Physical Enhancement Page
The important thing now isn't freedom of information, but freedom of
form, freedom to mutate and modify your body.
We are our bodies, like it or not. Most transhumanists want to
modify their bodies in some way, ranging from minor cosmetic improvements
and better health to major re-engineering (and beyond, to
transbiomorphosis). This is not a denial of the body, rather a celebration
of its potential and flexibility.
The tools for physical change are manifold, but most could be called
medicine. To become healthy and strong, plain diet and exercise work quite
well, while various therapies, surgery, genetic engineering
and bionics are necessary for
the more radical changes. Since transhumanists seek
morphological freedom, it is likely that in a transhuman future the
form of the trans- or post-human
body will be extremely variable and individual, just as our clothing is
Due to the size of the field this page has been subdivided into further
General Changes
Lifestyle, Health And Diet
Cosmetic Changes
Surgical Changes
Genetic Enhancements
Other Sites
See Also
Mutation Manifesto.
On our morphological freedom.
Physical Improvements of the body. After
all, there are plenty of bugs and misfeatures left by evolution. A quick
overview of some possible non-genetic and non-bionic changes.
Enhancement Technologies
and Human Identity. A project for examining the ethics of new medical
treatments and technologies such as mental enhancement, genetics and changes
in gender identity.
The Future of Sexuality
by Natasha Vita More (talk held at Extro3 Conference, 1997). Yes, sex
is likely to be around in the future, but likely in very new forms.
Tangent: Cyborg
Consciousness. About how cyborgization may change our consciousness.
From a tutorial
in biogenetic structuralism. 
Cyborg som Nomad
by Ana Valdés (in swedish). About cyberanthropology.
It should be noted that changing the body itself is not the only option.
Bionic implants and genetic modifications can give us new capabilities,
but external objects can often do the same; what is important is the functional
relationship rather than where and what the hardware is.
as extension of human functional architecture by Alexander Chislenko.
Citizens (chapter 3 of City
of Bits by William J. Mitchell.
Stelarc's Main Site.
An artist exploring extensions and changes of the body.
See also the Automorphism section
on the art page.
Other Sites
See also
Life Extension and Immortalism Page
Cryonics Page
Intelligence Increase Page
Uploading Page
Trans- and Posthumanity Page
The Singularity Page
Philosophy Page
Technology Page