Enhancing the
World Wide Web: Social Software for the Evolution of Knowledge at
the Foresight Institute.
Supporting Knowledge Construction on the Web by Stuart Moulthrop and
Nancy Kaplan. Discusses the importance and possibilities of looking at
what documents links to a given document for judging it.
to the Singularity by Daniel G. Clemmensen. About the Singularity
and the events leading up to it, with a discussion of the >Web idea.
The Living
Textbook by Dieter Ebner. An idea for a public domain hypertext textbook
with all available information.
Theory in Yahoo
Raw information is useless, it needs to be structured and organized so
that relevant information is possible to find and new relationships can
be discovered.
Automated Collaborative
Filtering and Semantic Transports by Alexander Chislenko.
Organizing Bookmarks per Contents by Yoelle S. Maarek and Israel Z.
Ben Shaul. A way to organize bookmarks based on similarity of content.

and comparing web search tools (Bush Library, Hamline University).
A good resource on the web search tools around.
Intelligent Filtering
of Computer-Mediated Human Communication
Message Rating System Proposal by Alexander Chislenko. Sorting information
through user ratings.
Populated Information Terrains. Converting databases into virtual environments
where users can interact.
of Cyberspaces
the Structure of the World Wide Web in 3D Hyperbolic Space by Tamara
Munzner and Paul Burchard. The properties of hyperbolic space makes it
useful for visualizing graphs; there already exists some hyperbolic web-visualization
systems such as Hyperbolic
Tree from InXight.
Websom - Self-Organizing Map for
Internet Exploration. Using self-organizing maps to organize information.
A 3D applet that shows information in 2+1 dimensions. There is a paper
called Exploiting
Orthogonality in Three Dimensional Graphics for Visualizing Abstract Data
by James Wen about it.
Hyperspace, a
system for realtime visualisation of the structure of a set of web pages
being browsed.
Mapping. Turning bibliographic data into maps of knowledge.
Agents are programs that act in some sense independently of the users,
doing services for them like gathering information, routine work or keeping
watch on various things.
Agents Info. Links
to relevant information.
Agents - A Review by Brendan Berney.
agents: Software that just keeps getting better by H. Lieberman and
D. Maulsby. About agents that learn from the user.
Technical reports of the Artificial
Intelligence Lab, University of Arizona. Several reports deals with
automated knowledge discovery and meeting facilitation agents.
An Agent That Assists Web Browsing by Henry Lieberman. An agent helping
the user browse the WWW by exploring links from the current location and
suggesting items of interest.
Other Sites
See also
Information Management Page
Philosophy Page
Other Transhumanist Pages
Other Transhumanist Mailing Lists
Related Pages to Transhumanism