XENOBIOLOGY: The study of (possible) alien lifeforms
and their biology. Other related words are xenopsychology (the study
of alien mental processes), xenotechnology (the study of alien technologies)
and xenosociology (the study of alien societies). [First use unknown,
but the word has been extensively used in science fiction].
from a planet other than Earth. [Jay Prime Positive, December 1991]
XEROPHILIA: Not from the Greek root xero, meaning
"dry," but from the company that turned its dry-copying procedure
into a global trademark. The love of copying, and the ability of everything
to be copied. [The 500-Year Delta,
Jim Taylor and Watts Wacker 1997]
XOX: (from Xerox) An (atomically) identical copy of a person.
A kind of dividual. [Tihamer Toth-Fejel
December 1995]
XOXER: A being who wants to create xoxes
of itself. [Tihamer Toth-Fejel December 1995]